Capricorn (f) x Libra (m)

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Capricorn was getting ready for a basketball tournament. She walked over to her best friends after getting changed.

"We're going to crush the other team," said Scorpio who couldn't wait to play.

"Yeah. I wonder when they're going to get here."

Taurus shrugged. "I heard their team is a mixture of boys and girls."

Capricorn frowned. "But we're an only girls team."

"Yeah but we're really good," said Scorpio.

"I just hope that Leo can jump high today." Capricorn glanced at the shortest member of their team.

"Hey! I've been practicing!" Leo started showing off how high she can jump, causing everyone to laugh.

"So we're only playing one other team?" asked Taurus.

"Yeah. The other two teams dropped out so we're going to have a quick tournament," replied Scorpio.

Leo began braiding her hair. "The sooner this is done the sooner I can go home and take a bath."

"GUYS! The other team is here!" Cancer ran into the changing room.

"Then we should practice," announced Capricorn. All the girls walked onto the court, got a basketball, and started practicing.


"Okay we're here. Remember to be on your best behaviour," warned the coach. Everyone in the bus nodded.

"They're an all girls team but apparently they're really good." Gemini began putting her hair up into a ponytail.

Sagittarius shrugged. "As long as we have fun. And win. Winning is important too."

"Hey Libra! We're here!" Aquarius pulled an earphone out of Libra's ear.

"Huh? Oh right." Libra stretched his arms.

Everyone got their bags and got off the bus. When they got inside, Cancer showed them which changing rooms they were to use.

"Okay, get changed and then start practicing," ordered the coach.

Aquarius watched as the other team warmed up. "Do you think we're gonna win?"

Libra shrugged. "I don't know. Depends on how skilled they are."

"Hopefully they're not bad. I hate when we win without doing anything." Sagittarius ran his hand through his hair.

Gemini sighed. "I've been saying this the whole way here! They're really good and we'll be lucky to beat them."

"Yeah. But we still might beat them," said Libra.


"Here they come," said Scorpio. The other team got basketballs and started to practice on the other side of the gym.

"Who's that?" asked Capricorn. She was pointing to Libra who was listening to music in his own little world, nodding his head to the music as she warmed up.

Taurus shrugged. "I don't know. Go talk to him."

"But we have to practice."

"I won't rat you out."  Taurus stole Capricorn's basketball.

"Okay." Capricorn walked on the other side of the gym. She tapped Libra on the shoulder.

"Yes?" Libra removed his earphones.

"Hi. Um I just wanted to ask what music you're listening to. I like music too."

"Oh. Here." Libra gave one earphone to Capricorn. Capricorn knew right away she didn't like this type of music. "Like it?" Asked Libra.

"Oh yeah. Sounds nice," lied Capricorn.

"So, you go to this school?"

"Yeah. What school do you go to?"

"That one that's only ten minutes away."

"Oh, so not too far from here."

"Nope. I haven't met anyone who shares my taste in music before. Maybe we can be friends."

"Yeah. Sure." Then they shook hands.

Capricorn went back to practicing with her team. I hate that kind of music but Libra looks so cute the way he nods his head to the beat.


After the tournament was finished, everyone was packing up and getting ready to go home. Libra and Aquarius sat on the stage, waiting for their bus to arrive.

"Great job guys. We tried our best and that's all that matters," announced Sagittarius as he walked past them.

Libra nodded. "Yeah. They had some great players."

"Especially the girl that can jump super high. She was awesome," said Aquarius.

Libra smirked. "I'm pretty sure her name is Leo. If you like her, go ask her out."

"Um... Well I saw the way you looked at their team captain!" accused Aquarius.

"Huh? What about her?"

"If you ask her out, I might be brave enough to ask Leo." Aquarius took her hair out of her ponytail and began combing through it with her fingers.

Libra jumped off the stage and headed towards Capricorn, who was in the gym throwing a basketball at the net. "You did good today."

"WAH- oh it's you. Don't sneak up on me like that." Capricorn frown as she missed her shot.




"Want to maybe get a smoothie or something sometime?"

"Yes, of course! What's your number?"

Capricorn took his phone and added herself to his contacts. "I think your bus is here," she said as the coach stepped into the gym.

Libra nodded. "See you later."

Capricorn smiled. "Bye."

Libra was in a daze until he sat back on the bus.

"You look happy," noted Aquarius as she sat beside him.

"She gave me her number."

"Leo gave me hers!" smiled Aquarius who proudly shower him the paper with Leo's number.

"We may have lost the match, but I think we still won today."

"For the first time, I'm not upset at all that's we lost."

"Yeah." Libra hesitated before texting Capricorn, trying to think of the perfect words to say to her.

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