Libra (f) x Capricorn (m)

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Libra woke up. She rolled over to see her husband Capricorn when she noticed he was gone.

"Capricorn?" No answer. "CAPPY?" Libra reached for her phone which was charging on the nightstand next to her, and texted him.

Libra: Hey Cappy, where are you?

Capricorn: I've got a surprise for you. Can't wait to see your reaction!

Libra smiled. I wonder what kind of surprise he has planned. Oh well. I guess I'll see later.


Capricorn was at the pet store.

"Have you had any pets before?" asked Gemini who was working there.


"I'm sure she'll love it.

"I hope so. She always was an animal person. And I'm getting a pet because of... well let's just say she's been a bit upset lately so I'm going to cheer her up."

"Great idea."

"Oh right. I better pick up some food, toys and a collar for the new pet."

"Collars are just over there." Gemini pointed to a shelf.

"Thanks." Capricorn picked out a pretty collar with little hearts on it, a few toys and some food.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled."

When Capricorn payed for everything, he brought it all out to his van and brought his new pet home.


Libra was sitting back and reading a book when she heard a knock on the door. She answered it to see Capricorn holding a box.

"Welcome home sweetie." Libra kissed Capricorn.

"Hi. I um... got a surprise and I hope you like it."

"Oh what's this? Libra took the box and sat down with it.

"I uh... hope you like it. Oh wait I already said that." He sat down next to his beautiful wife and wrapped an arm around her.

Libra carefully opened the box and squealed at what she saw inside. "Capricorn!"

"Do you like it?"

Libra picked up the new sleeping puppy out of the box. It was a beagle. "I love it. Is it a he or a she?"

"That's a she."

"Oh my god! I love her! What should her name be?"

"I was thinking of letting you choose."

"I don't know what to name her."

"How about... Lily?"

"Lily? That sounds perfect! Wait why did you buy us a dog?"

"Because, I know how upset you are that you can't have kids... so I thought maybe we could have a dog instead."

Tears began to gather in Libra's eyes as she remembered when she told Capricorn she couldn't have kids. "Cap you're so thoughtful. I love you!" Libra wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you too Libra."

"Maybe now Lily can be our little baby."

"We're not going to be those crazy dog people who push their dog in a stroller are we?"

"No, Cap."

"Okay good." Capricorn went to get all the other stuff while Libra petted her new puppy.


It was a few months later. Libra and Capricorn were waiting to go to the park with Lily.

"Okay Lily. Sit," ordered Libra. Lily sat down. "Good job. Now lie down. Roll over. Speak. Now high five." Lily did everything Libra taught her. "Good girl." Libra gave Lily a treat.

Capricorn got the leash and they took Lily out to the van.

At the park, Lily ran around while Libra and Capricorn threw a stick for her to chase after. Libra and Capricorn were sitting on a park bench and talking.

Libra smiled. "Lily is so cute. You really have a good eye for adorable puppies."

"I'm just glad I got to make you happy."

"Aww you're so sweet." Then they kissed. Lily started to paw at Capricorn's leg.

"I think Lily wants to be loved too." Capricorn picked up Lily. Capricorn and Libra gave Lily a big hug.

"We're such a happy little family."

"That's all that matters."

Libra looked at Lily, and smiled even wider. That smiled warmed Capricorn's heart. Libra thought that since she couldn't have children, Capricorn wouldn't love her anymore. But she was wrong. Capricorn loved her so much that he'd do anything to make her happy. That's why he bought them a dog. Now Capricorn, Libra and Lily were a happy family.

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