Libra (f) x Aquarius (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Aquarius arrived at his new acting job and waited inside.
"Oh Aquarius there you are!" called out Capricorn. Then she dragged him into a room. There were tables and chairs set up to look like a restaurant scene. People were running around and making sure everything looked perfect.
Aquarius was an extra and he was supposed to pretend to be on a date with someone else.

Later everything was ready.
"Alright, Cancer and Virgo, you guys stand over there while Aquarius and Libra sit at that table in the background," ordered Capricorn. The actors all got in place. "Aquarius and Libra, remember not to talk too loud, we don't want to hear you guys but look like you're in love with each other." Then Taurus stared filming. Cancer and Virgo walked over to a table. Virgo pulled out a chair for Cancer to sit.
"Since we're on a date why don't you tell me about yourself?" asked Cancer.
"I like to..."
"So, I guess we have to pretend to talk," said Libra in a quiet voice. Aquarius forgot about the girl sitting across from him. Uh oh, she's very pretty. Maybe they should of picked a more attractive actor to be her date. Relax Aquarius, you'll be fine. It's not like anyone is going to notice the extras anyway. Thought Aquarius.
"What do you want to talk about?" asked Aquarius.
"What do you like to do?" asked Libra.
"I like to draw and sometimes paint," replied Aquarius.
"Woah really? Me too!" said Libra.
"Cool. Uh... why did you choose this role?" asked Aquarius.
"I like a bit of attention but I don't want to be the star of the show. That's why I'm an extra," explained Libra.
"I tried out for the main character, but they told me I could be an extra instead," explained Aquarius.
"Cool. So... do you have kids or anything like that?" asked Libra.
"Nope. I had a few girlfriends but it just never worked out," explained Aquarius. "What about you?"
"I had a fiancé but he backed out last minute and left me," explained Libra.
"I'm so sorry to hear that," said Aquarius.
"It's fine. I went back and slashed three of his tires. Then I hid in the bushes and when he got home that jerk slashed his fourth tire so he could get insurance on his tires, but I took a video of him slashing the fourth tire so I had evidence to prove that he slashed his own tires," explained Libra. Aquarius stared at Libra. Then he started laughing.
"What?" asked Libra who laughed because Aquarius was laughing.
"You... you're genius!" said Aquarius.
"CUT! AQUARIUS AND LIBRA! REMEMBER THAT YOU'RE EXTRAS! You guys are too distracting and you're taking attention away from Cancer and Virgo!" shouted Capricorn.
"Sorry," said Aquarius and Libra. Then they started filming again.
"I'm starting to wish we were the main characters and not extras," said Libra.
"I know right. But I guess we can audition for another movie," suggested Aquarius.
"Maybe an action movie," suggested Libra.
"Yeah. That would be cool!" said Aquarius excitedly.
"It would be cool if we both got the lead roles, and since we know each other it wouldn't be hard to deal with each other," said Libra.
"And we wouldn't have to fake smile and pretend to be friends in the interviews!" said Aquarius.
"Yeah, I'm so excited even though that may never even happen!" said Libra.
"CUT! Libra and Aquarius! You guys need to tone it down, the audience won't be able to focus on Virgo and Cancer," said Capricorn who seemed annoyed. Then they filmed again.
"I know I just met you but we're getting along so well," said Aquarius.
"I know what you're talking about. It's like we're meant to be great friends!" said Libra.
"Friends?" asked Aquarius.
"Well... if you want to be friends," said Libra.
"Libra, I've never met someone like you before. You're as weird as I am. Can we go on a date sometime? Not in a movie, but a real date," said Aquarius nervously. Libra smiled.
"I'd like that a lot!" replied Libra.

After a while Capricorn called for a lunch break. Aquarius and Libra decided to go on a date with each other.

When Aquarius and Libra got back they waited for a bit and eventually Capricorn came back and it was time to start filming again. Aquarius and Libra sat at the same table as last time. Then Cancer and Virgo continued talking.
"I had fun on our date," said Libra.
"Me too!" said Aquarius.
"You know what? I'm glad that I auditioned for this role," said Libra.
"I'm glad that they made me an extra," said Aquarius.
"I can't wait until this scene is over, I'm kind of tempted to kiss you right now," said Libra.
"Why wait?" asked Aquarius. Then they both leaned in and kissed each other.
"CUT! Aquarius and Libra what are you doing?" asked Capricorn. Aquarius and Libra continued kissing each other. "UGH I'M DONE! We'll continue this tomorrow!" shouted Capricorn. Then everyone got ready to go home. Cancer and Virgo looked at Aquarius and Libra with annoyed expressions. Aquarius pulled away from Libra.
"We're the worst movie extras ever!" said Aquarius still breathless from kissing Libra.
"Oh yeah. We should win an award for being bad extras," said Libra. Aquarius chuckled.
"I guess we'll have to be good extras tomorrow to make it up to Capricorn."
"Yeah," agreed Libra. Then they left the building holding hands.

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