Pisces (f) x Gemini (m)

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Gemini and Pisces were waiting in line at the theatre. Pisces had a crush on Gemini since forever and finally got the courage to ask him out. She has been on a few dates with him before, but he still made her nervous, even if she tried to pretend otherwise. Good thing Gemini didn't notice.

Pisces sighed in longing. "I can smell the popcorn."

"I know. I can't wait to eat it." Gemini held Pisces' hand.

Pisces smiled. "I'm so glad I had the courage to ask you out."

"I'm glad you did too." They bought their tickets and 3D glasses.

"Do you want to share an extra large popcorn?" asked Pisces.

"Sure. Do you like popcorn with extra butter?"


"Perfect." They bought popcorn, drinks, and snacks before sitting down in the theatre.

Gemini sighed. "I hate it how we have to wait so long for the movie to start."

"I know right? Let's talk and listen to music." Pisces pulled her phone and earphones out of her little purse.

"You brought earphones?"

"Yeah. I listen to music a lot so I bring them everywhere."

"That's cute."

Pisces gave him an earphone. "Yeah."

"So, are you in any school clubs?"

"I'm in the drama troupe, there's a big drama festival that we go to every year and you should come watch! It's next week! If you want to that is."

"Sure. Sounds like fun."

"What about you?"

"I'm in a few sports and stuff."


A few minutes later, the lights turned off and the previews started. Gemini and Pisces were trying to guess which preview it was before it said what the name of the movie was.

After that, the movie started. During the movie, Pisces leaned against Gemini. Gemini put his arm around her.

After the movie was done, they got in the car.

Pisces blushed lightly. "Tonight was really fun. I like to go on dates with you."

"Yeah. Me too." Gemini leaned in to kiss her. "You said you had some kind of drama festival next week?"

"Yeah. Are you going to come?"

"Yeah, I'll try."


Pisces was backstage at the drama festival. There were lots people in the audience and Pisces hoped that Gemini (who was now her boyfriend) was out there to watch her perform.

"Okay guys. Don't be nervous, we've got this." Scorpio smiled reassuringly at the others.

"Yeah," said Pisces. Then the curtains opened and Pisces ran onstage.


Gemini was sitting down and waiting for the show to start when the curtains opened. Pisces ran onstage with a few others. During the performance, Pisces was a really good actress and Gemini could tell that she loved acting. After the performance was over, Gemini waited outside for Pisces.

She ran over to him. "Were you there to watch the whole thing?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Okay. I couldn't see anyone in the audience because the lights were off and that spotlight is so bright."

"Did you guys win?"


"Aww that's too bad because you were really good. Oh yeah, I got these flowers for you."

"Awww thanks Gemini." Pisces gave him a hug.

"I'm glad you told me about this at the theatre because you were beautiful up there."

"I'm so glad you came to watch. You're the best boyfriend ever."

"You're the best girlfriend ever."

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