Taurus (f) x Cancer (m)

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Cancer drummed his fingers on the counter. He worked at a gift shop. It was very boring working there and the store was empty most of the time.

I knew I should have gotten a job at that gaming shop instead. I'm so bored because no one ever comes here.


Cancer was half asleep when a girl came in the gift shop.


Cancer's eyes snapped open. "Oh. Hi Taurus."

"I didn't know you worked here."


"Oh cool." Taurus walked around, looking at stuff. "You look bored."

"Yes I am. No one ever comes here."

"But I'm here!"

"You're the first customer today."

"Oh. If it's so boring, why do you work here?"

"Because... this was my dad's shop before he passed away." Cancer smiled sadly. He walked over to a picture on the wall. "This was him before he discovered he had a brain tumour."

"Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that. You must be very lonely."

"Yeah. Sometimes."

"Can I work here too?"


"I'll work here too! Then you'll have someone to talk to so you won't be so lonely!"

"I don't make enough money to pay you."

"Just pay me in chocolates." She picked a small chocolate out of a glass bowl on the counter.

"Sure. If you want to."

"My mom is making me get a job anyways, so this is perfect. When do I start?"

"You can start working tomorrow if you'd like."


"I'd also just like to warn you that this shop isn't making a lot of money so I might have to close it down soon."

"Oh no. Hopefully we can keep it open."

"Yeah. We can try, I guess."


The next day after school, Taurus got ready for work. She couldn't wait to start working there. Mostly because she thought Cancer was pretty cute.

Taurus walked into the store and stood behind the counter with Cancer.



"Ready for your first day of work?" asked Cancer.


"It's very boring here, so I hope you brought your phone or a book."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just doing my math homework, to be honest I'm kind of struggling with math."

"Here, let me help you. I'm really good at math."

"Really? Thanks!"

"No problem."


"Looks like it's time to go home now," sighed Cancer.

"Yeah. Today wasn't as boring as I thought it would be."

"Yeah. It's more fun now that I have someone to talk to."

"See you tomorrow."


When Taurus got home, she started working on her plan.


The next day, Taurus came back to work to see the gift shop full of customers. She smiled and walked over to Cancer.

"There's so many people!" gasped Cancer.

"I know right! Isn't it amazing?"

"Did you do this?"


"How did you get so many people to come here?"

"I have a lot of friends, and I told them to spread the word about a super cool gift shop."

"You probably just saved my dad's shop! Thank you so much! How could I ever repay you?" asked Cancer with tears in his eyes.

"You don't have to repay me."

"There got to be something I could do to reward you for what you've done."

"Maybe you could go on a date with me?"

"A date? Sure."


"Yeah. To be honest, ever since yesterday, I've kind of started to like you."

"Me too!"

"Where do you want to go on a date?"

"Well, I do have these two concert tickets."

"Concert tickets? Are you sure you want to go with me?"

"Yes I'm sure."

Cancer gave her a big hug. "Thanks again for all you've done."

"I'm glad to help."

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