Gemini (f) x Aries (m) x Leo (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Gemini was hanging out with her best friend Leo at the mall.
"So... is there anything else you need here?" Asked Gemini as she drank her smoothie at the mall.
"Not really. What about you?" Asked Leo.
"I need another pair of shoes." Said Gemini.
"Don't you have enough shoes to give everyone in this mall a pair?" Asked Leo.
"I need a new pair of running shoes." Said Gemini.
"Yeah...." Said Leo who started staring at something.
"Huh?" Asked Gemini. Then she looked over to where Leo was looking. Sitting at a table beside them was a guy. He was wearing a leather jacket and he was very attractive. He glanced over at them while drinking his smoothie.
"Woah who's that?" Asked Gemini.
"I don't know. But I want to find out." Said Leo. Gemini gave him a weird look. "What? There's advantages to liking girls and guys." Said Leo.
"Yeah but he's mine." Said Gemini.
"Are we going to do this?" Asked Leo.
"Oh we're doing this." Said Gemini.
"Fine. We'll both compete over him. May the best person win." Said Leo. Then Gemini accidentally knocked a few fries on the floor.
"Wait for me to clean up the fries, so that it's fair!" Said Gemini.
"Fine." Said Leo. Then he waited.
"Okay done. Three... two... one... go!" Said Gemini. Leo tried to get up but his shoelace was tied to the leg of the table.
"What the-" Gemini stuck her tongue at him. She must of done that when she cleaned up the fries. Clever but I'm not going to lose. Thought Leo as he untied his shoe.

Gemini sat across from the boy.
"Hi." Said Gemini.
"Hi." Said the boy.
"What's your name?" Asked Gemini.
"I'm Aries. How about you?" Asked Aries.
"I'm Gemini. Me and my friend over there-" Gemini looked over but Leo was gone. Where did he go? Thought Gemini.
"Hi I'm Leo. Very pleased to meet you." Said Leo who was now sitting beside Aries.
"Hi I'm Aries." Said Aries.
"We were wondering why you were here alone." Said Gemini.
"Oh I'm waiting for my date." Said Aries.
"Oh. Really?" Asked Leo.
"Nah I'm just teasing. I needed to go shopping for something and I decided to stop in the food court." Said Aries.
"Cool. I don't remember seeing you around school anywhere." Said Leo.
"I just moved here with my mom and sister." Said Aries.
"Do you want to be our friend?" Asked Gemini and Leo at the same time.
"Sure." Said Aries.
"We just need to buy a pair of shoes then we can go wherever you need to go and after that me and Leo were thinking of going to a movie if you want to come." Said Gemini.
"I'd love to." Said Aries. Then the three of them got up.

At the theatre Leo and Gemini were trying to keep shoving themselves in front of each other so they could sit by Aries.
"Relax. I can sit in the middle of you guys really want to sit by me." Joked Aries.
"Haha yeah." Said Leo.
"He doesn't even know that we actually are fighting over him." Whispered Gemini. Then after they got their snacks Aries and Leo went over to the butter machine.
"Oh you love drenching your popcorn in butter too Aries?" Asked Gemini.
"Yeah." Said Aries.
"Gemini doesn't." Said Leo.
"What? Of coarse I do." Said Gemini drenching her popcorn in butter to prove her point. Leo laughed at how desperately she was trying to impress Aries.
"I love butter too. I get butter with a side of popcorn." Said Leo filling his bucket with butter. Gemini laughed at how desperately he was trying to impress Aries. Then the three of them sat down in the theatre.

After the movie was done the three of them were leaving.
"Okay Aries can we be honest with you?" Asked Gemini.
"Sure." Said Aries.
"Well. You see me and Leo both are kind of attracted to you so... we were wondering if you'd like to date one of us." Said Gemini.
"Wasn't expecting that." Said Aries.
"We can all still be friends. It's just... do you want to date one of us?" Asked Leo.
"Hmm..." Said Aries. Then he made a decision.

Ending 1: Gemini x Aries

"I hope you don't mind Leo, but maybe I could go on a date with Gemini sometime." Said Aries.
"Yes!" Said Gemini pumping her fist in the air.
"You won fair and square, so I'll let you guys get to know each other." Said Leo. Then he left.
"So, how'd you like the movie?" Asked Gemini.
"It was great. What about you?" Asked Aries.
"Yeah it was a good movie. So what do you want to do now?" Asked Gemini.
"Doesn't matter. How about we look around the mall a bit?" Asked Aries.
"Sure." Said Gemini.
"Anything else you need to buy?" Asked Aries.
"Well, I guess we could go shopping for food." Said Gemini.
"Sounds great." Said Aries.
"So. If you just moved here then I guess you don't know your way around the school." Said Gemini.
"Nope." Said Aries.
"Good I can show you where everything is. Hopefully you get out into my homeroom. What classes are you taking?" Asked Gemini.
"The advanced ones." Said Aries.
"Woah we have a smart one over here. Biology, chemistry or physics?" Asked Gemini.
"Biology." Said Aries.
"Awesome me too!" Said Gemini.
"I guess we can sit together in class then." Said Aries.
"Yeah." Said Gemini.
"I'm glad I got to meet you." Said Aries.
"I'm glad I got to meet you too." Said Gemini as she held his hand.

Ending 2: Gemini x Leo

"Sorry guys. I already have a girlfriend." Said Aries.
"That's alright." Said Leo.
"What's she like?" Asked Gemini.
"Well... she's really nice and she's smart and she's really thoughtful." Said Aries.
"You're a lucky guy." Said Leo.
"Thanks." Said Aries.
"So, we'll see you at school Aries." Said Gemini.
"Okay. See you guys." Said Aries as he walked away.
"Well... I guess we both lost." Said Leo.
"I was really hoping to beat you too." Said Gemini.
"You want to beat me at something?" Asked Leo.
"Yeah!" Said Gemini.
"How about we race to the car. If you win then you can tell everyone about how you're faster then me." Said Leo.
"And if you win?" Asked Gemini.
"Then I get to take you on a date." Said Leo.
"What? You like me?" Asked Gemini.
"Well I figured that if neither of us can get a date then maybe we should give it a shot." Said Leo. Then he tripped. Gemini laughed.
"Are you alright?" Asked Gemini.
"Yeah. Omg look at that lady with the yellow coat. I remember when we both had yellow coats like that and we would pretend we're twins because we had matching coats." Said Leo.
"I remember that. Wow we did a lot of fun stuff when we were younger." Said Gemini. Then Leo got up.
"Three... two... one... go!" Then Gemini tried to walk but her shoelaces were tied together. Leo kept running and stuck his tongue at her.
"Revenge is sweet Gemini, revenge is sweet."

Ending 3: Leo x Aries

"Wait so you both like me? I thought you guys were dating or something." Said Aries.
"No. we're best friends." Said Leo.
"That and he likes guys." Said Gemini.
"I like girls too. I just prefer guys." Said Leo.
"Well good news, I'm into guys too." Said Aries.
"Really?" Asked Leo, his whole face lighting up.
"Yeah. How about we go on a date sometime?" Asked Aries.
"Yeah. Sure." Said Leo looking like he just won the lottery.
"I'll go and give you guys a bit of time alone." Said Gemini. Then she left.
"So what do you want to do?" Asked Leo.
"I don't really care what we do." Said Aries.
"We could shop around a bit and later go hang out at my place." Suggested Leo.
"Sure." Said Aries.

After they were done shopping Leo and Aries were walking to Aries' car. Leo came to the mall with Gemini so her car was already gone.
"I had fun today." Said Aries smiling.
"Me too." Said Leo.
"What's wrong? You don't seem too focused." Said Aries.
"Sorry it's just that you're so hot." Said Leo. Aries blushed.
"T-Thanks." Said Aries. Then Aries opened the back door and put their shopping bags on the floor in the back. When he turned around Leo kissed him. They both looked at each other staring to each other's eyes. Then Aries picked Leo up, placed him on the back seat of the car, climbed in and shut the door. Then they continued kissing in the back seat of the car. Aries pinned Leo againced the door.
"I know I've only knows you a few hours, but I think I'm already in love with you." Said Leo.
"I'm glad you feel the same way." Said Aries. Then they continued kissing.

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