Pisces (f) x Cancer (f)

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  *** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

A/N: This is for all the LGBTQ+ kids that get abused, beat up or kicked out of their houses because of who they are. No one should be ashamed of themselves just because society is screwed up.

Cancer slowly opened her window. The stars were shining tonight. Looking at the stars usually calmed Cancer, but that wouldn't help tonight. She dropped her bag down and crawled out. She landed on the soft grass, put her bag over her shoulders and started crawling. She crawled past her dad's room careful not to make any noise. After she got to the road she heard her father's familiar drunk voice.
"CANCER! WHERE ARE YOU?" Screamed her dad. Then Cancer heard something shatter. It was probably something that belonged to her. No, something that used to belong to her. Then the lights turned on in her front yard and Cancer ran as fast as she could. Her father heard her and opened up the door to chase after her but he was too drunk to do so. Cancer ran until her legs were on fire and her lungs burned. Tears fell down her face as she thought this is it! There's no going back now. She didn't know where she was going, but she didn't care. Anywhere was better then where she used to live.

Pisces tossed and turned in her sleep. She had insomnia and hadn't slept in over 48 hours. Her parents were starting to worry and sometimes they lost sleep worrying about her. Pisces sighed. It was useless, tonight was going to be another sleepless night. Pisces put on her slippers, tied her hair in a loose ponytail and walked outside. Fresh air usually calmed her and sometimes it helped her sleep.

Pisces walked to the park very close to her house. She was going to sit in her usual spot on the bench but she saw another girl sleeping there. Pisces decided to get a closer look. The girl had fresh tears on her face and her clothes were slightly torn. She slept with her arms around a big bag. Is she poor? Or maybe she ran away from home. Thought Pisces. Then Pisces tried to open the bag to see what was inside but the second she touched it the other girl's eyes flew open. Pisces stepped back.
"What are you doing?" asked the other girl.
"I-I was just trying to see what was in your bag, I wasn't going to take anything I swear!" Said Pisces.
"Good, I need everything that's in here." Said the girl.
"What's your name?" Asked Pisces.
"I'm Cancer."
"Cool, I'm Pisces. Mind showing me what's in that bag?" Asked Pisces. Cancer sighed and opened it. Inside was water bottles, containers of food and a little square of fabric.
"I'm sorry to ask but do you have any money? I ran away from home and I need all I can get." Said Cancer. Pisces could tell that Cancer was scared.
"Why did you run away?" Asked Pisces.
"My dad. He's abusive and I couldn't take it anymore." Said Cancer.
"Did he hurt you?" Asked Pisces.
"Sometimes. He mostly called me hurtful names because he's homophobic." Said Cancer.
"That's terrible. Wait, so if he hates you because he's homophobic..."
"Yes, I'm a lesbian." Said Cancer.
"Oh. So you ran away and now you have no where to go." Said Pisces.
"Pretty much. What about you?" Asked Cancer.
"I have trouble sleeping so I took a walk." Said Pisces.
"Oh." Said Cancer.
"Here, come with me!" Said Pisces grabbing Cancer's hand.
"What? Why?" Asked Cancer.
"I have a house and you could probably stay." Said Pisces.
"But your parents-"
"My parents are nice. They would never leave a homeless girl on the streets. Are you coming or not?" Asked Pisces.
"Okay. Thank you." Said Cancer.
"You're welcome." Said Pisces.

Pisces knocked on the door and her mom opened it.
"Pisces... are you alri-" Pisces' mom's eyes widened at the sight of Cancer.
"She's homeless. Can we keep her?" Asked Pisces.
"You're homeless? Mind if I ask why?" Asked Pisces' mom.
"My dad hated me because I'm gay." Said Cancer nervously. She looked ready to burst into tears any moment.
"Well we can't leave you outside. You're still young. Come in." Said Pisces' mom. Cancer smiled and walked inside.
"Honey, what's going on?" Asked Pisces' dad.
"There's a homeless girl here, would you mind warming up some food for her? She looks hungry. While he does that why don't you go take a shower?" Asked Pisces' mom.
"Alright, thank you so much!" Said Cancer as she gave Pisces' mom a hug.

Cancer stepped out of the shower and looked at her reflection. She had unevenly cut hair, sad eyes and little bruises here and there. They just took me in like that... I was terrified that I was going to starve! I was so lucky. Thought Cancer. Then she noticed a clean pair of clothes without tears and holes placed out for her. Cancer tried them on and they were a bit big for her but she didn't mind.

As soon as Cancer got out of the bathroom Pisces led her to the dinning room.
"Do you like sandwiches?" Asked Pisces.
"My dad never fed me very much, I'll eat anything." Said Cancer. Then Cancer started eating the sandwich.
"I noticed a little square in your bag earlier. What was that?" Asked Pisces.
"That was a piece of my mother's dress. She ran away from home leaving my dad to take care of me. It's the only thing I have left of her." Said Cancer.
"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Said Pisces.
"I'm really sorry that you guys are going through so much trouble to help me, I promise I won't stay long." Said Cancer.
"What are you talking about? You don't have anywhere to go so you're welcome to stay here. Although you can leave whenever you want." Said Pisces.
"Thank you so much!" Said Cancer.
"Yeah... earlier you said that you like girls... well I might as well admit that I'm also a lesbian." Said Pisces. Cancer blushed a bit.
"Oh cool."

After Cancer finished her sandwich Pisces dragged Cancer to her room.
"I can sleep on the couch or the floor." Said Cancer.
"Nonsense. I don't mind sharing." Said Pisces.
"Okay." Said Cancer. Then both of them crawled into bed. Pisces felt comfortable with Cancer right beside her and for the first time in a while she fell asleep.

Many years later Pisces was cuddled up on the couch beside Cancer. Pisces was sleeping better these days and the dark circles under her eyes decreased a lot.
"I'm so glad I found you that night." Said Pisces.
"I'm so glad I decided to leave that awful place." Said Cancer.
"It doesn't matter what your parents thought of you, I love you and I hope you know that." Said Pisces.
"I love you too." Said Cancer as she leaned in and kissed her wife.

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