Scorpio (f) x Taurus (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Scorpio and Taurus were lying on the grass in Taurus' backyard. They decided to watch the stars together.
"Hey, Taurus?" asked Scorpio.
"What?" asked Taurus who turned to look at his best friend.
"How many stars are in the sky?"
"I dunno. Trillions?" asked Taurus.
Scorpio chuckled. "All of them."
"Good one."
"You look like something's bothering you. What is it?" asked Scorpio.
Taurus sighed. "My parents are making me get a date for my aunt's wedding."
"And I don't really know who to ask."
Scorpio thought of an idea. "Maybe we could pretend that we're a couple."
"Nah. Wouldn't that be awkward?"
"Not really. We're just pretending, right?"
"Yeah. I suppose. It beats having to ask a random girl at school."
"So... what's our story?"
"Uh... we're two best friends who fell in love. After the wedding we can just tell everyone that it didn't work out and we'll go back to being best friends," suggested Taurus.
Scorpio smiled. "That's fine with me."

Taurus and Scorpio walked inside. They were holding hands. As soon as they walked into the living room, Taurus' mom smiled.
"Hey sweetie."
"Mom. I found a date for aunt Rose's wedding," said Taurus.
Tauru's mom glanced at their intertwined hands. "Oh. You're dating Scorpio?"
"Yeah," replied Taurus. Scorpio let her hair shield her face to hide her blush.
"That's great honey." Then Taurus and Scorpio ran upstairs.

Scorpio was in a sleeping bag on Taurus' floor while Taurus was in his bed.
"When is the wedding?" asked Scorpio.
"Wondering how long you have to put up with me?" asked Taurus.
Scorpio threw a pillow at him. "No, I'm just curious."
Taurus threw the pillow back at Scorpio. "It's in four days."
Scorpio threw the pillow back at Taurus. "I'm not wearing a dress to the wedding."
Taurus threw the pillow back. "I didn't say you had to."
"I was just making it clear."
Taurus chuckled. "I bet you'd look pretty in a dress."
Scorpio felt her cheeks warm up. "Uh... no I wouldn't!"
"I bet you would!"
"I bet not! I will wear a nice blouse and jeans or something."
"I was at the mall yesterday. I saw a nice pretty pink dress-"
"Then why don't you wear it instead?"
Taurus chuckled. "I'm getting tired. Goodnight Scorpy."
"Night Taurus."

Four days later, Scorpio walked up to Taurus' door. This was the day of the wedding and she was nervous. She wore a nice shirt and a pair of jeans.
Scorpio knocked. Taurus answered the door. He was dressed nicely and Scorpio couldn't help but to stare at him for a few seconds.
"What? Do I look bad?" asked Taurus.
"No, you look nice."
"Thanks! You do too!"
"Alright kids, get in the car we're going to be late if we don't go now," said Taurus's mom who walked out of the house and over to the car. Taurus and Scorpio climbed in the back. Then Taurus' mom started the car and drove away.
"We have to pretend we like each other," whispered Taurus.
"Alright," said Scorpio. Then Scorpio reached for Taurus' hand. Taurus held it kissed Scorpio's knuckles. Scorpio looked away so he wouldn't see her blush.
"You blush so easily," said Taurus.
"How do you know I'm blushing?" asked Scorpio.
"Because I know you like to hide behind your hair when you blush," replied Taurus. The he saw his mom smiling in one of the mirrors. She looked happy that he was dating Scorpio.
Taurus leaned in and whispered to Scorpio. "You're a great actress. It looked like you were actually blushing."
"Y-yeah!" said Scorpio who wasn't sure why she blushed so easily around Taurus. She didn't even like him, right?

Scorpio and Taurus were dancing together at the wedding.
"Everyone's watching us," said Scorpio.
Taurus looked around. "They look like they're focusing on their own date-"
"Since everyone is watching us, we should show affection or something," said Scorpio.
"What do you have in mind?" asked Taurus.
"Well, we need people to believe that we're dating..."
"And we need to do something like this." Then Scorpio leaned in and kissed Taurus. Taurus hesitated for a second before kissing her back.
"It's going to be awkward when we go back to being best friends," said Taurus.
Scorpio but her lip. "What if we don't?"
"Aww you don't want to be my friend anymore?"
"No, Taurus, I mean maybe we could actually start a relationship."
"Oh. I... uh..."
"If you're going to reject me just say so. I'd rather be rejected than for you to make an excuse so I won't be hurt."
"It's not that. It's just... I never thought we'd ever be together, but if you like me I'm willing to give it a shot."
Scorpio smiled. "Thanks Taurus."
"No problem Scorpy!"

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