Capricorn (m) x Virgo (m) x Gemini (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Virgo sat on his motorcycle. He glanced over at Gemini who was ready to go.
"Promise you'll be careful!" shouted Gemini's sister Pisces.
"We promise. Don't worry about us Pisces," said Gemini.
"Ready?" asked Virgo. Gemini nodded. Then they started driving. Virgo loved riding his motorcycle, the wind in his face calmed him when he was upset.
"SPEED UP LOSER!" shouted Gemini. Virgo sped up a bit and caught up to his best friend. Then Virgo stuck his tongue out at Gemini. Gemini stuck his tongue out at Virgo, then his eyes widened. "VIRGO LOOK OUT!" Virgo whipped his head around but he didn't know what was going on until he crashed into a pole. Everything happened in slow motion. Virgo remembered falling off his motorcycle before he passed out.

  Gemini hopped off his motorcycle and ran over to Virgo. Then Gemini checked his pulse. He's not breathing... what do I do? Thought Gemini. Then he took his phone out of his pocket and put 911 on speaker as he performed first aid on Virgo.
"This is 911, what's your emergency?" asked the operator.
"My friend crashed into a pole while driving his motorcycle," said Gemini. "He's not breathing!"
"Okay, help will be there shortly," reassured the voice on the other end of the line.

  Capricorn was working at the hospital. He was sent to check up on a patient that was brought in earlier.
  When Capricorn walked over to Virgo, he was awake. Virgo looked around the room confused.
"Why am I in the hospital?" asked Virgo.
"It says here that you crashed into a pole while riding your motorcycle," said Capricorn while checking his clip board. Then he looked back at Virgo. Virgo was looking at him in shock. This one is kind of cute. Thought Capricorn.
"I don't remember that,"
"You were knocked unconscious and you just woke up. It might take a while for you to remember what happened," explained Capricorn. Then he checked the cast on Virgo's arm.
"My arm hurts."
"Yes, you broke it."
"Seriously? What else happened?"
"You sprained your ankle and you have a large bruise on your thigh," said Capricorn while glancing at the clip board.
"Why are you here?" asked Virgo.
"To check up on you and make sure you're doing alright," replied Capricorn. "Some of the doctors here aren't all that reliable but it looks like you were treated by one of the good doctors."
"Oh. Where's Gemini?" asked Virgo.
"Your friend will be allowed to come visit you once I'm finished checking up on you."

Gemini was in the waiting room. He hated how to had to wait until after the check up was finished to visit Virgo. Gemini jumped when he heard footsteps.
"You're allowed to visit-" Gemini sprinted over to Virgo's room. He sat down and saw that Virgo was awake.
"Are you alright?" asked Gemini.
"Yeah. Look I have this cool cast on my arm. Wanna sign it later?" asked Virgo. Gemini sat down and held Virgo's hand that wasn't in the cast. Then he started crying.
"I was so worried. After you crashed you weren't breathing. It was my idea to go for a ride so if you died..." Gemini was sobbing too hard to finish his sentence.
"But I didn't die. I'm alright," said Virgo. Then he patted Gemini on the head.

Ending 1: Gemini x Virgo

  "I know. You don't know how relieved I am that you are alright," said Gemini. If you died I'd never be able to tell you how I feel.
"Hey, stop crying Gemini. I don't like seeing you cry," said Virgo. Then Virgo brushed the hair out of Gemini's face.
"Sorry," said Gemini.
"It's alright. What happened to me? Apparently I crashed into a pole," said Virgo.
"You did. I ran over to you and you weren't breathing so I had to perform first aid on you," said Gemini. Virgo blushed at the thought of Gemini pressing his lips againced his.
"Your face just went red," said Gemini.
"Oh, it did?" asked Virgo.
"You're blushing too!"
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are!"
"Virgo I like you!" blurted out Gemini. Gemini's entire face went red, including his ears.
"Really?" asked Virgo.
"Yeah," admitted Gemini. Then Virgo tried to lean forward. Gemini leaned in and kissed him.
"Gemini I think I'm in love with you," said Virgo. Gemini smiled.
  "You're not allowed to get hurt like that again," said Gemini.
"Okay boyfriend~" said Virgo.

Ending 2: Capricorn x Virgo

Capricorn visited Virgo.
"Hey, how are you doing today?" asked Capricorn.
"Good," replied Virgo.
"That's good!"
"Hey, what's your name?" asked Virgo.
"Capricorn," replied Capricorn.
"You check up on me a lot. Why is that?" asked Virgo.
"Because it's my job," replied Capricorn.
"But you check up on me a LOT!" said Virgo.
"Again, I have to because of my job," said Capricorn.
"You're blushing," said Virgo. Capricorn's face went red.
"Just kidding! Haha now you're actually blushing," said Virgo.
"I should probably go now," said Capricorn.
"Aww why are you leaving?" asked Virgo.
"Because everything looks good. You're obviously doing fine since you're joking around," said Capricorn.
"No don't leave! I'm lonely! Stay and talk to me," pleaded Virgo.
"Fine," said Capricorn. Then he sat down beside Virgo.
"You look young. How old are you? I bet we're around the same age," said Virgo.
"We are close to the same age," said Capricorn.
"How do you know?" asked Virgo.
"Because I was talking to your friend earlier and he sure does like to talk," said Capricorn.
"Really? What did Gemini say this time?" asked Virgo.
"He told me a lot about you. Including the fact that you're still heartbroken over your break up with your ex boyfriend," said Capricorn.
"Gemini told you all that? Ugh he has a habit of talking about random stuff to strangers," said Virgo.
"So. Are you taking a break from dating because of your ex?" asked Capricorn.
"That's not important!" said Virgo.
"You're the one that wanted to talk to me," said Capricorn.
"Nah I'm over him. Gemini likes being dramatic. Now go away so I can sleep," said Virgo.
"Okay," said Capricorn. Capricorn thought for a second before writing his phone number on a piece of paper for Virgo to find when he wakes up.

Ending 3: Capricorn x Gemini

Capricorn was walking by when he saw Gemini leaving Virgo's room.
"Hey. How's Virgo doing?" asked Capricorn.
"He's doing fine but I worry about him. I know he's not going to die but when he crashed into that pole, I didn't know what was going to happen," admitted Gemini while running a hand through his hair.
"If you want I can check up on him for you," said Capricorn.
"Really? That would be great," said Gemini.
"You should go home and get some rest. You look like you haven't slept in days," said Capricorn.
"I've been unable to sleep, since what happened to Virgo," said Gemini. "Ugh." Then Gemini put his hands on his head.
"Are you alright?" asked Capricorn.
"Yeah... I'm fine," said Gemini. Then he fainted.

Gemini woke up in a hospital bed. Capricorn was watching him.
"What happened?" asked Gemini.
"You're exhausted and that caused you to faint," explained Capricorn.
"What? When did- oh I remember now," said Gemini.
"It's a good thing I was there to catch you," said Capricorn.
"How is Virgo doing?" asked Gemini.
"I don't know. I've been waiting for you to wake up ever since you fainted," said Capricorn.
"Why? You're allowed to leave you know," said Gemini.
"I know but I wanted to make sure you're alright," said Capricorn.
"Oh. Thanks for caring about me," said Gemini.
"Well you look like you're alright so I'd better leave now," said Capricorn. Then he stood up. Gemini grabbed onto his arm.
"Wait! Want to hang out sometime? Like at the movies or something?" asked Gemini.
"Are you asking me to hang out as a friend or on a date?" asked Capricorn.
"Uh... well... either will be alright," said Gemini. The Capricorn found a piece of paper and wrote down his number for Gemini.
"YES! I actually got your number!" said Gemini while grinning.
"See you soon," said Capricorn before leaving the room.

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