Pisces (f) x Virgo (m)

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Virgo was sitting in art class with his two best friends, Taurus and Sagittarius. The three of the, sat at a four person table. Sagittarius used the extra empty chair as a foot stool.

Taurus scrolled through his phone while waiting for class to start. "I wonder what we'll be doing this time."

Virgo shrugged "I don't know, but I hope our next project is fun." Out of him and his friends, Virgo was the only one that enjoyed art. Ever since he was little, he was always drawing or painting, even if he didn't think he was very good at it. His friends on the other hand... they were only here because they need an art credit to graduate.

Sagittarius looked up and smirked. "Hey Virgo, here comes Pisces."

At the sound of her name, Virgo's face turned red. "Shhh! She could of heard you!"

"Aww look at his red little face. Is Virgo blushing?" asked Sagittarius.

"No I'm not. Oh look the teacher's coming!" Virgo had a huge crush on Pisces. Taurus and Sagittarius have known for a long time. Virgo wanted to ask her out, but he was always too nervous, so Taurus and Sagittarius tormented him about it.

"Hello class. I have another project ready for you guys and you'll need to get in groups of two. I'll let you pick your groups," announced the teacher. Then he sat down while everyone figured out who was going with who. Taurus and Sagittarius looked at each other.

Taurus casually turned around. "Oh look! Pisces doesn't seem to have a partner. Maybe you should ask her!"

Virgo's eyes snapped up to where Pisces was sitting, by herself. "I can't do that!"

Sagittarius elbowed Taurus. "I think he just needs a little help."

"What are you going to do?" Virgo ran a hand through his hair. Sagittarius never came up with ideas that worked.

"HEY PISCES!" yelled Sagittarius.

She turned around. "Yes?"

"Now's your chance!" whispered Taurus.

"Uh..." Virgo felt his entire face heat up. "Do you have a partner yet?"

"No. Would you like to be my partner?"

"Uh yeah! Sure! Can't wait!" Virgo got up to sit in the seat beside Pisces. He looked back to see Sagittarius giving him a thumbs up and Taurus was smiling.


Pisces loved art class. It was one of her favourite subjects. She always had a talent for drawing. Her mother would always frame Pisces' best drawings.

However, Pisces wondered why Virgo wanted to be HER partner. He was one of the smartest kids in school and he was sort of popular so she didn't think he even noticed quiet girls like her. Especially the ones that didn't have any friends.

"Okay so for this project you guys will be drawing each other. I want to see a variety of colour, texture, different line types and most importantly effort. We will be using the photos we took last class." The teacher then passed around everyone's pictures.

Last art class, everyone got their pictures taken and printed out. Oh no! I hope my photo turned out decent for once. School photos have their way of making me look funny... Thought Pisces. Then the teacher handed her the photo. She frowned but then Virgo took it and smiled.

"Don't worry you look nice."

Pisces internally sighed in relief. "Thanks."

"I'm not the best at drawing, so sorry if I accidentally draw one of your eyes too big or of your hands look too pointy."

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