Aries (f) x Gemini (m)

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Gemini was waiting for Aries at the beach. Aries and Gemini were best friends and they usually liked to go places together. It was a really hot day outside, and Gemini had money so they could go buy ice cream.

After a few minutes, a blue car drove by and stopped. Then Aries got out and ran over to Gemini while giving him a big hug. "Sorry I'm late Gemini. You weren't waiting too long were you?"

"No, I was only waiting a few minutes. Want to go get some ice cream at that shop over there?"

"Sure. Good thing I remembered to bring some money."

They walked across the road over to a little shop that sold beach stuff and ice cream.

Aries quickly scanned the different flavors before ordering. "I'll have two scoops of cookie dough please."

"And I'll have two scoops of mint chocolate chip please."

Aries turned to face Gemini. "I'm so glad that school is finally over! I wish we had a longer summer."

"I know! Even though I don't do much in the summer."

The woman behind the counter handed Aries her ice cream.

"Thank you."

"Am I the only one that makes lots of summer plans but ends up only doing like three things?" asked Gemini.

"Nope. I do that too." Then the woman handed Gemini his ice cream and they left.


Aries and Gemini were walking around on the beach while they ate their ice cream.

Aries checked her ponytail to make sure it was tight enough. "I'm so happy we finally have a warm and sunny day."

"Yeah, me too."

"It's been FOREVER since I've been to the beach."

"I know right."

"Gemini, you seem distracted."

Gemini furrowed his brow. "Oh I do? It's nothing."

Then they walked over to a garbage can to throw out the little pieces of paper that went around the ice cream cones.

Aries grabbed Gemini by the wrist. "Come on Gem, let's go swim around a bit!" She ran into the water, pulling him along by his wrist until the water was up to their waists.

Gemini smiled. He loved how energetic Aries was.

"Wait I think I brought a beach ball, I'll be right back." Aries swam back and got a beach ball from her car. Then she ran back into the water and tossed it to Gemini.

They tossed the beach ball to each other. Aries hit it to Gemini who hit it back to her. Then Aries went to hit it back to Gemini when a wave knocked her over.

"Aries?" She popped back up laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Did you see that? I got knocked over by a wave. That must of been hilarious." Aries was still laughing.

Gemini sighed and swam over to her. "You're a strange little one Aries. You always have been clumsy on your feet."

"So, what do you want to do now?"

"How about we build a sandcastle?"

"Sure." Aries ran over to her car and put the beach ball back. After that, she ran back over to where Gemini was building a sand castle.


"How are we going to build a sand castle without buckets or shovels?" asked Aries.

"Easy, we'll just shape the sand with our hands." Gemini got some wet sand and started to shape it. Aries did the same thing.

After a while, they had what looked like a big lump of sand.

Aries chuckled. "Well, we tried."

"I supposed that's all that matters."

"Want to relax on the sand and get some food?"

"Sure." Gemini went to his car to get a beach blanket to sit on, a bag with some food and a towel. Aries got a towel from her car and her own little bag with some food. Gemini spread out his blanket for them both to sit on. They sat next to each other and started to eat. Aries packed berries for herself while Gemini packet a sandwich.

They spent a few hours of eating, relaxing on the beach and swimming around a bit until it was getting late. Gemini and Aries were sitting back on the blanket as everyone else left. Then Gemini put his arm around Aries. She moved in closer and leaned against him and he used his other hand to play with her hair.

Aries looked at the pretty sunset. "I love the beach."

"Me too. Everyone else is leaving now, do you want to leave or stay a bit longer?"

"I'll stay a bit longer."

"Me too."

"Look! Sunset! Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah, almost as beautiful as you." He realized he spoke out loud, causing his face turned red.

"What?" Aries blushed a bit too.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"


"W-Would you... Um... Like to... Uh..."

"I'd love to go on a date with you."

"How did you know what I was going to say?"

"Because I know you."

"Really? Oh." Gemini smiled like an idiot.

Aries leaned in and kissed him. "I didn't think your face could get anymore red."

"Oh my face is red? Is it? Must be a sunburn."

"Shut up, I know you're blushing."

"Am not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Aries laughed and threw sand at him.

"No, I'm not." Gemini threw sand back at her.

"Yes, you are." Then they got up and had a sand war. Gemini and Aries laughed the whole time.

"Okay I think it's time to go home now." Gemini picked Aries up bridal style and carried her back to her car and gave her one last kiss before saying goodbye.

"Bye Gemini. I'm looking forward to that date."

Gemini smiled. "Bye Aries."

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