74. Betrayal

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======== 1 hour later========
~Ruka's POV~

I arrived at the place Sasuke told me to meet him at an hour later, due to the fact that I was wandering around aimlessly and with frustration.

It was a large bridge that looked years old, suspended above a rather small body of water. I began walking along the bridge when I suddenly heard voices, I looked and saw Danzo holding Karin captive as Sasuke had a Chidori in his hand. Danzo's right arm looked like it had been completely ripped off because there was nothing there and he had a slightly deranged look in his eyes.

"S-Sasuke-kun!" Karin exclaimed, trying to free herself from Danzo's grip.

Danzo smirked and held Karin even tighter, knowing he had Sasuke in between a rock and a hard place. I leaned anxiously against the pillar I was by and watched, seeing what Sasuke was going to do.

"Karin" Sasuke said simply "stay still."

Stay still?

I remember when he said that to me he had said it calmly and slightly soft. Now, he said it harsh and cold. What is he going to do; I gulped nervously and still continued to watch. Karin smiled at him and remained completely still as told, when Sasuke suddenly raised his hand and shot a Chidori through Karin's chest, hitting Danzo in the process.

My eyes widened in shock, causing my breath to hitch in my throat as Karin stared at Sasuke; coughing up blood in the process.

W-Why would Sasuke do that?!

Karin slumped to the ground and began coughing up even more blood as Danzo tried to run from Sasuke, dripping blood everywhere. Sasuke began calmly following Danzo so I ran from behind the pillar and kneeled next to Karin.

"Karin!" I exclaimed, starting to heal her the way Tsunade had once showed me.


"Don't talk" I said "just let me heal you so you can get out of here."

"Your Chakra" Karin muttered, wincing slightly.

"What" I said confused.

"Your Chakra is so warm" she explained, smiling slightly "but it has a bit of coldness to it, like someone hurt you. Who hurt you?"

Naruto and Sakura ran through my mind but I remained quiet and continued healing Karin. After a few seconds, a loud explosion jerked me to my senses and I looked to see a black ball of what looked like Chakra expand gradually before disappearing. What the hell was that, whatever it was, I hope Sasue wasn't in it.

"W-What was t-that?" Karin asked, some of her strength returning.

"I don't wanna know."

I was about to return to healing Karin but before I could, I felt someone grab my wrist and drag me away from her. My eyes widened slightly and I clawed at the person but to no avail.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed "let me go!"

I fought against the person but they simply continued dragging me before slamming me against the wall. I winced slightly and before I could get up Sasuke pinned me against the wall, glaring at me.

"Don't heal her" he demanded.

"What are you talking about?!" I said furiously "you just shot a Chidori through her fucking chest! I think she needs to be healed!"

"I said no."

I stared at Sasuke for a long time in disbelief as he stared back at me, no emotions on his face whatsoever. He's so cold hearted now, I can ever tell what he's thinking.

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