Scorpio (f) x Libra (m)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Scorpio was at home on her laptop. Scorpio's mom walked in her room.
"Scorpio the guests will be here soon," announced her mom.
"Scorpio you have to at least say hi," said her mom.
"Cool," then Scorpio's mom took her laptop. "Hey! Give it back!"
"You will get your laptop back after the guests are gone," said her mom.
"But mom! I don't want to meet our new neighbours!" protested Scorpio.
"They have a son you age,"
"I don't care though!"
"Go downstairs or I'm keeping your laptop," ordered her mom. Scorpio sighed and got up.

Scorpio was lying down on the sofa and eating a chocolate bar when there was a knock on the door.
"Scorpio can you get that?" asked her dad.
"I don't want to meet these people in the first place," said Scorpio. Her dad sighed and answered the door.
"Sit up!" mouthed Scorpio's mom. Scorpio sat up but kept her feet stretched out in front of her.
"Hello," welcomed her dad.
"Hi," said the new neighbours. Then they all sat down.
"Libra will be here in a second," said Libra's mom. Libra... pfft what a loser's name. Thought Scorpio. Then Libra walked through the door. Scorpio stared at him. Damn he's cute though. Maybe meeting the new neighbours won't be so bad after all... thought Scorpio.
"Uh... where can I sit?" asked Libra.
"There's a spot beside Scorpio," said Scorpio's mom.
"Scorpio take your legs off the sofa so Libra can sit down please," said Scorpio's dad. Scorpio sat up properly. Libra sat down beside her.
"Hi, I'm Libra," said Libra.
"Uh... hi. I'm... um... I'm Scorpio," said Scorpio.
"That's a nice name," said Libra. Scorpio blushed.
"Thanks!" What are these feelings and why do I have them? Why am I acting like this? Uh oh it better not be because I like him. Thought Scorpio.
"Want to go for a walk while our parents talk?" asked Libra.
"Yeah, sure," replied Scorpio. Then they got up and walked outside.

Scorpio and Libra were walking on the sidewalk.
"So, what are you like?" asked Libra.
"I don't know. I spend a lot of time on my laptop," admitted Scorpio.
"Oh. Wanna go to the park? There's a park around here right?" asked Libra.
"Yeah," said Scorpio.

At the park the sun was shining and it was very warm outside.
"Look sprinklers!" said Libra.
"And?" asked Scorpio. Then Libra grabbed Scorpio's wrist and pulled her towards the sprinkler. Then both jumped over it and got sprayed by the water.
"What was the point of that?" asked Scorpio.
"Wasn't it fun?" asked Libra.
"But I'm wet," said Scorpio.
"Besides that," said Libra.
"Yeah it was pretty fun," admitted Scorpio.
"See? It's fun being outside and not always on your computer," said Libra.
"But there's no music outside," said Scorpio.
"So? That doesn't mean you can't dance!" then Libra started dancing. Scorpio laughed.
"Stop you'll embarrass yourself," said Scorpio.
"What if I don't care? Dance with me!" said Libra
"I'll pass," said Scorpio. Then Libra walked over and grabbed her hands.
"Please?" asked Libra. Scorpio rolled her eyes.
"Fine. But just because I don't care about what others think," said Scorpio. Then they started dancing together.

After a while Scorpio and Libra stopped dancing and they were smiling.
"Wasn't that fun?" asked Libra.
"I guess," said Scorpio.
"Hey look a water fountain. I heard you're supposed to throw a penny in the fountain and make a wish," said Libra.
"But I don't have any," said Scorpio.
"I have one," said Libra. Then he passed Scorpio a penny. She made a wish and threw it into the water fountain.
"Wanna go back home now? Our parents must be wondering where we are," said Libra.
"Sure," said Scorpio.

Scorpio and Libra were walking home.
"Did you have fun today?" asked Libra.
"Yes I did!" said Scorpio.
"When you tossed that penny you were smiling. What did you wish for?" asked Libra.
"I'm not telling you or it won't come true!" said Scorpio.
"Then I'll have to tickle you until you tell me,"
"Libra no-" then Libra started tickling Scorpio and she was laughing so hard that she fell down and Libra fell on top of her. They both looked at each other and blushed.
"Want to tell me now?" asked Libra.
"No way!" said Scorpio. Then Libra leaned in and kissed her.
"How about now?" asked Libra.
"It doesn't matter anymore," said Scorpio.
"Why?" asked Libra. Scorpio smiled.
"Because my wish just came true,"

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