Libra (f) x Virgo (f)

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Libra and Virgo were watching a movie, while relaxing on the sofa. Virgo was sitting up eating her popcorn, while Libra leaned against Virgo with her arms around her waist.

"Why are you holding onto me like that?" asked Virgo. Although, she wasn't complaining.

"Because I just love to hold you like if I let go I'm going to lose you."

"Aww you're too cute." After they kissed, Virgo wrapped her arms around her girlfriend Libra.

"I love you, Virgo."

"I love you too, Libra."

"You make me so happy I can't even explain it."

"Good. You make me feel like that too."

Libra suddenly looked serious as she bit her lip. "I'm thinking of telling my family about you tomorrow."


"I don't know how they'll react, they still don't know about us."

"It's okay Libra. Everything will be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. And if it's not fine, then I'll make it fine."

"Virgo, you're the best!"

"I'm only the best because of you. You make me a better person."

Libra chuckled. "Can I have some of that popcorn?"

"Sure." Virgo passed the bowl. Libra opened her mouth."I'm not feeding you."

Libra left her mouth open.

"You're too cute. You know that?" Virgo sighed as she put little pieces of popcorn in Libra's mouth.


  Virgo came home to see Libra on the sofa with a black eye and a few bruises. Virgo immediately dropped all her stuff and ran over to Libra.

"Libra... what happened?"

"My parents... they beat me up and kicked me out for being who I am."

"Oh honey, just stay here alright. I'll be right back." Virgo ran to get an ice pack for Libra with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. How could Libra's family be so cruel to her like that? When Virgo returned, she handed the ice pack to her. "The sight of you like this is killing me."

"It's killing me too. Can't be cute with a black eye." They both laughed.

"Don't worry Libra you're still cute. And since they kicked you out, you can stay with me." Virgo sat beside Libra on the couch and played with her hair. Libra loved it when Virgo did that.

"I can't believe they did that. They told me they loved me no matter what." Libra wrapped her arms around Virgo, and started to cry into her shirt.

Virgo tried to comfort her. "It's okay Libra, you have me."

"I know but my parents! They've been a huge part of my life since... well... since I was born."

"They're unworthy of you. They don't understand you and that's their lose because you're an amazing person, and that's why I love you."

"I'm lucky to have someone like you."

"No. We're lucky to have each other."


A couple of months later, Virgo and Libra were sitting next to each other on the warm sand with their feet dipped in the ocean.

As they held hands, Libra glanced at the ring on her finger and smiled. She couldn't stop looking at it.

Virgo also looked at the ring on her finger and smiled. Even now, everything still felt so surreal. "I'm glad we finally got to get married."

"This is the happiest I've ever been in weeks."

"Our wedding turned out perfect."

"Yeah... although I wish my parents were there."

"It's okay Libra. They didn't accept you and that's their loss. Who cares what they think when you have others that truly care about you?"

"I supposed you're right. And your parents do a good job at making me feel like part of the family."

"I'm so glad."

"This has been the perfect honeymoon. You're amazing at planning this stuff."

"I planned a honeymoon the way I thought you'd like it."

"Well as always, you did an amazing job."

Virgo paused. "I've been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"I was thinking of adopting a kid."

"I was thinking the same thing!"



"Wow, that was a lot easier then I expected."

"I love you Virgo. And I mean it, I really do love you."

"And I love you too Libra. I hope nothing will ever tear us apart."

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