86. Illusions of a perfect life

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I stared at Adam for a long time, my eyes wide with fear and complete disbelief.

What the hell is he doing here?!

What the hell is this place?!

Where the hell am I?!

"You're taking forever" Adam said while grabbing my hand "we have to get to fourth period!"

Adam gently pulled me out of my seat and left the classroom we had currently been in, starting to take us to the fourth period he had mentioned earlier. I didn't fight him either, mainly because I felt like the strength had completely left my body. I felt like an empty shell that just roamed around mindlessly without a purpose or reason for living.

I can't believe the same Adam that use to kick, punch, shove, and abuse me is now acting like my best friend.

Adam pulled me into a classroom that had maps hanging up on the walls and I plopped down in the seat he escorted me to as he sat right next to me. Where is Naruto, Kinase, and Bee? How the hell did I end up here?!

"Adam, Ruka!" A woman said "you're both late, don't let it happen again!"

"Yeah, yeah" Adam said with a bright smile that seemed to lift the spirits of everyone in the room.

Some girls giggled and sent Adam flirtatious smiles as the teacher rolled her eyes in amusement and turned towards the board, scribbling notes on it. I must admit, now that Adam looks much older he does seem more attractive.

My eyes widened in disbelief and I hurriedly pinched myself.

What the hell am I thinking?! I can't look or think of Adam like that, besides he made my life a living hell!!! I exhaled deeply and ran a shaky hand through my hair as I tried to come up with a strategy to get me out of here.


What the....?

I glanced over at Adam but he was simply writing notes in a notebook and glancing up at the board every now and then. I must have been staring to long because he suddenly looked up and turned his head towards me before chuckling and giving me a small wink. I blushed and furiously turned my head away from him as he returned to his work, causing me to receive a few murderous glares from many girls in the classroom.

It's obvious that little whisper wasn't from Adam, so who else could it have been?


I turned my head and looked towards the door, which was open to let cool breeze in, and saw a small boy hiding partially from my sight. All I could see was his very familiar spiky blonde hair and only one of his bright blue eyes.

"Naruto?!" I muttered to myself in disbelief.

The boy waved me over with his hand and then ran away from the door disappearing from my sight completely.

Was that Naruto?!

If so he looked like he was only six years old, give or take a few years? He obviously wants me to come outside but how the hell am I gonna do that without the teacher noticing?! Maybe I can pull off the 'I have to go to the bathroom' excuse?

"Ruka" the teacher said suddenly before I could decide "would you mind coming up to the board and writing down question number 2 for us?"


I blushed red in embarrassment and stood up before walking up to the board and grabbing a marker. I glanced back at Adam and he gave me an encouraging thumbs up, causing me to turn back towards the board.

Okay, I can do this!

I nervously cleared my throat and read the question.

Q: What year did the Holocaust end?
A. 1940
B. 1983
C. 1945
D. 2000
(A/N: Try to answer it ^-^)


I don't know how answer to this! I nervously shuffled from foot and foot and stared at the four answer choices in front of me. I don't want to look like an idiot in front of the entire class, I at least have to guess. I went on a whim and circled C before hastily setting the marker down and returning to my seat.

The teacher went up and looked at my circled answer before smiling and giving me a small applause.

"That's correct!" She said, beaming.


Everyone clapped as I just sat there in disbelief, not believing I had actually gotten that problem right. At least when I get out of here I'll know what year The Holocaust ended....not that it will help me out in any way but I guess it's just cool information to know.

Adam gave me a pat on the shoulder as I stiffened up slightly and didn't say anything. Now that I really take the time to think about it, not getting bulled and being friends with Adam is the perfect life I had always dreamt of when I was younger. Then I met Naruto and decided I didn't need that perfect life anymore, besides, this is an illusion anyway. Adam would never be this kind to me......


I turned towards the door and saw the six year old Naruto peeking at me with a irritated look and furiously waving for me to come over. I looked around the room and realized no one could see or hear him except me; maybe he can help me get out of here. I started to raise my hand so I can ask to 'use the bathroom', when the bell suddenly rang and everyone began shoving things into their backpacks, eager to leave.

"C'mon" Adam said, slipping his hand into mine "time for lunch, buttercup~"

I blushed and pulled my hands out of his before proceeding to stand up on my own.

"Don't call me that" I said angrily.

"Why not?" He said laughing "it's funny and it makes you flustered!"


Adam held his hands up defensively and took a few steps back as I  huffed in annoyance and looked at the doorway to see little Naruto was long gone.

Great, how am I gonna find him now?!

I glared at Adam angrily as he rolled his eyes making me even more pissed as I stormed out of the room. Adam mentioned earlier that it was lunch now so I don't think little Naruto would appear unless I was in a less crowded place.

I let out a quiet sigh to relieve my tension before clearing my mind of any negative thoughts.

I'm gonna get out of here.....hopefully.
Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 86! I hope you enjoyed it!

Ruka: I didn't! I want to get out of this stupid, illusionary place!

Adam: Don't mind her, she's just a little confused


Me: Don't worry Ruka, things will get better

Ruka: *Hopeful* Really?!

Me: I think so.....

Ruka: *Gets an irk mark* YOU'RE THE AUTHOR! YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW!!!!!

Me: *Shrugs*

Adam: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto!

Me: Later guys!


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