Scorpio (m) x Taurus (m)

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Scorpio was in the cafeteria listening to music with his hood up. He was an outcast with no friends because everyone was scared of him. The truth was the Scorpio wasn't a bad person, he was just misunderstood. Who needs friends anyway? Everyone hates me and my family doesn't care. Oh well who needs friends when you have music right? He felt like someone was watching him so he looked up and saw Taurus the popular kid staring at him.

Taurus quickly looked away.

Great now the popular kids are staring at me and probably making fun of me. Not that I care. He got up and walked away.

Taurus was in the cafeteria with a few of his friends.

Libra looked at Taurus with concerned eyes. "You seem distracted."

"Nah. I'm just tired."

"Sure. You probably have your eyes on a certain girl or something."

Yeah, or not because I'm gay, thought Taurus. Taurus didn't let anyone know he was gay because he was afraid his friends would tease him and then he wouldn't be popular anymore. He was afraid how everyone else would react. He wanted to tell his best friend Libra, but he could never decide if he could trust her or not.

The bell rang and everyone went to class.


Scorpio was sitting in the corner in the back of the classroom as usual. He was drawing when the teacher came in.

"Hello class. Ready for today's assignment?" Everyone in the class groaned. "Oh stop it! The assignment isn't that bad." He put everyone's names in a hat and picked groups of two. Scorpio was busy daydreaming so he didn't hear anything.

"Scorpio? Hello?" Scorpio looked at the teacher. "Did you hear any of that?"


"Daydreaming as usual. You're in a group with Taurus."

"I'm with Scorpio?" asked Taurus nervously.

"Yes," replied the teacher.

Taurus got his stuff and sat down by Scorpio.

"You don't have to try to sit as far away from me as you can. I don't bite."

Taurus sighed. "Yeah, I know." He sat closer and they worked on their project.

"You seem distracted."

"Everyone keeps saying that."

"Well, it's true."

"It's nothing."

"You don't want to work with me, do you?"

"No! That's not it!"

"Yes, it is."

"Well, maybe a bit."

"I knew it." Then the bell rang and Scorpio walked to his next class.

"Scorpio! Wait!"

Scorpio ignored him while singing why can't we be friends.


The next day Scorpio was walking when someone tripped and bumped into him.

"Hey watch it!"

Scorpio glared at him. "You're the one that bumped into me."

The other guy pinned Scorpio to the wall. "Hey, you're that gay outcast aren't you?"

"So? Do you want to kiss me or something, what's with this position?"

The other guy punched Scorpio in the face. Scorpio tried to fight back but someone else came along and held Scorpio's wrists behind his back.

"LEAVE. HIM. ALONE," demanded Taurus.

"Or else what?"

"As if you didn't notice, I'm one of the popular kids in this high school. So if you put one more finger on him, I'll make sure you never get a girlfriend."

Then both guys let go of Scorpio and ran away.

Scorpio awkwardly smiled. "Thanks for saving me."

"No problem."

Then Scorpio started to walk away.

"Hey! Wait!" Taurus as he chased after Scorpio.


"I just wanted to tell you that I didn't want to have you as my partner in class because I like you."

"What do you mean?"

"I think I might have a crush on you."

"If you're trying to trick me, this isn't funny."

"I'm serious. I wouldn't do something like that."

"Oh. Really? You do know if you come out as gay you might lose your reputation as the popular kid, right?"

"I don't care. I'm willing to risk it."



Scorpio smiled. "At least now I have someone that cares about me."

"What do you mean?"

"W-Well my parents kicked me out, so I've been living in my own apartment. But I have a job so I can still buy food and stuff."

"That's horrible."

"Yeah, but whatever."

"No. There's no whatever. I'll ask my parents if you can stay with us!"

"No Taurus, you really don't have to."

"I can't let you keep living by yourself."

"You can ask, but I'm okay with no one else accepting me." Scorpio walked away.


Scorpio was in his apartment watching tv, when he heard a knock on the door. Someone's here to see me? Weird. Must be Taurus. He opened the door to see Taurus there with both of his parents.

"Can we come in?" asked Taurus with a huge smile.

"Oh! Uh, sure." Scorpio let all three of them in.

"So you're the boy that Taurus keeps talking about," said Taurus' dad.

"He won't shut up about you, and his face always goes dark red-"

"MOM!" Taurus blushed madly.

"Like that." Taurus' mom pointed to his face. Scorpio laughed.

"So Taurus says you're living here all alone," said Taurus' dad.

"Yeah. My parents kicked me out because apparently I'm not the son they raised."

"It's okay, you can come live with us if you want to."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yes. Of course!" smiled Taurus' mom.

"I-I finally have a family?"

"Yes," nodded Taurus.

Scorpio ran over to Taurus and gave him a big hug while crying into his chest.

Taurus patted Scorpio on the back. "It's okay Scorpio, it's okay."

After a while, Scorpio packed his things and left his old apartment with new boyfriend and his new parents.

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