Scorpio (f) x Pisces (m)

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Scorpio was sitting down at lunch, writing in her note book. Scorpio loved writing stories, although she didn't think she was that good at it. Scorpio knew that she'd never become an author, been though it was her dream. She could never write the right thing. Scorpio didn't have a lot of friends because she was a shy introvert who'd rather write another chapter in the book she was currently writing than go hang out with others.

The bell rang. Scorpio read over what she just wrote.

"Stupid." Scorpio crushed the paper into a ball and tossed it in the garbage. But what she didn't know was that she missed the garbage and someone picked up the paper ball.


Pisces was in class. When the teacher wasn't looking, he slowly and quietly unrolled the paper ball. He knew he probably shouldn't be reading what somebody else wrote, but his curiosity usually made him do a lot of things he probably shouldn't.

Another love story, thought Pisces as he began he read the story. After he was done reading, he placed the story in one of his binders where he kept all the other stories.


  Scorpio was in language class, daydreaming. She tuned out during class to ink of more ideas for future stories. This time, she was in the process of designing a side character.

"So there's this writing competition coming up," announced the teacher.

Scorpio woke up from her daydreams, paying full attention.

"All you have to do is write a one thousand word short story about a topic of your choice. The winner will receive a free iPad and and five hundred dollars."

Maybe I should sign up for that competition. Or maybe not, I'm not a very good writer after all. Then again it won't hurt to try. Maybe this time I'll be able to write something good, thought Scorpio. Then she decided to talk to her teacher after class.


The bell ran. All the students packed up their things and ran out the door.

Scorpio got up. "Miss. I'd like to sign up for that writing contest."

"I thought you would. You're an amazing writer!"

"No... I'm really not."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You'll make an amazing author one day if you don't give up." She wrote Scorpio's name on the sign up sheet.


"No problem. Don't tell the others, but I hope you win."

Scorpio smiled and left the classroom.


The next day, Scorpio was trying to write a short story for the contest. She really wanted that iPad and the money, but she couldn't think of any good ideas. She was about to give up when a boy ran up to her.

"Did you enter the writing contest?" asked the boy.

"Yeah, why? Who are you?"

"I'm Pisces and I'm a huge fan of yours."

"Wait what?"

"You're the best writer! Whenever you throw away stories that you wrote, I pick them up and read them."

Scorpio blushed madly. "You did what? Ugh, I'm so embarrassed." She allowed her hair to shield her face.

"Don't be. You're amazing and I bet you'll win that writing contest."

"I'm not a good writer. All those stories are really cheesy."

"Some of them are a little cheesy, but most of your stories are really good. You just need to find an inspiration, then you'll make a good author."

"An inspiration?"

"Yeah! Like a someone or something that inspires you."

"Thanks for the advice. Want to help me write a story for that contest?"

"I'd love to."


A week later, Scorpio ran up to Pisces in the hallway.

"Hi Scorpio."

"I passed in the story that we wrote."

"You did? And what do you think?"

"I think we wrote a really good story. Honestly, I loved it. Hopefully the judges think so too!"

"I'm so happy to hear that!"

"If we win, obviously we'll split the prize money but there's only one iPad."

"I don't need any rewards. You can have them."

"What? But you wrote the story too so you should get half of the reward."

"That story was eighty percent you and twenty percent me. You keep the iPad and the money."

"No. You helped me so you deserve half the prize money for that twenty percent."

"Okay then. I hope we win."

"I have something else I've been meaning to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Well, I've never thought I was a good writer. That's until I met you. Ever since you told me I could be a good writer, I've been feeling more confident in my writing. Now I can write better stories! And I'd like to keep you around because you're my inspiration."


"Yes. Do you want to... maybe... be my boyfriend?"

"Yes of course! It's been really fun helping you write!"

"I'm so happy!" Scorpio gave Pisces a hug.

"Me too."

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