Leo (f) x Gemini (m)

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Leo crossed her arms and frowned in the mirror.

"Stop moving, you're going to ruin your hair princess Leo," scolded the maid Virgo. Virgo and Leo were good friends, although Virgo works for Leo's family.

"I don't care. I want it to be ruined so I can't go!"

"Leo, it's what your mother wants and what your father would have wanted."

"Yeah but it's not what I want. And my dress better not be pink or I'll rip it in half."

Today Leo was supposed to get married to a prince from a far away kingdom. She hasn't even met him yet. This pissed Leo off because she didn't want to get married.

"I've heard that your fiancé is very handsome and rich."

"Yeah, maybe this won't be so bad."

Virgo sighed with relief. "You're right! I'm glad you're finally opening your mind to the idea of marriage."

"I can see it now in the newspapers. The poor prince that was just married to princess Leo was poisoned! Who would have guessed it? Or maybe he "fell" off a bridge. It's a shame and his grieving wife queen Leo with her new fortune loved him so very much. And she's so terribly upset that she doesn't want to marry ever again."

"You're terrible," Virgo chuckled.

"Yes, or maybe I can fake being poisoned and run away."

"Leo, please don't be difficult."


"There, all done. You look beautiful."

"I suppose I do."


Gemini was getting ready with his cousin, princess Aries.

"Excited for your wedding?" asked Aries.

"Yeah. A little nervous but I can't wait to meet her." Gemini stopped himself intime to avoid wiping his sweaty hands on his suit.

"At least you're not stuck in this torture device." Aries frowning at the dress she was forced to wear.

"Ha! Aries is wearing a dress and acting like an actual princess for once. We must savour the moment."

Aries hit him on the head. "Her name is princess Leo, isn't that a pretty name? Soon you'll be a king."

"You would have been a queen if everyone didn't think you were too crazy to rule an entire kingdom."

"Too bad. I had many plans, war plans that is."

"Maybe me being king is for the best."

"Did you know about all the hidden weapons and bombs they keep under the dungeon? I would love to get my hands on those. Promise me as king you'll give me some weapons."

"You already have a sword that you stole."

"Still, I'd love a bow and arrow too, or a katana, or a sword that can catch on fire. If I had a real weapon I wouldn't have to keep all these hidden daggers in my shoes and outfits."

"I'll see. Ready to go?"

"Yeah. How about you?"

"Yeah. Let's go. Just sitting around getting more nervous isn't helping anyone."


Leo walked up to the stage keeping her head down. She wished her dad was here to see her get married but he died not too long ago. When she stepped onto the stage, she looked up to see prince Gemini. He smiled and he didn't look anything like Leo imagined. She was staring at him as she stood on the stage and said what she was told to say.

"I now present you, king Gemini and queen Leo," announced the priest. Everyone cheered.


Everyone was at the after party. Leo changed into a different dress. Her and Virgo walked into the ballroom to see a bunch of people dancing.

"You should go find your new husband," suggested Virgo.

"Sure." Leo walked around the dance floor looking for him.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. "May I have this dance?" Gemini extended his hand. Leo smiled as she took his hand, and they started dancing together.

"So, tell me about yourself." Gemini was a better dancer than Leo thought.

"I'm a princess, I can't really tell you much, because I was never allowed to do much besides smile and look pretty."

"No, you're not a princess anymore."

"You're right. This whole queen thing will take some getting used to."

"Yeah, I'm not used to being called a king either."

"I've always been interested in painting."

"Well, as the queen you can paint all you want."

"I'm looking forward to leading a kingdom with you."

Gemini smiled. "Me too."

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