Scorpio (f) x Pisces (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Scorpio woke up next to her husband Pisces. They only got married last month.
"Good morning sweetie," said Scorpio. Pisces looked up at Scorpio and smiled.
"It's Christmas!" cheered Pisces. Scorpio smiled.
"I know." Then Scorpio got out of bed and put on an oversized Christmas hoodie. Pisces got up and they walked down to the living room. They had a small Christmas tree set up and there were a few presents on the ground.
"For you," said Scorpio. Then she kissed her husband on the forehead and handed him a gift. Pisces eagerly ripped open the wrapping paper.

After Scorpio and Pisces opened a few gifts from each other Scorpio wrapped her arms around Pisces.
"Wait, that's not the last gift," asked Pisces.
"It's not?" asked Scorpio.
"Nope. Now close your eyes," ordered Pisces. Scorpio closed her eyes. Then Pisces went into another room. He returned and placed something in Scorpio's hands. Scorpio felt the thing in her hands move.
"Meow." Scorpio's eyes snapped open and she saw a cat in her hands. Scorpio screamed.
"What's wrong?" asked Pisces.
"You got a cat? Omg this is the best Christmas ever! Thank you so much Pisces!" said Scorpio. Then she giggled when the cat put its paw on her nose.
"What do you want to name her?" asked Pisces.
"I don't care, you pick," said Scorpio while hugging her precious new cat.
"What about... Pisces is the best? It has a nice ring to it," joked Pisces. Scorpio chuckled.
"How about Precious?" asked Scorpio. Then Pisces smirked.
"My precious," said Pisces. Scorpio laughed.
"I wish I got a gift this amazing for you," said Scorpio.
"Remember the concert tickets you gave me?" asked Pisces.
"Oh right. I guess we can both say this has been the best Christmas ever," said Scorpio.
"Yeah," agreed Pisces.
"So... what do you want to do now?" asked Scorpio.
"Let's get some breakfast, I'm hungry," said Pisces.
"Sure," agreed Scorpio. Then they walked into the kitchen and cooked breakfast.

Later on that night Pisces and Scorpio were sitting close together on the couch while watching a Christmas movie. Precious was sleeping in Pisces' lap. After the movie ended, Pisces was about to go upstairs.
"Wait. There's one more gift I forgot to mention," said Scorpio.
"What is it?" asked Pisces curiously. Then Scorpio took off her Christmas hoodie and pulled her shirt up a bit so that Pisces could see the small lump on her stomach. Pisces gasped and fell to his knees.
"You're pregnant?" asked Pisces. Scorpio smiled and nodded. "Wow... that's..." then Pisces started crying tears of joy. Scorpio got down on her knees and hugged him.
"Are you happy?" asked Scorpio. Pisces nodded.
"I'm going to be a father," said Pisces. Scorpio's eyes welled up with a few tears of joy. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Because it was a surprise," said Scorpio.
"I'm so happy!" said Pisces.
"I'm glad that you're so happy! I was kind of scared that you wouldn't take it well," said Scorpio.
"How could I ever not take it well? I would never be mad at you for something like that," said Pisces.
"I'm so lucky to have you," said Scorpio.
"No, were lucky to have each other. Now let's go to sleep," suggested Pisces.
"Okay," said Scorpio. Then Scorpio brought Precious upstairs while Pisces pulled her cat bed up to their room.

After her shower, Scorpio walked into her room to see Pisces looking intensely at his I pad. Scorpio crawled in bed beside him and looked at the I pad screen. Pisces was watching a video on how to braid hair.
"I'm watching this just in case it's a girl. Can I practice on your hair please?" asked Pisces. Scorpio nodded and turned around. Then Pisces started braiding her hair.
"I hope you know that you're the best," said Scorpio.
"I hope you know that you're better than the best," said Pisces.
"That doesn't even make sense," said Scorpio.
"But it's true!" said Pisces. Then Scorpio turned around and kissed him. Pisces frowned.
"What?" asked Scorpio.
"You messed up the braid! And just when I was starting to do it right," pouted Pisces. Then Scorpio kissed him.
"I love you Pisces."
"I love you too Scorpio."

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