Cancer (f) x Aries (m)

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Cancer was in the bookstore searching for books. She sighed as she walked by and noticed that she read almost every book there because she loved reading. She spent all her free time and even lunch during school with her nose buried in a book. She had to stop herself from buying every book she could afford. If only I had an app on my phone that could lead me to a good book series that I hadn't read yet. That would be awesome, thought Cancer.

She was wandering around, when she saw a guy who was also looking around. He pulled a book off of the book shelf and read the back. He nodded and added it to a small stack of books in his hand.


The boy jumped and dropped his books. "Hi."

"Oh sorry to scare you like that. I just saw that you had a pile of books and I can't find any good books that I haven't read yet, so I was wondering if you had any good book suggestions." Cancer she helped him pick up the books he dropped.

"I know a few good books. What's your name?"

"I'm Cancer."

"Cool. I'm Aries. Follow me." He walked around with Cancer following him. He stopped and pulled out a book. "This is one of my favourites."

"What's it about?"

"Basically it's like cyborg Cinderella. The author took fairy tales and kind of edited them to make a series of really good books."

"Oh cool." Cancer picked out all the books in the series.

"So do you have any suggestions for me?"

"I know one good series." Cancer walked around, looking for the book with Aries following her. "Here it is. This book is about an assassin named Celaena and she's- oops I almost spoiled it."

"What were you going to say?"

"Nope, can't tell you. Keep reading to find out."

"Seriously? I can't read to find out, I'm too impatient and curious for that."

"That's too bad."

Aries picked up all the books in the series. "Hey, I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"How about we exchange numbers, so we can text each other our opinions on the books we picked out for each other. When we're done, we can text each other more suggestions."

"Sure! That sounds like a lot of fun." Then they both went to pay for their books.

"Here let me pay for those." Aries pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

"What? No thanks, I can pay for them myself."

"Come on, my treat. It will be a thank you for showing me that book series."

"Do you even know how much these will cost altogether?"

"I don't care. My family is rich."

"Woah really? Still..."

"I don't mind paying."

"Okay then. Thank you! Thank you so much!" Cancer gave Aries a big hug.

"No problem." Aries blushed lightly.


A few days later, Aries was at his house. He finally finished all the books in the series so he decided to text Cancer.

Aries: Hi

Cancer: Don't tell me you finished all those books already! In my series I'm only on the second book!

Aries: I'm known for being a fast reader

Cancer: So what did you think?

Aries: There has to be another book coming out soon

Cancer: Yes, I can't wait for it to come to the bookstore

Aries. That was an amazing book series. How are you liking the books I picked out for you?

Cancer: They're really good so far.

Aries: Awesome! 😊

Cancer: Hey can I ask you a question?

Aries: Yes

Cancer: why do you like reading so much? Is there a reason?

Aries: I've never been good at sports or art, so I decided to read. Relatives expect me to be this talented kid since my family has a lot of money, but I don't care about them. Reading helps me escape everyone else and their expectations

Cancer: when I was little I used to always read books. I started with picture books, then fairytales. When I'm older I want a library in my house

Aries: I have a library in mine 😁

Cancer: I'm going to break into your house and steal all your books

Aries: you'll have to come over sometime and see

Cancer: maybe when I get to know you better

Aries: yeah. I also have a library on my private island

Cancer: you're trying to show off now 😂

Aries: 😅 so what should I read next?

Cancer: I'll find a series and text you the name of the first book

Aries: okay! 😁

Aries put his phone down and smiled. He was starting to like Cancer more and more. After all, it was rare to find someone who loved reading as much as he did, and someone who also read the same kind of books as him.

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