Scorpio (f) x Gemini (f) x Libra (m) x Aquarius (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

All the zodiacs were in class.
"Okay, you guys have a project coming up-" the class groaned. "... and I'll pick your groups. You guys have to design a little cage so that when you put an egg inside and drop it, the egg won't break," explained the teacher.
"Yay, another project," muttered Scorpio while rolling her eyes.
"At least we don't have to write anything," said Gemini.
"Okay so group one is Taurus, Cancer, Pisces and Virgo, group two is Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius and Libra while group three is Leo, Capricorn, Aries and Sagittarius."

Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius and Libra pushed their desks together. They were discussing ideas for their project.
"I have no idea what to do," said Aquarius.
"Me either," agreed Gemini.
"Hmm... I guess we could use google to find an idea," said Libra.
"But isn't that cheating?" asked Scorpio.
"Do you have a better idea?" asked Libra.
"No," replied Scorpio.
"My parents are going to be out of town this Friday. You guys can come over to my place and we can work on our project this weekend," suggested Gemini.
"Sounds good to me," said Aquarius.

  That Friday, Gemini was sitting in the living room waiting for Scorpio, Libra and Aquarius to arrive. She made a bowl of dip and she had a bag of chips and she also had a few cans of pop in case someone got hungry or thirsty.  Then the doorbell rang. Gemini jumped up and answered the door.
"Hi Libra."
"Hi Gemini." Then Libra walked inside the house. "Nice house."
"There's chips, salsa and cans of pop in case you get hungry or thirsty," said Gemini.
"Awesome!" Then someone else knocked on the door.
"That's Aquarius," said Gemini as she walked over to the door.
"How do you know?" asked Libra.
"Because Scorpio wouldn't knock," asked Gemini. Then she opened the door and Aquarius walked in.
"Nice house."
"The chips and dip are... Libra you can't eat it all yet!" said Gemini.
"But I'm hungry!" said Libra.
"Don't worry, I'll stop him!" said Aquarius.
"Thank you."
"By eating all the chips and dip so he can't eat it all first!" then Aquarius started eating the chips and dip.
"Wait, Aquarius no!" said Gemini. Then the door flew open and Scorpio marched in.
"I'm here!" announced Scorpio.
"We can see that," said Gemini.
"Is that chips and dip?" asked Scorpio. Gemini sighed.
"I guess I'll go make some more, then we'll get to work alright?" asked Gemini. The three others nodded while devouring the chips and dip.

Later on Gemini returned with another bag of chips and another bowl of dip.
"Okay, did anyone think of any ideas?" asked Gemini.
"We should put a mini parachute on the top," suggested Aquarius.
"I'm pretty sure we all thought of that," said Libra.
"Maybe we could try random things and put an egg inside. Then we could go outside and drop it and see if it breaks or not," suggested Scorpio.
"Yeah we could do that, I have a few dozen eggs," said Gemini.
"Okay, so what kind of cage are we going to build first?" asked Libra.
"Let's try building a little box out of straws and we can put cotton balls inside to break the fall," suggested Aquarius.
"I don't know if that will work," said Libra.
"We could try. If it doesn't work we'll try something else," said Scorpio. Then Gemini ran out of the room and returned with a bunch of straws, tape, string and a piece of cloth.

Later on they finished the egg cage. Gemini brought a carton of eggs and put one in the little cage. Then Aquarius taped it shut.
"Where can we drop this?" asked Libra.
"There's a balcony attacked to my room," said Gemini. Then they all went upstairs and Gemini opened the door to her room.
"Your room is so clean," said Scorpio.
"It's usually not this clean, I just cleaned up because I figured we'd have to use the balcony in my room," said Gemini. Then they walked over to the balcony. Scorpio dropped the box, then everyone ran in Gemini's backyard.
"It's so dark outside," said Libra.
"Better hope a murderer doesn't come and kill you," said Aquarius.
"Don't say that! It's creeping me out," said Libra. Then Gemini picked up the box and Scorpio used the flashlight on her phone to look inside.
"It's broken," said Scorpio.
"We'll have to try something else then," said Gemini. Then they all walked back inside.

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