Cancer (f) x Pisces (m)

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Cancer was walking through the hallways with her best friend Pisces at school. They were in almost every class together.

"We have art today," cheered Pisces.

"I love art!"

"Yeah, me too." He frowned when he saw who was coming.

Cancer also noticed and quickly fixed her hair as they passed by Sagittarius. He smiled at Cancer and she smiled back. Cancer had a huge crush on Sagittarius, but Pisces was jealous because he was pretty sure that he was in love with Cancer, and he wanted Cancer to like him.

"Isn't he cool?" asked Cancer.

Pisces didn't answer. No he's not cool. He's so dumb and he thinks he's so cool when he really isn't. Thought Pisces, although Pisces knew that wasn't true. Sagittarius was smart and a nice guy.

"Pisces? Pi?"


"You were daydreaming, that's unusual for you when you're walking in the hallways."

"Oh, I think I was just lost in thought."

"About what?"

"Nothing. Just the upcoming test."

"Upcoming test? What test? Which subject?" Cancer panicked because she didn't remember any teacher saying anything about an upcoming test.

"Um... that one in... math."

"We don't have an upcoming test in math, we're only halfway through the unit."

"Oh we are? Haha I guess I heard wrong."

"What are you hiding?"

"What? I'm not hiding anything!"

Cancer stopped walking and looked at him. "Pisces, I know you better then you think I do. There's something bothering you."

"It's nothing. I'd rather not talk about it."

"Okay. Just remember you can trust me and tell me anything." Cancer gave Pisces a hug. Pisces blushed.


Pisces and Cancer were on the bus going home. They were talking until Sagittarius got on the bus.

"What's he doing here? He's not on this bus," whispered Pisces. Sagittarius sat across from them.

Cancer smiled at him. "I didn't know you were on this bus."

"Oh, yeah. My parents are divorced so now I'm switching buses so I can get off the bus stop at my dad's house," explained Sagittarius.

"Oh no I'm sorry to hear that."

"Will you be switching between buses every few weeks?" asked Pisces.

"No. I'm on this bus for good."

Cancer grinned from ear to ear. "That's great. Now we have someone else to talk to."

"That's freaking amazing," muttered Pisces sarcastically.

Sagittarius noticed Pisces' expression. "Why do you have that look on your face? I thought you were always so happy and carefree."

"Then you obviously don't know me."

Cancer pinched Pisces' arm. "Hey, Sagittarius is just trying to be nice."

"You're right Cancer. Sorry." Why won't this damn bus move already?

Sagittarius glanced at Cancer. "So... since it's Friday, me and a few of my friends are going to play a big game of spotlight tonight at the field. Want to come?"

"Sure. As long as Pisces can come too."

Sagittarius frowned for a second but then smiled again. "Sure."


Cancer and Pisces arrived at the field later on that night.

"Maybe we could go back and watch a-"

Pisces got cut off by a girl who ran over to them. "Hey, who are you guys?"

"I'm Pisces and this is Cancer."

"Did Sagittarius invite you? He's always looking for more friends to play. Anyways, my name is Scorpio." They followed Scorpio to a big group of other people.

"So, how are we playing this? Everyone for them selves or teams of two?" asked a girl.

"Let me first introduce you guys to our newest friends. Cancer and Pisces." Sagittarius motioned towards them. "Cancer and Pisces, that girl over there is Leo, the boy over there is Aquarius, the girl over there is Libra, the boy over there is Gemini and the girl over there is Capricorn."

"Got it. Nice to meet you all," smiledCancer. Pisces just waved to everyone.

"Okay so since Capricorn lost the bet, she has to be it," smirked Aquarius.

Capricorn sighed. "Fine." Gemini passed her the flashlight, and she started counting down.

Pisces ran with Cancer. "This is an open field. There's nowhere to hide."

"There's a forest over there."

Pisces blushed as Cancer grabbed his hand and they both ran into the forest.


When they ran far enough in the forest, they stopped and hid in the bushes.

Cancer looked around to see if anyone was nearby. "This is fun. I hope we can keep playing with these guys."

"Cancer, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I really kind of like you, and I get jealous whenever you talk about Sagittarius and I just wanted you to know that."

Cancer frowned. "You like me?"

"Yes." Pisces immediately regretted telling her.

"I'll admit I do like Sagittarius, but you like me and he may never ask me out. So maybe we can go on a date sometime."


"Yeah. Plus maybe I'll fall in love with you instead of him."

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