Cancer (f) x Sagittarius (f)

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Cancer ran up to her best friend Sagittarius. "Hey Saggy."

"Oh Cancer, there you are!"

"I can't believe we have exams in a few days. School sucks."

"I know right. If you want you can come over to my house later to study. Then when we're done we can watch tv or play outside or something."


Cancer and Sagittarius lived close to each other. It was hard for Cancer because she had a crush on Sagittarius. What's the chance that she likes me back? She probably isn't into girls. The bell rang. Shoving that thought aside, Cancer followed Sagittarius into class.


Sagittarius waited outside for Cancer to come. After a few minutes of waiting, Cancer walked up to Sagittarius' house carrying a bag full of food and her study books.

"Come in," waved Sagittarius. They both went inside. After removing her shoes, Cancer followed Sagittarius up to her room. When they entered the room, they both sat on the floor.

Cancer pulled her books out of her backpack. "I hate language class. Like for the exam we either have to write an essay or a short story plus read three stories and answer a page full of questions per story, and we only get two hours."

"I know right! And in class we had two hours per story."

"At least these exams will be all over with soon."

"Yeah. I think I'm pretty good at math so the math exam shouldn't be too hard."

"What exam should we study for first?"

"How about science? I'm having trouble memorizing all those scientists and what they did."

"Me too. We learned like twenty names in one day!"

Sagittarius sighed. "This school is too hard on us."



A few hours later, Sagittarius was asleep on the floor and Cancer was finishing up studying for math.

"Wake up, Sagittarius. I'm done now." Sagittarius continued sleeping. "If only I could tell you how beautiful you are when you're sleeping."

Sagittarius blushed.

"OH MY GOD Sagittarius! Are you awake?!?" asked Cancer with a panicked voice.

Sagittarius smiled and looked at Cancer. "Yeah."

"So you heard what I said?"


"Oh no! I'm gonna die!" Cancer curled up in a ball because she was so embarrassed.

"Don't worry Cancer, I love you too."


"I've always kind of liked you. Romantically that is, I mean we're into the same kind of stuff and it's easy to talk to you."

"I've had a crush on you for a while now."

"Seriously? Yay!"

"I didn't know you were also into girls."

"Yeah. I didn't tell you because no one else knows."

"Yeah, no one in my family knows either."

"Yeah but your family is nice. My parents are homophobic."

"Aww." She gave Sagittarius a hug.

"It's okay. Because as long as we're best friends, I'll be alright."

"Oh. I kind of... want to be more then friends."

"Really? Me too!"

"But you just said you'll be alright as long as we're best friends."

"Just because you date someone doesn't mean you stop being best friends."

"You're right." Cancer wrapped her arms around Sagittarius' waist and Sagittarius did the same thing. They awkwardly hesitated before they kissed. "You don't know how long I've wanted to hold you and tell you I like you."

"Well, now you can."

"Yeah." They suddenly heard footsteps coming upstairs and quickly broke apart.

"Your food is ready," announced Sagittarius' mom.

"Okay, mom." Sagittarius and Cancer went down to the kitchen.


"Mmm this lasagna is delicious." Sagittarius ate so quickly she almost choked on her food.

"Maybe you should learn how to cook sometime. I'd love to show you," smiled Sagittarius' mom.

"Yeah, but I suck at cooking."

"Then I pity your future husband," joked Sagittarius' dad. Both of her parents started laughing and Sagittarius laughed nervously while looking at Cancer.

"I love how they assume I'm straight," whispered Sagittarius.

"Maybe they'll act differently if you tell them."

"You're right. I'm going to do it." Sagittarius sighed nervously. "Um... Mom, dad. I'm allergic to nuts."

Cancer choked on her drink.

"What?" asked Sagittarius' mom.

Her dad furrowed his brow. "No you're not."

"I like girls. So you should pity my future wife about my poor cooking skills."

There was an awkward silence.

"Is she your girlfriend?" asked Sagittarius' mom looking at Cancer.

"Yes, she is." Sagittarius held Cancers' hand.


"I can't believe they've accepted me." Sagittarius played with Cancer's hair. Sagittarius and Cancer were in her room again since Cancer was allowed to stay over for a sleepover.

"I know. I'm so happy for you."

"Maybe they weren't as homophobic as I thought."

"And if they are, hopefully they're learning to accept us."

"Yeah. But no matter what happens, no one can keep me away from you. You're mine."

"Don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere or with anyone else."


"Want to go see a movie next week after the exams are over?"

"Is that a date?"


"I'd love to."

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