Capricorn (f) x Aquarius (m) x Cancer (f)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Capricorn, Cancer and Aquarius were sitting in art class when the teacher walked in the classroom.
"Hello students, we'll be having an art contest soon so you guys can work on your art in class today. You're allowed to draw, paint, make a structure of something or do whatever you want. You have to have it finished by Thursday," announced the teacher. Then she sat down and everyone else was trying to think of an idea for the art competition.

Cancer was trying to think of an idea. She loved art but she wasn't the best artist in the class. I need to think of an idea to impress Aquarius. I need to make something that will really stand out! Maybe then he'll notice me... thought Cancer. Then Cancer got up and found some paints and a canvas. She tried to think of ideas but none would come to mind.

After half an hour Cancer was getting frustrated. Why can't I think of anything? Then she took her paintbrush and smacked the canvas with it which left a blue line. Wait a minute... I think I have an idea! Then Cancer kept gliding the brush across the canvas while using different colours. She was confident that this painting will turn out great.

Capricorn was drawing. She was really good at drawing and she loved it but today she was distracted. She wanted to impress her crush. No matter how well she drew it was never good enough. Even if I don't draw good enough today, everyone already knows that I'm good at drawing... right? Relax Capricorn, you're putting way too much pressure on yourself. Thought Capricorn.

Aquarius was trying to think of something to do. He knew that he wasn't going to win the art competition.
"Miss?" asked Aquarius.
"Yes?" asked the teacher.
"Can we work in partners?" asked Aquarius.
"Yes," replied the teacher.
"Wanna work together?" asked Aquarius.
"Sure," replied Pisces.
"Do you know what you want to do?" asked Aquarius.
"I was thinking of making something out of paper mâché," replied Pisces.

Later on that week the art teacher put everyone's artwork around he classroom.
"Okay students, its time to announce the winners. In first place we have Aquarius and Pisces with their paper mâché horse, in second place we have Leo with her painting of herself and in third place we have Capricorn with her drawing of the forest,"
"We won!" shouted Aquarius who gave Pisces a high five. Capricorn smiled. At least she got third place. Cancer couldn't help but to feel disappointed, but there's always next year.

Ending 1: Aquarius x Capricorn

"Hey," said Capricorn who walked up to Aquarius.
"Hi," said Aquarius.
"Congrats on winning," said Capricorn.
"Thanks! Congrats on getting third place," said Aquarius.
"I probably spent like three hours just trying to make everything look right," admitted Capricorn.
"You're one of those people who are too hard on themselves aren't you?" asked Aquarius.
"What do you mean?" asked Capricorn.
"It's obvious you spent a lot of hard work on your drawing and even now you look happy but disappointed that you didn't win at the same time. Your drawing was good even if you didn't come first," explained Aquarius.
"Really? You think that my drawing was good?" asked Capricorn.
"Yes," replied Aquarius.
"Oh. Well I'm glad you like it. Um... I was wondering if you'd like to go get like a smoothie or something with me. To celebrate doing well in the art competition," said Capricorn.
"Sure, I can drive to the smoothie shop after school and drop you off to your house later," said Aquarius. Capricorn smiled.

Ending 2: Aquarius x Cancer

Cancer smiled. It's okay, you didn't win but you still did really well. Thought Cancer. It's not like I need to win to prove how well I did, do I? I'm sure Aquarius still noticed and hopefully he thinks I did a great job. Oh who am I kidding he never notices me and he probably just glanced at my painting. I tried my hardest but it wasn't good enough.
"Hey, Cancer!" shouted Aquarius.
"Y-yes?" asked Cancer.
"Why do you look so sad? Are you alright?" asked Aquarius.
"Yeah I'm fine," replied Cancer.
"Bullshit, I can see that you're upset," then Aquarius gave Cancer a hug. Cancer blushed and hugged him back.
"It's just that I always try my best but it's never good enough," admitted Cancer.
"But your painting looks really nice!" said Aquarius. Cancer froze.
"You saw my painting? And you like it?" asked Cancer excitedly.
"Yeah, it was really cool," replied Aquarius.
"I'm so glad," said Cancer.
"Are you feeling better now or do you want to get something to eat for lunch with me. It'll be my treat," said Aquarius.
"A-are you asking me out on a date?" asked Cancer. Aquarius blushed.
"Uh... yeah," admitted Aquarius.
"I'd love to go on a date with you!" said Cancer before giving Aquarius a big hug. Aquarius smiled and hugged her back.

Ending 3: Cancer x Capricorn

Capricorn looked over and saw Cancer. Cancer looked sad to Capricorn decided to talk to her. Relax Capricorn, don't be so nervous. All you need to do is talk to her. It's not like she'll be aware of your crush on her just by talking to you. Thought Capricorn. Then she walked over to Cancer.
"Hi Cancer," said Capricorn.
"Oh, hi Capricorn," said Cancer.
"What's wrong?" asked Capricorn.
"Nothing. I'm just upset because I was really proud of my painting but now it doesn't matter," said Cancer.
"Well I saw your painting and I thought it was beautiful. All the different colours mixed together, I really liked it," said Capricorn.
"Yeah, but I was hoping that a certain someone would see the painting and finally notice me," said Cancer.
"Oh," said Capricorn.
"Now you're the one that looks sad," said Cancer.
"What? No I'm not sad," said Capricorn.
"Yes you are. Why are you sad?" asked Cancer. At that point Capricorn couldn't resist.
"It's because I like you," admitted Capricorn. Cancer blushed.
"But you like someone else," then Capricorn turned to leave.
"No wait! I-I'm into guys and girls. We can go on a date if you want," suggested Cancer.
"Really?" asked Capricorn.
"Yeah," said Cancer. Capricorn smiled.
"That would be perfect."

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