Aquarius (f) x Sagittarius (m)

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Aquarius and her best friend Sagittarius were walking around in school.

Aquarius sighed. "I can't wait until this summer."

"I know right! Too bad we have to do finals first."

"Let's have a study party at my house again!"

"When we study at your house, it's less study and more party."

"I guess you're right." At that moment, they walked in the classroom. A group of guys started at Aquarius."Why are they staring at me?"

"Because you're pretty and hot?"

Aquarius lightly hit his arm. "Seriously, Sag."

"Maybe because there's a rumour going around that Pisces wants to ask you out on a date."


"And Taurus, leader of the group of guys over there, also wants to ask you out."

"Both of them want to ask me out? But I don't like either of them."

"If we bump into either of them in the hallway, I'll help you hide."

"That's perfect! Thanks Sag!"

"No problem, Aqua."


It was lunch time. Aquarius and Sagittarius were eating.

Sagittarius nudged Aquarius with his leg. "Here comes Pisces. Hide under the table."

"Okay." Aquarius hid under the table in the cafeteria.

Pisces approached Sagittarius. "Hi Sagittarius."

"Hi Pisces."

"Do you... um... know where Aquarius went? I have something to ask her."

"Oh, she went to the bathroom. She was feeling sick."

"Oh that's too bad. Tell her I'm looking for her, okay?"


"Thanks." Pisces walked away.

"Okay you're safe now."

Aquarius crawled out from under the table. "Will I have to hide like this for the rest of the year?"

"I don't know. I'll help you hide, but you'll have to think of something if you don't want to tell them you're not interested."

"Okay I'll do that."


Aquarius was talking to Sagittarius at his locker.

Sagittarius opened his locker. "Taurus is coming. Hide."

Aquarius climbed in his locker. Sagittarius closed the door.

"Hello Sagittarius."

"Hi Taurus."

"I'm looking for Aquarius. Have you seen her lately?"

"Oh, no I haven't. She fell down and hurt her arm in P.E. She's at the nurses and she doesn't want any visitors."

"Oh that's too bad. Tell her I said I hope she feels better." Taurus walked away.

Sagittarius opened his locker. "You can come out now. By the way Taurus says he hopes you feel better."

"I know."

"Maybe they'll back off if they think you have a boyfriend."

"But I don't have anyone to pretend to like me."

"I could pretend to be your boyfriend."

"Nah, they won't believe it."

"They what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. Keep hiding I guess."


Sagittarius and Aquarius were at the park.

Aquarius leaned against Sagittarius. They were sitting on the warm grass. "It's such a beautiful day outside. I'm glad we get to enjoy it."

"I know right. All we had was rain the last couple of days. Finally the sun is out again."

"When it gets warmer, we need to have a water fight again. Those are so fun."

"And afterwards we'll get ice cream and bounce on my trampoline."

"That sounds awesome. I can't wait."



"Pisces is coming."

"Oh no I've got no where to hide. I guess I'll have to talk to him."

Pisces smiled at them. "Hi Aqua and Sag."

Aquarius smiled to seem polite. "Hi Pisces."

Sagittarius knew his presence wasn't important to Pisces. "Hi."

Pisces' face turned red. "Um... Aquarius? I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me sometime."

"Oh... um..."

"Aquarius good thing I found you here." Taurus ran over.

Aquarius glanced at Sagittarius. "Shit."

"Taurus? What are you doing here?" asked Pisces.

"I came to ask the beautiful Aquarius on a date."

"That's what I was doing. I got here first."

"Yeah, but maybe Aquarius wants to date me instead."

"Aquarius who do you choose?"

"Me or him?"


Sagittarius stood between Aquarius and the two boys. "She doesn't want to choose either of you, so leave her alone."

Pisces narrowed his eyes. "We didn't ask you."

Taurus looked at Aquarius. "Which one?"

Aquarius stood up. "Neither of you. I choose Sagittarius."

"WHAT?!?" asked Pisces, Taurus and Sagittarius at the same time.

"You heard me. Sag to be honest, I really like you and I'd like to give our relationship a try, because I believe we could be happy together."

"I'm so happy you chose me." Sagittarius and Aquarius ran away while holding hands.

"Did she just choose Sag over us?" asked Pisces.

"I think she did."

"That's too bad. I guess it can't be helped."

"I didn't like her that much anyway."

Pisces and Taurus walked away.

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