Libra (f) x Leo (m)

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Libra and Aries were in math class, talking. It was a week after school started.

Aries turned to talk to Libra. "I heard today we're getting a new student."

"Yeah I heard they're in our math class."

"But why are they coming a week after school started and not the first day of school?"

"I don't know."

"I wonder what they're like or if they're a boy or a girl."

"Who knows. We might even become friends with them."

The teacher walked in the classroom. There was a boy who followed the teacher and he looked around the classroom.

Aries tapped Libra on the arm. "I bet you that's the new kid."

"He's kind of cute."

"Hello class. This is Leo, he's a new student," announced the teacher. Then she took attendance and Leo sat in the back of the room. "Okay, today's another day of trying to teach you hopeless nightmares."

Libra sighed. "I hope Leo doesn't think everyone in the school is like her."

"Yeah. She's one scary teacher."

The teacher continued to yell about how everyone was hopeless and should know this stuff, even though they only learned it yesterday.


At lunch, Libra and Aries were eating when Libra saw Leo sitting all alone.

Aries sighed. "I feel bad for him. He probably still doesn't have any friends yet."

"Maybe we should try to see if he wants to be friends with us."

"Good idea."

"Okay, I'm going to ask if he wants to sit by us."


Libra nervously walked over to him. "Hi."

Leo smiled. "Hi."

"I saw that you were eating lunch all alone, so would you like to come sit by me and my other friend over there?"

"Okay. I don't really have any friends yet."

"It's okay! We can be your friends."

"Okay!" Leo got up and sat beside Libra.

"So you're new here?" asked Aries.


"Do you know your way around the school yet?" asked Libra.

"Not really. This place is so big. My old school was kind of small."

"Well, when we're done eating we can show you around."

"That would be perfect. Thanks."

"No problem."

Aries suddenly remembered something. "Actually, I promised Gemini I'd help him with his assignment."

Libra nodded. "Okay then I'll show Leo around."

"Wait where does he think he's going? Oh no you can't escape me that easily. GEMINI!" Aries got up and chased after her boyfriend. Libra and Leo laughed.

"So... Tell me a bit about yourself," said Libra.

"I like sports."

"Then you and Aries could become good friends. Do you like music?"

"Yeah. I listen to music all the time."

"Cool. Me too. Are there any activities you're interested in joining?"

"I'm thinking about joining drama."

"Oh that's great! I'm going to get in drama too."

After they finished eating, Libra showed Leo around the school.

"What class do you have next?" asked Libra.

"I don't know." Leo pulled out his schedule.

"Oh I have that class after lunch too!"

"Really? Let's sit together!"



A month later Leo, Libra and Aries were really good friends. Leo knew his way around the school and he liked it better then his old school.

Leo, Libra and Aries were eating lunch in their usual spot.

"Anything happen to you guys today?" asked Aries.

Libra shook her head. "Not really."

Leo rubbed the bruise on his knee. "I tripped. That's about it."

Aries sighed. "I don't think the math teacher likes me."

"That's because you called her a cat-eating witch," said Libra.

"She deserved it though."

"I'll be right back." Libra left to go use the washroom.

"Hey Aries?" asked Leo.


"I have something I need to tell Libra, so would you mind going somewhere else for a few minutes?"

"Not at all. I have to help Gemini study for his test anyways."

"That's Gemini over there."

Aries looked up to see him trying to sneak past her. "Gemini! You have to study!"

"Catch me first!" Said Gemini stuck out his tongue. Aries got up and chased after Gemini.

Libra came back.

Leo nervously sighed. "I have something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Leo blushed.

"Oh. I didn't know you liked me."

"Yeah, well I do."

"Sure I'd love to. Awww look at you. Your face is so red." Then she gave Leo a kiss on the forehead.

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