Pisces (f) x Aries (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Pisces closed her book and stared at her wall. No! This can't be how it ends! Stupid book now I have to get the next book in the series before finding out what happens! Why do authors enjoy torturing their readers?!? Thought Pisces. Wait, maybe if I'm lucky the library will have the next book in the series. Then Pisces got up and decided to visit the library.

Pisces was looking along the shelves. Aha! There it is! The book is actually here, I'm so lucky! Thought Pisces. Then she reached for the book but when she pulled on it the book got pulled back into the shelf. Huh? What's going on? Thought Pisces. Then she pulled the book out of the shelf but it got pulled back into the shelf again. Pisces quickly snatched the book off the shelf to see a hand on the other side of the shelf waiting to pull the book away again. Pisces screamed and fell backwards.
"Oops sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you," said the person on the other side of the shelf. Then he walked around and helped Pisces up.
"Why were you pulling on the book when I tried to pick it up?" asked Pisces.
"For fun," said the guy. Pisces looked unamused.
"Who are you?" asked Pisces.
"My name is Aries, how about you?" asked Aries.
"I'm Pisces," replied Pisces.
"Cool. What book are you reading?" asked Aries.
"This one," replied Pisces who held up the book.
"Aww you don't seem like you're in the mood to talk," said Aries.
"Because I'm not," said Pisces.
"Why not? You seem like a nice and happy person," said Aries.
"Looks can be deceiving," said Pisces before checking out her book and walking away. She's a strange one. Interesting... Thought Aries.

A few days later Pisces was reading her book while Cancer and Libra were talking.
"... and then he called me pretty. Is that true?" asked Libra.
"NO!" screamed Pisces while closing her book.
"Wow thanks Pisces," said Libra.
"Pisces that wasn't very nice," said Cancer.
"I'm not talking about Libra, I finished my book and now I need to find the next book in the series... again!" explained Pisces.
"Did you check the library?" asked Cancer.
"Yeah that's where I got this book," But last time I went there I met a strange guy and I'd like to avoid him if I can. Thought Pisces.
"Hello? Earth to Pisces," said Libra while waving her hand in front of Pisces' face.
"Sorry, what?" asked Pisces.
"Why were you just smiling?" asked Libra.
"Day dreaming again?" asked Cancer.
"I was thinking but I wasn't smiling!" replied Pisces.
"Yes you were," said Libra.
"I was thinking about some weird person that I met and I sure as heck wasn't smiling about him," explained Pisces.
"If you say so," said Cancer.

Pisces pulled her hood over her head and walked into the library. She put her old book on the shelf and reached for a new book when the book was pulled away.
"Not this shit again Aries," muttered Pisces. Then she looked up and saw a girl on the other side of the shelf looking at her funny.
"Psst, I'm over here today," whispered someone. Pisces turned around to see Aries looking at her through a gap between the books on the shelf behind her.
"What do you want?" asked Pisces. Aries smirked.
"Well... when I was a little boy I've always wanted a unicorn-"
"I mean right now," said Pisces.
"I have something that you're looking for," said Aries.
"Oh really?" asked Pisces.
"Yes, follow me," said Aries. Then Pisces followed him outside and Aries opened his car. Pisces waited patiently while Aries dug through a bag. Then he pulled out a book and handed it to Pisces. Pisces gasped.
"Where did you get that?" asked Pisces as she looked at the final book on the series that she was reading.
"I saw the book that you were reading, I read the same series a few months ago so I preordered the next book. I already read it so I decided to let you borrow the book," said Aries.
"Wow... thanks Aries!" said Pisces. Then she gave him a hug.
"I-I was also wondering if you'd like to go get a coffee or smoothie or something with me," said Aries nervously. Pisces almost dropped the book.
"You're asking me out?" asked Pisces.
"Yes," said Aries.
"Sure, there's a gas station just over there and they serve the BEST ice cream ever," said Pisces.
"Sounds great," said Aries. Then he held her hand and started walking.
"Shouldn't we take your car?" asked Pisces.
"But if we walk I get to spend more time with you," said Aries. Pisces smiled. Maybe Aries isn't so bad after all.

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