Pisces (f) x Cancer (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Pisces and Cancer were eating lunch at Cancer's house.
"Hey, want a cookie to go with our breakfast?" asked Cancer.
"Sure," replied Pisces. Then Cancer got up and brought the cookie jar over to the table. He lifted the lid and frowned.
"There's only one cookie left," said Cancer.
"Mine!" said Pisces.
"Why should you get the last cookie?" asked Cancer.
"Because I said so," said Pisces.
"What if I want the last cookie?" asked Cancer.
"Then you'll have to fight me for it," said Pisces.
"Alright! I challenge you to a snowball fight, the winner gets the last cookie!" declared Cancer.
"You're on!" replied Pisces.

Pisces was sitting in Cancer's back yard making a snow fort.
"I name you frosty, you'll be my second in command," said Cancer from his snow fort across from Pisces. Pisces looked up to see Cancer making a snowman in front of his fort. Pisces laughed. He's such a dork. Thought Pisces.
"What's that Snowy? You can't wait to take out Cancer's army?" asked Pisces as she started building a snowman.
"Snowy? What a creative name," said Cancer.
"Says the one who named his second in command FROSTY," said Pisces.
"Whatever, Frosty can beat up Snowy any day," said Cancer.
"Snowy knows karate and he lifts snow weights," said Pisces.
"Yeah? Well frosty is a karate master," said Cancer.
"Snowy is trained to throw snowballs, he can hit a target that's one hundred miles away," said Pisces.
"Okay, that's unrealistic," said Cancer.
"That's what Scorpio said about you having a girlfriend," said Pisces.
"But you're my girlfriend," said Cancer.
"So even if something seems unrealistic, it still might be true," said Pisces. Cancer laughed.

Cancer finished making his snowballs.
"Ready?" asked Cancer.
"Yep," replied Pisces. Then Cancer looked up from the wall that blocked him from Pisces. Cancer quickly ducked back down to avoid Pisces' snowball. Then he popped back up and threw a snowball at Pisces. Pisces dodged it. They kept throwing snowballs back and forth until eventually Cancer decided that he was too tired to continue throwing snowballs.
"Okay you win. You can have the cookie," said Cancer.
"YESSSS!" shouted Pisces as she ran inside the house. Cancer followed her.

After their snowball fight Pisces and Cancer decided to sit in front of the fire to warm up. They cuddled together with a blanket wrapped around both of their shoulders. Pisces cracked the cookie in half and gave the other half to Cancer.
"What was the point of having the snowball fight if you were just going to crack the cookie in half?" asked Cancer.
"Didn't you have fun?" asked Pisces.
"Yeah," replied Cancer.
"The point of that snowball fight was to have fun," said Pisces.
"You're right," said Cancer. Then he pulled something out of his pocket.
"What's that?" asked Pisces.
"Pisces, will you marry me?" asked Cancer. The he opened a box to reveal a ring. Pisces dropped her half of the cookie in shock.
"Pisces?" asked Cancer.
"YES CANCER! OF COURSE!" screamed Pisces. Cancer put the ring on Pisces' finger and then they hugged each other.
"I'm so glad you said yes," said Cancer.
"I love you Cancer," said Pisces.
"I love you too Pisces."

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