Cancer (f) x Capricorn (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Cancer was at school listening to music. She liked sitting by herself because she didn't really have any friends. It's not that people didn't like her, it's just that she was used to being lonely and whenever she got close to someone it felt strange so she pushed them away out of habit. Cancer hated how she does that but she can't help it either. She sighed. Maybe some people and meant to be alone.

Capricorn was talking to his friends Taurus and Gemini.
"Hey guys, who's that girl over there?" asked Capricorn.
"Huh? Her? I think that's Cancer," said Gemini.
"Is she new?" asked Taurus.
"No she just avoids other people," said Gemini.
"Is there a reason?" asked Capricorn.
"Some people say it's because she's happy by herself, but others claim that she's been hurt before..." whispered Gemini.
"Are you saying she doesn't trust others because of something that happened to her in the past?" asked Capricorn.
"I don't know if it's true, they're just rumours," said Gemini.
"I hope she just likes being by herself and not because she doesn't have friends," said Taurus
"Well I intend to find out," muttered Capricorn.

As soon as Capricorn got to class he looked around and saw Cancer sitting in the back with her hoodie covering her face. He smiled and sat down beside her.
"Hello," said Capricorn. She didn't answer. "Cancer?"
"Oh! Were you talking to me?" asked Cancer who looked at Capricorn.
"Yes," replied Capricorn.
"Oh, hi," Cancer started playing with the strings on her hoodie.
"So, I saw that you don't really talk to people much," said Capricorn.
"So?" muttered Cancer.
"Well you always look lonely. Do you want to be friends?" asked Capricorn. Cancer froze. She wanted to say yes. She wanted a friend. She wanted to stop being all alone. But she couldn't. She didn't know how to be friends with anyone anymore. Besides, what's the point if she's just going to push him away later on anyway? It was a waste of both of their time.
"Sorry, I like being my myself," said Cancer.
"You don't sound convinced," said Capricorn.
"Just shut up! I don't need anyone," said Cancer. But before she looked away Capricorn noticed the tears in her eyes. This is going to take a lot of work. Don't worry Cancer, I'm going to save you. Thought Capricorn.

After school Cancer was walking home. She was replaying her conversation with Capricorn in her head. Why can't I have a friend? Why can't I let myself get close to anyone? I'm not going to be alone my whole life am I? Thought Cancer. Then she was hit by a wave of realization that she was probably going to end up alone. Cancer didn't like to cry in public but she couldn't help it. She curled up in a ball and let a few tears fall.
"Cancer!" screamed someone. She didn't recognize the voice so she ignored it. All of the sudden someone sat in front of her. Cancer didn't recognize him at all.
"Who are you?" asked Cancer.
"I'm Taurus. CAPRICORN! GEMINI! OVER HERE!" screamed Taurus. Cancer froze. Did he just say Capricorn? Then Capricorn and Gemini ran over to her.
"Cancer are you alright?" asked Capricorn who's eyes were full of concern.
"Saying no would be an understatement," said Cancer.
"You guys go on, I'll catch up later," said Capricorn. Then Taurus and Gemini walked away. "Cancer, just talk to me. Please."
"I-I'm sorry. I just... I don't want to be alone my whole life," admitted Cancer. Admitting something like that made Cancer feel strange. It made her feel weak and vulnerable. She was surprised Capricorn didn't laugh at her.
"But earlier you said-"
"I know, I panicked. I don't let people get close to me because I've made that mistake too many times before," said Cancer.
"Oh Cancer, you can trust me," said Capricorn.
"Fine. But please don't break me more then I already am," said Cancer.
"I won't. I'm going to collect all your broken pieces and glue them back together again, alright?" asked Capricorn. Cancer smiled.

A year later Cancer was hanging out with Capricorn at his house. They were dating now. Both of them were playing video games.
"Ah! You beat me again!" said Capricorn.
"I guess I did," said Cancer. Then Capricorn leaned in and kissed her. Cancer kissed him back but a few seconds later she pulled away.
"What's wrong?" asked Capricorn.
"I can't do this," said Cancer.
"Why not? Did something happen?" asked Capricorn.
"No it's not that, it's just that when I get close to people it feels weird. I don't like it and I push them away, it's just how I am," admitted Cancer.
"No way! If you try to push me away I'll push you againced the wall and kiss the hell out of you. You won't push me away because we're in this together," said Capricorn holding her hand. Cancer smiled.
"Thank you Capricorn! Thank you so much but if you get tired of me then please tell me how you feel," said Cancer.
"Cancer you can push me away a million times and I'll come back every time. I won't let you be alone any longer," said Capricorn.
"I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life," said Cancer. Then she kissed him but this time she didn't pull away.

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