Sagittarius (f) x Aries (m)

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Sagittarius and Aries were watching a horror movie in their apartment. They've been best friends for a long time so they decided to share an apartment but they have separate rooms. Both were graduated high school, and they attended the same university.

"Are you scared yet?" smirked Aries.

"No, of course not!" Sagittarius cuddled up next to Aries. People often thought that Aries and Sagittarius were dating because they act like it a lot, but they were just really close. "She's going to die."

"Maybe not."

"I bet you the killer is right there. I'm telling you she's dead." On the tv, the killer popped out from around the corner and killed the girl.

Aries blinked. "Oh."

"I told you."

"You were right." Aries took a handful of popcorn.

"I bet that he's going to get killed next."

"I bet he's not." The killer popped out of a cupboard in the kitchen, but the guy took a knife, fought back and ended up killing the murderer. "I won."

"That was a good movie." Sagittarius turned it off and both of them got ready to go to sleep. 


In the middle of the night Sagittarius was asleep. She was having a nightmare. Sagittarius ran as the killer chased after her. Her legs felt like they weighed one hundred pounds each and whenever she tried to scream no noise came out. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen and tried to kill the murderer but whatever she did had no effect on them. This isn't real. This is a nightmare, thought Sagittarius. Then she started pinching herself trying to wake up. Sagittarius curled up in a ball when the murderer tried to kill her. They lifted their arm and got ready to plunge the knife in her chest-

Sagittarius woke up covered in sweat. She quickly turned on the lamp on her nightstand and started trying to regain her breath. It was only a nightmare. "That wasn't real," said Sagittarius to herself. She tried to go back to sleep, but when she closed her eyes, every little sound scared her. Sagittarius got up and grabbed her phone. She walked across the hallway and knocked on the door.


Aries was in bed on his phone.

"Stupid useless dragons," muttered Aries as a dragon on his game died. Oh well, better get to sleep now. He was about to turn off his lamp, when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Why is Sagittarius knocking on my door? I hope nothing bad happened.

Sagittarius walked over to his bed and put her phone by his on the nightstand.

"What's wrong?" asked Aries.

"I had a nightmare. Can I sleep in here with you?"

"Sure. Nothing scary will bother you when I'm around." Aries as he showed off his muscles.

Sagittarius laughed and climbed in the bed next to him. "I'm kind of cold."

"Want me to put my arm around you to warm you up?"

"That would be nice."

"I'll keep the lamp on so you can sleep better."



Sagittarius was asleep. Aries couldn't fall asleep because he couldn't stop thinking about Sagittarius. He had a small crush on her, but he didn't think she liked him back. As Sagittarius slept Aries traced the words I love you on her back.

"I love you too Aries."

"What?" Aries froze.

Sagittarius chuckled. "Why don't we just make our relationship official?"

"You want to date me?"


"Then yeah, I agree. Although now I owe Scorpio fifty dollars because she bet me that I'd end up dating you."

Sagittarius turned around and kissed him."Was that worth fifty dollars?"

"I'm not sure. I think I'll need another to decide."

Sagittarius frowned and playfully hit his arm.

"Yes, it was."

"Can I sleep in here for now on?"

"If you want to."

"Okay. Let's turn my room into a gaming room."

"I like that idea." Then they both fell asleep. Sagittarius didn't have anymore nightmares.

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