Taurus (m) x Cancer (m)

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Taurus and Cancer were going camping together. Being best friends, they always spent their weekends and summers constantly by each other's side.

"Okay, let's set up the tent around here," suggested Cancer.

After they set up the tent, they put their bags inside.

"This is going to be so much fun," smiled Taurus.

"I know right! I love camping."

"I want to swim in the lake." Taurus took off his shirt and ran in the water.

Cancer tried not to smirk. He had a crush on Taurus but didn't want him to know.

"Are you coming in?" asked Taurus.

"Oh right. Yeah I'm coming." Cancer he took off his shirt and ran into the water with Taurus.

"Look Cancer! I caught a fish." Taurus held up a tiny fish.

"He can't breathe, put him back!"

Taurus put the fish back into the water, then splashed water at Cancer. "Splash fight!"

Cancer splashed back, until his foot touched the ground. "There's something squishy at the bottom!"

"That's mud."

"Still, it feels weird."

Taurus dove down and threw a handful of mud at Cancer.

"That's it." Cancer dove down and threw a handful of mud back at Taurus. Then the mud war began.


After swimming, Taurus and Cancer were sitting around the campfire.

"Pass me a marshmallow please."

Taurus passed Cancer a marshmallow by placing it in Cancer's mouth. Cancer rolled his eyes and roasted a new marshmallow over the fire.

Taurus smirked. "Better hope there's no bears in these woods."

"Don't do that! You'll scare me."

"I heard that at night-"


"Fine. Even if there were bears around, I'd be able to fight them off." Taurus flexed his muscles.

"I'm sure."

"No bear would dare come near me."

"Yeah. They don't want to see your face." Taurus walked over and started tickling Cancer. "Stop! You made me drop my stick and marshmallow in the fire!"

"Oh well." Taurus accidentally fell on top of Cancer while tickling him.

Cancer blushed but Taurus was too busy tickling him to notice. "I'm getting kind of tired now."

"Okay. Let's get to sleep." Taurus put out the fire while Cancer went inside the tent.


Taurus crawled inside the tent and realized something. "I think I forgot my sleeping bag."

"I'm not surprised."

Taurus got down on the ground and tried to sleep.

Cancer sighed. "You can share a sleeping bag with me."

"Nah, it's fine."

"I know you won't sleep like that."

"Okay. If you don't mind." Taurus climbed in the sleeping bad with Cancer.

"Wait. Taurus? There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I-I think I like you."

"I like you too Cancer."

"No, I mean romantically."

"Oh." Taurus blushed.

"I wanted to say something because I'm feeling kind of awkward right now. But that confession just made things more awkward-"

Taurus cut him off with a kiss.

"You like me too?" asked Cancer.


"Wow. I can't believe I've been hiding my feelings this whole time."

"Yeah you should have told me sooner! So what's your favourite kind of flowers?"

"Oh! I... Uh... I d-don't really know."

"Aww you're so nervous! It's cute."

Cancer blushed even more. "How about we get to sleep now?"

"Sure." Taurus Taurus wrapped an arm around Cancer and pulled him close. "I really like you Cancer."

Cancer was blushing so much that he hid his face in the pillow so Taurus wouldn't see.

"Stop hiding your blush like you think I can't see it."

Cancer playfully smacked Taurus on the arm.


The next day, Cancer woke up with Taurus' arm still around him.

Taurus stretched his arms. "I fell asleep pretty easily last night."

"Me too."

"How about we get something to eat?"

"Alright." They looked through the snack bag and started eating.

"Open up." Taurus tried to feed Cancer a potato chip. Cancer blushed but opened his mouth. "You blush so easily. You look like a little tomato."

"Want to go swimming again?"


After eating, they ran for the lake where they began splashing each other.

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