Gemini (f) x Cancer (m)

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Gemini and Cancer were sitting under a tree in the park so they could be in the shade on a hot summer day.

"It's so hot outside," groaned Gemini.

"I know right! I feel like my skin will melt off." Cancer tied her hair back into a ponytail.

"At least we're under a tree surrounded by flowers."

"Yeah. But what good is it to be surrounded by flowers besides the fact that they're pretty?"

"We can make flower crowns."

"Flower crowns? How do you make those?"

"Like this. Watch." Gemini picked a few flowers and started making a flower crown. "Pick a few pretty flowers for your flower crown."

"Sure." Cancer got up and started picking a few flowers. He didn't really see the point in making flower crowns, but it made Gemini happy. After he gathered a few flowers, he put them on the grass beside Gemini and leaned on her shoulder.

"Are you tired?"

"A bit. It's like the heat is draining my energy."

"I know what you mean."

"Oh wow. That's pretty cool." Cancer watched as Gemini finished her flower crown.

Gemini put it on her head."Now I am Gemini, queen of flowers."

"So... What am I?"

"You're Cancer, king of flowers. Or you will be when I'm done making you a crown."

Cancer blushed a bit. She said she's the queen and I'm the king? Was that a joke because she's just playing around or did she mean something? Hmm... Me and Gemini....

Gemini picked up the flowers that Cancer gave her.


After a while, Cancer was sleeping. His head was resting on Gemini's lap. She didn't want to wake him, so she made Cancer's flower crown trying to move as little as possible. After Gemini finished Cancer's flower crown, she kissed him on the cheek. "You're awake aren't you?"

"Yeah." Cancer blushed heavily. He sat up and Gemini put a crown on his head.

"And now you're Cancer. The king of flowers."

"So... Are you my queen?"

"Of course!"

"That means we're married."

"Yeah. Well not actually, but we can pretend we're married."

"Maybe we could give it a try."

"What? Getting married?"

"No! I mean dating."

"Okay. I'm sure you'll be a great boyfriend."

"You're not surprised?"

"Ive been waiting for you to ask me that."

Cancer changed the topic. "These flower crowns are really pretty. Can you teach me how to make them?"

"Sure. We just need to pick more flowers."

They were picking flowers when a little girl ran up to them. "Hi. I like your crowns."

"Thanks," smiled Gemini.

"Are you a princess?"

"No I'm a queen. And he's a king."

"Woah that's so cool. I wish I was a queen."

"You can be. I'll teach you how to make a flower crown and you can be a queen too."

"Really? I have to go tell mommy and daddy!" The little girl as she ran over to her parents, bursting with excitement.

"You made her so happy," smiled Cancer.

"Making flower crowns makes me happy."

"You're so good with little kids. Oh look she's coming back."

"Mommy said I could!" The little girl grinned from ear to ear.

"Okay. Just pick a few pretty flowers okay?" asked Gemini.

"Okay. You're so pretty."

Cancer muttered, "she is, isn't she?"

"You're pretty too. When you grow up you'll be pretty like me."

"Yay!" The little girl ran around picking flowers.

"You make others so happy to be around you. I don't know how you do it," sighed Cancer.

"I don't either. But you're nice too. Maybe that's why we get along so well."

After everyone picked enough flowers, Gemini sat down and taught Cancer and the little girl how to make flower crowns.

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