Leo (f) x Sagittarius (m)

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  *** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Leo was adding the final touches to her hair. She didn't even know why she was going to her ex's wedding. She supposed it was because she had nothing better to do.
After making sure she looked perfect, Leo headed out to her car and went to the wedding.

Leo sat down in one of the chairs that were in front of the stage. The wedding was in a big building that Leo was unfamiliar with. She watched as Cancer got married to his new wife, Pisces. Remember, you broke up with him because it wasn't working out. He's happier with her and you'll find someone else. Thought Leo.

Afterwards everyone was dancing, eating and having fun. The lights were turned off and multicoloured party lights were flashing everywhere. Leo sat at the buffet table eating the wedding cake and watching everyone else. Your day will come eventually, don't worry. I'm sure I'll find someone for me someday... Leo decided she wanted a bit of fresh air. She poured herself a drink and she was walking towards the door when she bumped into someone.
"Ugh you got it all over my shirt!" Leo looked up to see that she accidentally spilled her drink all over the guy that she bumped into.
"SORRY! I wasn't thinking. Uh... here I'll go get some napkins!"
"That would be appreciated." Leo ran over to the buffet table and grabbed a bunch of napkins.
"Come on, it's less crowded outside." Leo dragged the stranger outside. He sat down on the stairs and Leo started trying to dry off his shirt with the napkins.
"I'm sorry. I just... I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings," said Leo.
"That's fine. What's your name?" asked the guy.
"I'm Leo."
"I'm Sagittarius. Are you alright? You looked pretty upset in there."
"I'm fine. I dated Cancer for five years before we broke up," admitted Leo.
"Aww that really sucks. Why did you come here?" asked Sagittarius.
"I don't know. I feel kind of horrible about it but I think I wanted to see if she was prettier than me," admitted Leo. "Why are you here?"
"Pisces was a friend from high school," replied Sagittarius. "But why were you so upset? Still have feelings for Cancer?"
"It just hurts to see that he moved on and I still haven't found anyone else. I feel like I'll be alone for the rest of my life," admitted Leo.
"Oh. I'm sure you'll find someone. Actually I didn't come here with anyone so maybe we can dance together. Then you won't look like the depressed ex-girlfriend who sits in the corner eating food all night," said Sagittarius. Leo chuckled.
"That would be great," then she stopped trying to dry Sagittarius' shirt.
"Don't worry, you can't even notice it," said Sagittarius. Then he helped Leo up and she threw the used napkins in the garbage. When they got back inside Sagittarius started dancing with Leo. Leo was smiling and having fun.
"Hey! I haven't seen you in a while. I'm glad you decided to show up." Leo turned her head to see Cancer and Pisces standing beside her.
"Well, I figured why not. Congrats by the way!" said Leo.
"Thanks!" said Cancer and Pisces at the same time.
"Sagittarius! I haven't seen you since high school!" said Pisces who gave Sagittarius a hug.
"Hey Pisces. Congratulations you guys!" said Sagittarius.
"Are you guys together?" asked Cancer.
"Yeah. We've been together for a while." Sagittarius put his arm around Leo. Cancer smiled.
"Good for you! Well anyways there's a few more people I have to talk to. Bye guys!" said Cancer.
"Bye!" said Pisces. Then they approached Scorpio.
"Thanks," said Leo.
"No problem," said Sagittarius.
"So... do you have a girlfriend?" asked Leo.
"No. I can't flirt very well and online dating didn't work for me so I'm a single Pringle!" said Sagittarius. Leo laughed.
"Maybe we could start dating?" suggested Leo.
"Really? That would be cool," said Sagittarius.
"I'm so glad that I came here and that I was able to meet you. You seem like a really nice guy," said Leo.
"Yeah. Want to sneak out of here early and get something to eat?" asked Sagittarius.
"Sure. Let's go!" then Leo and Sagittarius walked out of the building and decided to get some doughnuts.

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