Scorpio (f) x Aquarius (m)

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Scorpio was waking through town with her friend Leo.

"So after that they kicked me out, and that's why I'm banned from Walmart," explained Leo.

Scorpio laughed."Leave it to you to do something like that."

"What's that sound? Is someone playing the guitar?"

"Look. Over there!" They both walked over to see a guy playing the guitar on a bench with a note beside a hat on the ground. Scorpio read the note.

I don't need money, I just want to see you smile.

The boy looked at both girls and smiled. "Like the song?"

"Yeah, but I also like your face," smirked Scorpio.

"You said that out loud," whispered Leo.


The boy laughed. "It's okay. My name is Aquarius. What's yours?"

"I'm Scorpio and that's Leo."

"What pretty names."

"Your face is prettier."

"You did it again," whispered Leo.

"SERIOUSLY?!?" Scorpio blushed madly.

Aquarius laughed again. "You have a pretty face too. Want to go on a date sometime?"

"Okay." They exchanged numbers.

"I hope he doesn't turn out to be a jerk," said Leo as her and Scorpio walked away.

"Me too."


Scorpio was in her room on her laptop, when she received a text. Scorpio checked her phone.

Aquarius: Hey

Scorpio: Hi

Aquarius: There's a movie playing later. Want to go see it?

Scorpio: Sure. What time?

Aquarius: You should be there in about three hours. Okay?

Scorpio: Okay!

Scorpio put her phone down and smiled. He seems nice already. I just hope he stays that way because I'm tired of players and bad boys.

She got upand started experimenting with her hair. Hmm... Maybe I should leave my hair down. It looks nice. Or maybe I should put a braid in it, or maybe a ponytail? Ugh why do I care so much it's just a date. Just a date with a really cute guy! She sighed and picked out a nice shirt and jeans to wear later.


Scorpio arrived at the theatre. She decided to put her hair in a ponytail. She was waiting inside, when Aquarius walked towards her.

"Hey," said Scorpio.

"Hi." They got in line to get food.

"Here, I'll pay." Scorpio pulled her wallet out of her pocket.

"What? I can pay for my own food."

"You entertained me earlier while playing the guitar. So I'll repay the favour."

"That's very nice of you."

"It's nothing."

After they got their food, Scorpio and Aquarius went to sit down.

"Where do you want to sit?" asked Aquarius.

"I like sitting in the front row."

"Okay good. Me too!" They say down in the front row.

"Wait what movie are we watching again?" asked Scorpio.

"The newest ghost busters movie."

"Oh. I heard that was supposed to be funny."



After the movie was done, Aquarius and Scorpio were walking to their houses.

"So what did you think? Want to go on another date?" asked Aquarius.

"Yeah. I'd love that."

"Okay good. Because I think- no wait. I know that I'm starting to like you."

"I'm starting to like you too."

"You do? That's great!"


"Here, let me pay you back for my food. That must of cost you lots of money."

"No, it's fine."

"What do you mean?"

Scorpio nervously twirled a bit of hair around her finger. "I umm... have a lot of money."

"Oh you do?"

"Yeah. My parents are rich."

"Wow, but let me pay you back because my family also has a lot of money."

"I already told you it was my treat."

"Okay." Suddenly, it started raining outside. Aquarius and Scorpio began running. "How much further is your house?"

"I don't know. Five minutes?"

"Okay. I don't suppose you can run very well in those boots."

"Not really."

"Here." Aquarius picked her up.

"You can put me back down if I'm too heavy."

"Nah. You're not that heavy. Tell me when we get to your house."

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