Aries (f) x Taurus (m)

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Everyone was playing lacrosse in P.E. Aries hit the ball into the net. Her team cheered and gave her high fives.

When the goalie threw the ball to the other side, Taurus took the ball and passed it to Capricorn, who passed it to Cancer, who passed it back to Taurus. Taurus dodges players from the other team, and scored a point. His team cheered and gave him high fives.

Aries frowned, she was determined to win.

The goalie passed the ball to Sagittarius, who passed it to Libra who passed it to Virgo, who passed it to Aries. Aries started cradling the ball, but Taurus hit her stick knocking the ball out.

Aries glared at him. "You can't do that. I was cradling it."

"Yeah, but our lazy teacher isn't paying attention." Taurus pointed to the man who sat on the stage and checked his phone. He then passed the ball around. Eventually, someone passed it back to Taurus and Taurus cradled the ball. He was about to score, when Aries hit it out of his stick.

The teacher blew the whistle. "You can't hit the ball out of the stick when he's cradling."

Aries rolled her eyes. "Oh now you pay attention."

"Watch your mouth."

"Watch your class."

"Go to the office." he teacher pointed to the door.

Aries threw her lacrosse stick at the teacher and stormed up to the office.

"She's right, you know," said Taurus.

"Then maybe you can join her in the office."

Taurus dropped his lacrosse stick and ran up to the office with Aries.


Taurus walked through the door and sat in one of the chairs, waiting for the principal or vice principal.

"That's bullshit! He isn't paying attention to the class and that's not fair! He shouldn't be teaching."

Aries must already be talking to the principal, thought Taurus.

"He just told me over the phone that you THREW YOUR LACROSSE STICK AT HIM. That's the third time this month you threw something at him."

"He should be paying attention."

"And you have detention for the rest of the week." Aries walked out of the office. "We weren't finished talking!"

"I'm done. You can tell me the rest in detention." Aries and she walked out the front doors, not wanting to go back to class.

"Oh. Hi Taurus." The principal waved him into his office.

"Hi dad."

"Why are you here? You're not hurt or sick are you?"

"No. I was sent up here because I defended Aries."

"You stay away from her. She's nothing but trouble."

"I think she's misunderstood."

"Either way I don't want you defending."

Taurus sighed and walked away.


Taurus was outside eating his lunch with Cancer and Sagittarius, when he saw someone curled up in a ball around the corner of the school.

"Open up," Sagittarius offered his girlfriend Cancer a strawberry. Every time she went to take a bite, Sagittarius pulled the strawberry away. Cancer eventually slapped his arm, making him drop the strawberry into her outstretched palm.

"I'll be right back." Taurus stood up.

"Okay." Cancer reached across the table and stole another strawberry from Sagittarius.

Taurus walked over to see Aries was the person curled up in a ball around the corner. She was crying.

Taurus sat down beside her.

Aries looked up with a face full of tears and she glared at Taurus. "What do you want?"

"What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"Why do you care?"

"You don't have to be rude, I'm just trying to be nice."

"No one ever just tries to be nice to me. There's always something else going on."

"Woah really? What about your family?"

"My parents are divorced and neither of them care."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want a hug? You look like you need a hug."

Aries rolled her eye. "Sure."

"I can be your friend. Then you'll have someone who cares about you."

"Sure. But why do you want to be my friend? No one likes being my friend."

"No one understands you. That's what I believe."

"So you think you do understand me?"

"No, not yet. But I can try."

Aries smiled. "That would be nice."


A few months later Taurus and Aries were walking together at school. Now that Aries had a friend, she was always smiling and she was nicer to be around. She stopped getting into fights and throwing things at teachers.

"Aries I have something to tell you." Taurus stopped and grabbed her hands.

"What is it?"

"I... Um... Wow this is hard to say."

"Just say it." Taurus kissed her. Aries looked at him with a shocked expression. "Taurus-"

"I think I'm in love with you Aries. I'm sorry if you don't feel them same way."

"I-I do."

"Really?" Aries nodded. Then they kissed again.

"TAURUS!" Taurus turned to see his dad, the principal watching them.


"I told you to stay away from her!"

"Wow, thanks." Aries gave him a funny look.

"I know dad, but she's my girlfriend and you can't stop me." He held Aries' hand.

The principal thought for a moment. "Well she hasn't been sent to the office in the past few months... FINE! I'll give you permission to be together." He then walked away, shaking his head.

Taurus sighed. "He doesn't know that not even he could keep me away from you."

"Well at least he doesn't hate me anymore."

"Yeah. Can't wait to beat you at handball today in P.E."

"No way. I'm going to beat you!"

"I guess we'll see. How about the loser has to buy the winner a cookie at lunch tomorrow?"

"You're on."

They both ran to P.E.

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