Sagittarius (f) x Leo (m)

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Sagittarius and Leo got off the bus with a bunch of other students. They were on their way to a volleyball tournament. Sagittarius was on the girls team, while Leo was on the boys team. They were friends because they were in a lot of sports together.

The coach stopped in front of the school doors. "Okay everyone. Stay close together. Once we get inside, they'll show us where to go."

Everyone walked inside the school. There were people waking around everywhere.

A tall woman immediately approached the students. "You guys can put your stuff in classroom 108."

Then the coach led the students around, trying to find room 108.


In the classroom, the girls were on one side of the classroom and the guys were on the other. They were all talking.

"Hey Sagittarius, is your boyfriend coming?" asked Capricorn, curiously.

Sagittarius looked at her feet with a slight blush. "I hope so. He doesn't live too far away from here so it shouldn't be a problem, and he promised he'd come."

Gemini checked the time on her phone. "I wonder when the game is going to start."

Capricorn wiped her sweaty palms on her shorts. "Hopefully not long. I'm starting to get nervous."

The coach came upstairs.

"Perfect timing," muttered Gemini.

"Okay girls, your game starts in ten minutes so it's time to get ready. The boys will play after you guys are done." Then she left. All the girls put on their knee pads and walked down to the gym.


In the gym, a bunch of chairs were placed on the stage and there were bleachers against the walls for people who came to watch. Sagittarius looked around and waved to her sister Virgo. She couldn't see her boyfriend John anywhere. He's probably just late.

The girls' team sat down on a bench next to the coach and got ready to play the game. Some of the guys came down to watch. Leo waved at Sagittarius and she waved back.


The guys were in the classroom when the girls and a few of the guys came back up. They all looked proud except for Sagittarius who looked disappointed.

The coach clapped her hands together. "Get ready boys, your first game starts soon."

Leo approached Sagittarius. "What's wrong?"


"It seems like there's something bothering you, you can tell me you know." Leo actually looked concerned. This comforted Sagittarius.

"John still isn't here like he said he'd be."

"That's too bad. Hopefully he's just late or something. He'd be a loser to break his promise to you." Then he got ready to play his game of volleyball.


  After the guys won their game, everyone was in the classroom. Both teams didn't have anymore games for a while, so everyone left to get something to eat. Sagittarius stayed behind.

"Aren't you coming to get lunch?" asked Leo.

"Yeah, I'll be right there I just need to make a phone call."

"Okay." He left with everyone else. When Leo got downstairs to the cafeteria, he ordered food for him and decided to bring some food back for Sagittarius since he knew what kind of food she liked. When he got back to the classroom, Sagittarius was still on the phone.

"You said you'd be here John! You always end up disappointing me. That's it we're done." She hung up and sat down crying.

Leo ran over to her. "Hey! Are you alright? Wait, stupid question. I got some food and some water for you because I figured you'd be hungry."

"What do you want? Can't you see I want to be alone?"

"Sorry." He gave her the food and got up to leave.

"Wait Leo! I'm sorry I snapped I'm just really upset right now."

"It's okay." He sat down beside her and comforted her while they ate.

"Thanks Leo. You're a good friend."

"Yeah. John is a loser if he can't be there for you."

"But I really liked him."

"You need to move on and find someone who's going to be there for you."

"Yeah, I'll try."


The girls were playing their last game. It was the game that decided who got first and second place. Sagittarius was doing a lot better, and she was really enjoying the game. Every time she got a point, she looked back at Leo who gave her a thumbs up, and that made her want to keep getting more points.

Eventually, the score was almost tied with Sagittarius' team having one more point. The other team served the ball. Then Gemini hit it up, Capricorn hit it towards Sagittarius and Sagittarius spiked the ball over the net. Everyone started to scream and cheer. Sagittarius looked at the stage to see Leo but he wasn't there. Then Leo suddenly snuck up behind her and gave her a big hug. "Congratulations! You were great!"

"Thanks. We won first place!"

"I'm proud of you."

"You did good too." Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed him. Leo kissed her back and a bunch of random strangers started clapping.

"We have an audience."

"Don't you people have lives?" asked Sagittarius. Everyone went back to doing their own thing.

"This has been the best volleyball tournament I've ever been to."

"Yeah. I'm glad that loser didn't show up, because now I have someone better." After Sagittarius and the rest of her team got a medal, she sat beside Leo on the bus and they held hands the whole way home.

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