Virgo (f) x Virgo (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

A/N: In this one shot Virgo (m) will be called Vincent because it will be hard to write a story with two characters named Virgo.

Virgo woke up. It was Valentine's Day. Oh cool. It's that day when couples give each other chocolates and other cheesy gifts. Meh. Thought Virgo. Then she got ready to go to school.

When Virgo arrived at school there was a huge heart shaped valentine taped to her locker. Virgo looked at it confused.

Happy Valentine's Day! P.S. I like you a lot!

Virgo scanned the hallways but no one seemed to be watching her. There's someone that actually likes me? Seriously? Who would waste a valentine on ME? Now I have to find out who gave me this. Thought Virgo.
"Hey, what's that?" asked Aries as she ran up to Virgo.
"Someone gave me a valentine," muttered Virgo.
"Ooh someone likes Virgo! Who is it?" asked Aries.
"It doesn't say," replied Virgo.
"Well we absolutely have to find out. Hopefully it's a cute guy," said Aries.
"How are we going to figure out who gave me this?" asked Virgo.
"I don't know. I'll ask everyone I know if they saw someone carrying a big heart shaped valentine," said Aries.
"Thanks," said Virgo.
"No problem," replied Aries.

Virgo had trouble concentrating in class. She didn't think she was the kind of girl that people could randomly have a crush on. Then Virgo considered another idea. What if someone gave me this as a prank? Maybe someone wanted to laugh at me! Wait, no one would dare do that because they know Aries is my best friend. The whole school knows that she'll hurt anyone that messes with me. That means this isn't a joke. Thought Virgo.

When the lunch bell rang Virgo and Aries headed towards the cafeteria. There was two boxes of chocolate placed where Virgo usually sat. There was a note taped to the boxes.

For Virgo only. I'm watching, if anyone else takes one then iI'l make you buy Virgo more chocolates to replace the ones that you stole

A few people greedily eyed the boxes. They no doubt planned on taking the chocolate if Virgo didn't show up.
"Want a few chocolates?" asked Virgo.
"Sure," replied Aries.
"People should consider giving out something different than chocolates," joked Virgo.
"Like what?" asked Aries.
"I don't know. Cookies!" suggested Virgo. Aries laughed.

When lunch was almost over the lunch lady walked over to Virgo and handed her a cookie.
"Someone bought you a cookie. There's one for you too Aries," then she handed Aries a cookie and walked back into the kitchen. Virgo and Aries looked at each other and died laughing.
"When you find that boy, marry him," joked Aries.
"Now I'm dying to know who it is," said Virgo. Aries looked up and her eyes widened. Virgo spun around and saw Vincent standing behind her.
"Hi Vincent," said Virgo. Virgo and Vincent were in drama and a few of the same classes so they talked often.
"Hi Virgo. Enjoy your chocolates and cookie?" asked Vincent. Virgo's eyes widened.
"It was you?!?" asked Virgo. Vincent smiled shyly and nodded. Virgo stood up and gave him a hug.
"W-would you like to be my girlfriend? I've liked you for half a year now," said Vincent.
"Of course! You should of asked sooner," said Virgo.
"You don't seem like the type of girl that chases after guys though," said Vincent.
"Yeah but you're not like most guys. I know that you're a good person," said Virgo.
"So, wanna go see a movie tonight? They're playing some cheesy love movie and the price is fifty percent off of you bring a date," explained Vincent.
"Sounds fun. Text me later alright?" asked Virgo.
"Okay!" said Vincent. Then Vincent walked away. When he thought that Virgo couldn't see him anymore he started skipping. Virgo chuckled.
"Yay! Virgo has a boyfriend!" taunted Aries. Virgo smiled. She couldn't wait to go see that movie tonight.

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