Cancer (m) x Sagittarius (m)

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  *** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Sagittarius was sleeping peacefully when someone shook his shoulders.
"Wake up Saggi! Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!" Sagittarius opened his eyes to see his boyfriend Cancer on top of him.
"Why couldn't you let me sleep in?" Complained Sagittarius.
"Because sleeping isn't any fun. We have so much to do today." Said Cancer.
"Fine. I'll get dressed and meet you downstairs." Said Sagittarius.
"Alright!" Said Cancer as he ran downstairs. Sagittarius smiled. Cancer sure was something special.

Sagittarius walked downstairs and fed their hamsters. Then he walked in the kitchen.
"What's for breakfast?" Asked Sagittarius while yawning.
"Eggs. I'm making them sunny side up." Said Cancer. Then he flipped the eggs over. "You know what? Looks like we're having scrambled eggs." Said Cancer.
"You burst the yolk didn't you?" Asked Sagittarius.
"Yeah." Said Cancer.
"Oh well. Scrambled it just as good." Said Sagittarius. Then he walked over and wrapped his arms around Cancer's waist. Cancer smiled.

After they were done eating Sagittarius and Cancer were watching tv.
"I'm getting kind of bored." Said Cancer.
"Then let's do something." Said Sagittarius.
"Like what?" Asked Cancer.
"Like we can... watch a horror movie." Suggested Sagittarius.
"A horror movie? I don't like those." Said Cancer.
"Why? Are you scared?" Asked Sagittarius.
"N-Nope." Said Cancer.
"Okay great." Said Sagittarius. Then he got on Netflix and searched for a horror movie.

"Saggi I'm scared." Said Cancer while holding onto Sagittarius.
"It's okay. The monsters aren't real. Or are they?" Asked Sagittarius.
"You're not helping!" Said Cancer. Sagittarius laughed. "Can we stop watching the movie and bake a cake or something?"
"Alright." Said Sagittarius. Then they paused the movie and went into the kitchen.

Cancer got the cake mix while Sagittarius set up everything else.
"No eating the cake batter!" Said Sagittarius.
"Aww but it's so tasty!" Said Cancer.
"Fine. I'll behave if you reward me with a kiss later." Said Cancer.
"Alright, deal." Said Sagittarius. Then Cancer poured in the ingredients. Sagittarius stirred the cake batter. Cancer got a spoon and dipped it in the cake batter.
"Hey." Said Sagittarius.
"Sorry I couldn't help it. The cake batter is just so good!" Said Cancer.
"Yeah but if we eat it we won't have any left for the cupcakes!" Said Sagittarius.
"That's fine. Let's just eat the cake batter out of the bowl." Said Cancer.
"You know what? I'm okay with doing that." Said Sagittarius. Then Sagittarius got a spoon and both of them sat down at the table and ate the cake batter out of the bowl.

"Oops." Said Cancer as he flung a spoonful of cake batter at Sagittarius. It hit him in the face.
"Not you have to lick it off." Said Sagittarius. Cancer chuckled and licked the cake batter off Sagittarius' face. Then when Cancer got another spoonful Sagittarius flung some cake batter at him. Sagittarius smiled innocently.
"That's it." Said Cancer. Then he started flinging more cake batter at Sagittarius. Sagittarius fought back and soon they were both covered in cake batter. Sagittarius and Cancer laughed.
"Look what you started." Said Sagittarius.
"Hey. Admit that you enjoyed our cake batter fight." Said Cancer.
"Fine. It was fun." Said Sagittarius.
"But since I started it I'll clean up while you go get a shower." Said Cancer.
"Alright." Said Sagittarius. Then he kissed Cancer and went upstairs. Cancer got the mop and started cleaning the cake batter off the floor.

Cancer walked downstairs. After Sagittarius was out of the shower he came downstairs and cleaned while Cancer went to get a shower. Sagittarius stopped cleaning and wrapped his arms around Cancer.
"You smell nice." Said Sagittarius. Then he smelled Cancer again. "You've been using my soap again haven't you?"
"I'm sorry but it smells so good!" Said Cancer.
"Don't worry you can use my soap anytime." Said Sagittarius. Cancer smiled.
"Did you get the kitchen cleaned up?" Asked Cancer.
"Yes I did." Said Sagittarius.
"Okay. I'm kind of hungry so maybe now we can back cookies." Said Cancer.
"Okay but you're not allowed to eat them until they're baked." Said Sagittarius.
"No promises." Said Cancer. Then they went into the kitchen to bake cookies.

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