Capricorn (f) x Aries (m)

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Capricorn was eating lunch in the school cafeteria with Aries.

"So, how's softball practice going?" asked Capricorn. Aries was captain of the softball team. Capricorn tried playing softball to impress him, but she couldn't even hit the ball.

"Great. Now I can even hit the ball over the fence and score a home run."

"Wow really? That's so awesome."

"Thanks." Aries smiled at her.

Capricorn felt like she was going to melt. She loved Aries and tried to hint at him that she loved him, but Aries never noticed. Capricorn was no where near brave enough to confess her feelings to Aries. She could never get him to notice how she complimented everything he did, or how she was always talking to him. He just assumed that's normal for best friends.

"It's Friday," announced Capricorn.

"Oh right! I keep forgetting. Excited?"

"Yes. I love the weekend and all, but I won't be able to hang out with you all weekend."

"Aww I love you too Cappy," joked Aries.

"What?" Capricorn blushed.

"I was just teasing you."

He doesn't even know how much I want to hear him say that seriously. "I know."

"Well I'd better get to class. See you!"



It was Monday. Capricorn was sitting with Aries in the cafeteria again.

"I made lunch for both of us." Capricorn handed him a container full of chilli.

"You did? That's so sweet. Chilli? You made this?"

"Yeah, I did." Capricorn passed Aries a spoon. Aries ate a bit. Capricorn hoped that she was able to impress him with her chilli.

"Tastes like dirt." Aries tried to hide his huge grin.

"Yeah right! You love it!"

"Hehe... Yes I do. Good job!"

"Thanks." Capricorn blushed lightly.

"Tomorrow I need to make us something for lunch."

"Okay, what are you cooking?"

"It's a surprise."

"Aww okay."

"So, are you thinking about joining volleyball?"

"I've been thinking about it."

"You should join."



The next day at lunch, Aries gave Capricorn a container.

"Let's see what Aries made."

"I'm not the best cook. But I tried my best!"

"That's all that matters. Really." Capricorn opened the container. Inside was supposed to be a hamburger, but it was burnt in some places, there was ketchup smeared everywhere, and Aries used two pieces of bread instead of hamburger buns. "What a... Unique burger."

"Um... I kinda ran out of hamburger buns. Sorry, I really tried but I still managed to screw up a burger. You don't have to eat it I'll make you something else tomorrow... Possibly with a bit of help."

"No. You ate my chilli so I have to eat this." Capricorn took a bite of it.

"So... What do you think?"

"Tastes like dirt."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm teasing! It's good."

"Really?" Aries wasn't convinced.

"Yeah. I mean it's a bit odd but I still like it."

"Okay. I'm glad you actually ate it."

"To be honest, I'm not surprised. You're the kind of guy that would probably burn craft dinner if he tried to cook it." Capricorn laughed. "Why aren't you laughing?"

"Because I actually burnt craft dinner... Four times."

Capricorn held onto the table for support as she exploded with laughter. "Aries... You're so funny."

"Yeah. See you at lunch tomorrow." Aries hesitated before kissing Capricorn on the cheek. She blushed. Aries did too.


The next day at lunch, Capricorn blushed again when she saw Aries.

She waved. "Hey."


"You've been avoiding me in the hallway."

"I'm sorry. It just feels so awkward."

"What does?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"What? A little kiss on the cheek. How's that awkward?"


"Because what?"

"Because I like you!"

Capricorn froze. He said it! HE SAID HE LIKES ME!!! "I like you too! I have for a while now."



"So I guess it's alright if I do this." Aries slid an arm around Capricorn.

"Yes, it is."

"Okay good. Wouldn't want to make my new girlfriend uncomfortable."

Girlfriend. I'm finally his girlfriend!

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