Aries (f) x Leo (m)

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Aries ran in the classroom and tripped. Her stuff flew everywhere.

"Are you alright?" Leo helped Aries up. Then he kneeled down to help her get her books and stuff.

"Thanks Leo. I'm glad I made it here just in time." Aries walked to her usual desk and sat beside her best friend.

"For once you're not late. Did I wake up on the wrong planet or something?"

"Hey! It's not my fault I get so angry at my alarm that I throw it across the room. Oh wait yes it is."

Leo laughed. Leo and Aries have been best friends ever since high school started. At first Leo thought that Aries was really cool and he wanted to get to know her better, but then he realized that he had a crush on her. Just tell her how you feel, you're missing out on life!

But anytime he tried to talk to her, he got nervous and couldn't do it. He was afraid she was going to say she didn't like him back or that their friendship would be ruined. So Leo kept quiet.

The teacher suddenly came in and started talking. Leo and Aries always sat in the back so they always whispered to each other and shared food. Aries gave Leo a few Oreos and they ate them without the teacher noticing.

Aries looked Leo with that look in her eyes. The look that drove him crazy.

"What are you up to?"

Aries shrugged. "Oh nothing... A little revenge."

"Oh Aries. Don't do anything stupid... without me."

Aries handed him another Oreo and she whispered something to him.

The teacher sighed. "I see Aries and Leo are whispering again. That's fine I'll use the two of you for my example. Aries and Leo are going to the store to buy new personalities-"

Leo nodded. "You're right. I wanted the asshole personality, but the manager told me you bought the last one." A few students gasped while others started laughing. The teacher rolled her eyes and continued teaching.


Leo got his food and sat down beside Aries in the cafeteria. "I hate that teacher so much."

"Me too."

All of the sudden, a girl with pretty blonde hair and hazel eyes ran up to Leo. "Hi Leo. Umm... I just wanted to remind you that prom is next week and... I... was wondering if... you'd like to go with me?"

"Oh... um, sorry Judy, but I think I want to go with someone else."

Judy looked a bit disappointed, but she smiled and walked away.

Aries gaped at Leo. "Why didn't you agree to go with her? She's pretty and smart."

"I... I'm trying to ask someone else but I get too nervous around her." Leo blushed a bit.

"Omg really? Who is it? I can ask her out for you if you want?"

"No, I have to ask her myself."

"Who is it?"

"Can't tell you."

"But Leo! I tell you everything."

"I know. I'm going to ask her tonight, then I'll tell you, okay?"

"Okay. But can I try to guess who?"

"Sure. If you guess who it is I'll tell you. How should I ask her?"

"Bring her flowers and chocolate."

"What kind of flowers and chocolate?"

"Hmm... do you know her favourite colour? If so get that colour flower, also buy KitKat a lot of people like KitKat bars."
"Perfect! Thanks Aries."

Aries then started trying to guess who Leo liked.


Later on that night, Aries heard a knock on her door. She answered it to see Leo holding a bouquet of blue flowers and he had KitKat bars. "Leo..."

"Aries. I've loved you for a few years now. Since prom is a week away, I'd like to know if you'd like to go with me?" He blushed madly and every second felt like an hour.

"I-I didn't know you felt this way. Sure Leo. Id love to go with you."


"Yeah. Can't wait."


A week later, Aries walked out of her house wearing a blue and black dress. She hated wearing dresses, but she didn't want people to stare at her for not wearing one either.

Although she was wearing her black converse instead of high heels. Leo stood breathless anyway. "Aries. Y-You're beautiful."

"Don't you mean I'm fabulous?" Aries stuck out her tongue and struck a pose.

Leo laughed. "Yes, you're fabulous."

"You're also handsome and fabulous."

Leo opened the car door for Aries and she got in. Then they both drove to the prom.


Aries and Leo were dancing and doing lots of fun tricks that made people stop and watch them, but they were having too much fun and laughing too much to notice. After a while, a slow song came on.

Aries looked at Leo. "I don't know how to slow dance."

"Just do what I do, but don't step on my feet."


"I used to dream about this."

"You should have told me sooner."

"But I got too nervous around you."

"You didn't need to be. I was starting to like you too."



When the song ended, Leo leaned in and kissed her. They were both blushing like crazy.

Leo smiled. "I'm so glad I asked you to come with me."

"I am too." Aries starting playing with his hair. "I love you, my brave little lion."

"And I love you too, my sweet little ram." All of the sudden, he wrapped his arms around her and they kissed again.

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