Sagittarius (f) x Cancer (m)

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Cancer was waiting in line in a smoothie shop.

"Next!" called the boy behind the counter.

"Hi, can I have a strawberry smoothie please?" asked Cancer.

"What's your name?"

"Cancer." He paid for his smoothie and stepped aside while he waited for his smoothie.

"Cancer!" called out a girl behind the counter. Cancer stepped forward, the girl behind the counter handed him his smoothie. On the cup she wrote 'Canser'. Cancer hated it when someone spelled his name wrong.

"My name is Cancer with a 'c'."

"Yeah I spelled it with a 'c'."

"No, C-A-N-C-E-R."

"Whoops. I'll get it right next time."

Before leaving Cancer glanced at the girl's name tag. It said Sagittarius. I guess we'll see if she remembers to spell my name right next time.


  A few days later, Cancer waited in the smoothie shop. He saw Sagittarius making the smoothies. Hopefully this time she'll get my name right.

After he ordered and paid for his smoothie, Cancer waited to see how she'd spell his name.

"Oh hi. It's Cancer with a 'c'," said Sagittarius as she handed Cancer his smoothie.

She remembered! Then he took his smoothie and frowned at the cup. Sagittarius wrote 'Canscer'.

"There's no 's' in my name."

"What? There isn't?" Sagittarius smirked.

"This isn't funny, it really bothers me when people spell my name wrong."

"So it's just C-A-N-C-E-R?"

"Yes. I don't know how you keep messing it up because my name is so simple."

"I don't know either. If you come back next time I promise I'll spell your name right."

Cancer sighed. "What if you don't?"

"Then I'll buy you a smoothie."

"Alright, deal!" Cancer left with his smoothie. At this point Sagittarius had a huge grin on her face.


A few days later, Cancer went back to the smoothie shop. After he ordered, he waited to see the cup with his name on it.

"Here you go." Sagittarius smirked as she handed Cancer his smoothie.

He looked up and glared at her. Sagittarius wrote 'Camcer'.

"Oops, that's supposed to be an 'n' isn't it?"

"You're doing this on purpose."

"Why would I do that?" Sagittarius shrugged with an innocent smile.

"You promised you'd buy me a smoothie if you misspelled my name again."

"Yes I did. Come by tomorrow and I'll give you your smoothie."

Cancer took his smoothie and walked away. At least I'm getting a free smoothie.


The next day, Cancer walked back to the smoothie store.

Sagittarius handed him a strawberry smoothie. "Hey, I'm on break now, we can sit down and get to know each other better."


"We should be friends! That way I'll remember your name better!"

"I don't know what you're up to but I guess it won't hurt."

"Great!" Sagittarius grabbed a smoothie that she made for herself and sat down in a booth next to Cancer.

"You spelled my name right this time."

"Your name is kind of hard to mess up."

"You messed it up three times."

"I suppose I did."

"So, why do you want to talk to me all of the sudden?"

"I'm only trying to make new friends."

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because I'm happy that I have a new friend."

"Why don't you tell me what's really going on?"

Sagittarius chuckled."Do you really want to know?"


"When you walked in here, I though you were really cute. I messed your name up on purpose so that you'd keep coming back and I'd get to see you again."

"I wondered how you could possibly keep messing my name up."

"I saw a chance to get to know you and I took it, looks like my plan worked."

Cancer blushed. "Why didn't you just ask to be my friend in the first place?"

"Because that wouldn't be any fun."



"So do you want to go on a date sometime?"

Sagittarius' grin grew even bigger. "I would love to!"

"If you spell my name wrong, I'm breaking up with you," joked Cancer.

Sagittarius chuckled."I have to get back to work in a few minutes."

"When does your shift end?"

"Three more hours."

"I'll pick you up then for our date, alright?"

"Okay. Bye Cancer!"

"Bye Sagittarius!" Cancer left and Sagittarius went back behind the counter.

She didn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

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