Pisces (f) x Scorpio (m)

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Pisces was sitting in biology class with Cancer. They were talking about gossip until Scorpio walked in the room.

Cancer smirked at Pisces. "Here he comes. Do you still like him?"

"Yeah," sighed Pisces.

Scorpio sat in front of Pisces and turned around. "Hi Pisces. It's nice to see you."

"Yeah. It's nice to see you too." Pisces and Scorpio were friends and they talked to each other sometimes and they even sat together with Cancer for lunch. Cancer didn't find it too awkward.

The teacher walked in. "Okay class we have an assignment coming up and I'll pick the groups."

Please be me and Scorpio! Thought Pisces. Then the teacher took attendance and put everyone's name in a hat.

"Okay so for our groups we have Gemini and Leo, Aries and Virgo, Taurus and Sagittarius, Libra and Aquarius, Scorpio and Cancer, and Pisces and Capricorn."

Pisces' heart sunk. She got her stuff and sat beside Capricorn. Capricorn was a nice partner to have but she wasn't Scorpio. Then the teacher started explaining the project and the whole class was taking notes.


At lunch Pisces went over and sat with Cancer.

"Disappointed in the groups? Capricorn isn't a bad partner though. She's smart and really good at getting work done. Actually I wish I was with Capricorn."

Pisces chuckled. "If only we could switch partners."

"What if we can?" smirked Cancer.

"How? The teacher writes down who goes with who."

"I have an idea. Oh look here comes Scorpio."

Scorpio sat down beside Pisces as usual.

Pisces eyed the pepperoni on Scorpio's pizza. "I forgot it was pizza day."

Scorpio picked the pepperoni off his pizza and moved it to the side of his plate. Scorpio didn't like pepperoni so he let Pisces eat it.

Cancer sighed dramatically. "I wish I was your partner Pisces. I heard you and Capricorn discussing lots of amazing ideas."

Pisces rolled her eyes at Cancer.

Scorpio looked at Pisces. "Oh? You have lots of great ideas? I couldn't think of anything."

Pisces nodded. "Yeah." Then they continued eating.


The next day, everyone sat down by their partners and started working. Cancer gave Pisces a thumbs up then pretended to fall down.

"Are you alright?" asked the teacher.

"Y-Yeah. My stomach hurts." Cancer tried to stand up and wrapped her arms around her stomach.

"Stay right there I'll go get the school nurse." The teacher ran into the hallway.

Cancer got up and found the book with everyone's names and switched her name with Pisces. Then Cancer walked over to Pisces. "You're now with Scorpio."

Pisces got her stuff and moved over beside Scorpio, while Cancer explained to Capricorn how she was her new partner.

The teacher came back. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Oh I'm feeling alright again."

"I still think you should let the nurse do a little checkup."

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