Sagittarius (f) x Scorpio (m)

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Sagittarius and Aquarius walked into class and sat down.

"So... How are things going with you and Scorpio?" asked Aquarius.

Sagittarius looked down. Her eyes started to tear up. "We got in a big fight yesterday and broke up."

"Oh. I'm so sorry I didn't know." Aquarius looked at her with sympathy.

"It's okay. There's no way you could of known that." Aquarius gave her a hug.

The teacher walked in. "Okay class, today we will be doing another assignment in partners and I will randomly chose who goes with who."

"I hope we can be together." Aquarius grabbed Sagittarius' hand.

"Me too."

"Okay so our groups are Aquarius and Cancer, Sagittarius and Scorpio..."

Sagittarius' heart stopped and she stopped listening. She was paired with Scorpio... No! She refused to work with him.

"And these groups will not be changed so don't ask."

Sagittarius got her stuff and sat beside Scorpio while glaring at him the whole time.

Scorpio pretended that he didn't care, but he looked hurt. "So... Any ideas for the project?"



"Don't call me that! Only people I care about can call me that."

"Can't you just pretend you like me so we can get a good grade on this project?"

"I'm not pretending to do anything."

"Stop being so stubborn!"

"Me? You're always the stubborn one. And that's why our relationship didn't work out!"

"Fine. But we need to start working if we're going to get a good grade on this project." Then they started working for a few minutes.

Scorpio frowned. "I don't like that idea."

"You just don't like it because it's MY idea."

"No, it's a weak idea in general."

"Better then anything you can come up with."

"No it's not. Maybe I should just do all the work by myself and you can just sit there looking pretty. That's what happened in our relationship so that's probably why it didn't work out. "

Sagittarius slapped him across the face. Everyone stopped working and looked at them.

The teacher looked up and glared at them. "Detention for both of you during lunch."

"But she's the one that slapped-"

"I don't want to hear it."

Scorpio crossed his arms. "Great look what you did."

"Me? You were being mean to me."

They continued to argue the whole class.


"I have to go to detention now, bye."

"See ya." Aquarius waved bye to Sagittarius.

Sagittarius walked away from her locker and went into the classroom and sat down. A few seconds later Scorpio walked in.

"Now you two know the rules. There will be no talking and you're not allowed to do anything." The teacher suddenly received a text and had to leave.

"Sag can't we just work this out?" asked Scorpio.

"I don't know, I'm still mad at you."

"Why are you so mad at me? I'd like to know what's really getting on your nerves."

"You broke my heart!"

"I broke your heart? But I thought you didn't love me anymore."

"Well I did. And I hate you because I still love you!" Her eyes widened as she realized what she said.

She still loves me? I've been dying to hear that. Scorpio got up and sat beside her. "Sag..."

"Stop! I didn't mean that!"


"Stop calling me that! I don't like you!"

"Sagittarius, I love you too."


"I thought we should break up because I thought you didn't love or care about me."

"Well I did, I just suck at showing emotions sometimes."

"If only I knew this sooner."

"Things could of worked out differently?"

"I don't care if you suck at showing emotions or not! As long as I know you care about me."

"So... Want to try again? I'll try to show how much I care about you."

"I think that's a great idea."

Sagittarius smiled and that made Scorpio smile too. Then they kissed.

"I know we only broke up yesterday but I've missed you so much." Sagittarius cried into his chest.

"Me too." He began to rub her back.

Eventually, Sagittarius pulled her face away. "Too bad we have to stay in here the whole hour. I was going to go to that restaurant across the road for lunch."

"How about we sneak out?"

"Really? Won't we be caught?"

"Not if we sneak back here in time."

"Great. Do you have any money? Never mind it will be my treat."

"We're also probably going to have to work on that project outside of school so we can catch up."

"As long as I can be with you."

Scorpio picked her up bridal style and snuck out through the window.

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