Taurus (f) x Aquarius (m) (SAD)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Taurus and Aquarius were at Aquarius' house. They were watching a movie together. Aquarius had his arm around Taurus. Taurus had her arms wrapped around Aquarius. Everything was perfect. Aquarius grabbed Taurus' hand.
"I love you," said Aquarius. Taurus smiled.
"I love you too Aquarius."

After the movie ended Aquarius stretched his arms. "So. What do you want to do now?"
"I don't know. It's up to you," replied Taurus.
"Want to go for a walk?" asked Aquarius.
"But it's midnight," said Taurus.
"So? It will be a midnight adventure!" Taurus felt a bit uneasy but Aquarius looked excited so eventually she agreed.

Taurus and Aquarius were walking outside their house.
"What's that noise?" asked Aquarius.
"What noise?" asked Taurus.
"It sounds like music. I think there's a party going on," said Aquarius.
"I hear it too!" Then Taurus started dancing to the music. Aquarius laughed. "What?"
"I'm so in love with you. You always make me laugh and smile," said Aquarius. Taurus laughed.
"Well it's a shame that you'll never love me more than I love you!" said Taurus.
"No way! I love you more than you could ever possibly love me!" said Aquarius.
"That's impossible!" said Taurus. Then Aquarius wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.
"Asking you out seven years ago was the best decision I've ever made," said Aquarius.
"I'm so glad you did. I can't imagine a life without you," said Taurus.
"Same!" said Aquarius. Then a slow song started playing at the house that was not too far away. Taurus and Aquarius started slow dancing with each other.
"Everything is so perfect with you. I can say without a doubt that we're soulmates," said Taurus.
"You think so?" asked Aquarius.
"Yeah. What about you?" asked Taurus.
"Definitely." Then Aquarius grabbed a small box from his pocket and got on one knee. Taurus gasped and she felt tears of joy gather in her eyes. "Taurus, you make me happier than I've ever been before. I know in my heart that we're perfect for each other. There's nothing I want more than to live the rest of my life by your side. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met so please... will you marry-" Aquarius' eyes went wide and all of the sudden Taurus was pushed away from the road.

Taurus groaned and rubbed her temples. Her head was spinning and there was a sharp pain in her side. She slowly sat up and she could not believe the scene in front of her. There was a car and laying down in a pool of blood was Aquarius, the man that was just about to propose to her. Taurus felt her whole world shatter. In the blink of an eye all of this happened.
"AQUARIUS!" screeched Taurus. Ignoring the pain the ran through her Taurus crawled over to Aquarius and held him in her arms. She was sobbing while she took out her phone and called 9-1-1.
"Tau...rus..." Taurus gasped and looked at Aquarius. He smiled weakly at her.
"AQUARIUS! You have to stay awake okay? Help is on the way. Don't close your eyes! If you close them then we won't be able to get married," said Taurus.
"It... hurts.."
"Shh! I know baby. Just stay with me until the ambulance gets here okay?" asked Taurus.
"Talk... to... m-me."
"You have to stay with me okay? In the future we'll have a big wedding and we'll start a family together. We'll have kids and they'll love us and we'll be the perfect family. We'll be able to travel the world together but you have to stay with me okay?" asked Taurus.
"So... rry. I... love... y-you." Aquarius closed his eyes.
"Aquarius? NO AQUARIUS DON'T! YOU HAVE TO STAY WITH ME! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITHOUT YOU! AQUARIUS OPEN YOUR EYES!" Taurus started sobbing. "IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES! I LOVE YOU YOU CANT LEAVE ME!" Taurus didn't stop crying. Not even when the ambulance arrived.

Taurus was in the waiting room. She refused to leave until she was allowed to see Aquarius. She's been here for three days. She heard that Aquarius was hit by a drunk driver and he was now in a coma on life support. There's still a chance. We still have a chance at happiness together. Thought Taurus. She curled her knees against her chest. She wasn't able to sleep at all.
"Taurus... we need to see you for a second," said a doctor. Taurus got up and sprinted over to Aquarius' room.
"Is he alive?" Taurus grabbed the doctor by the collar with wide eyes. The doctor shook his head.
"Listen... there's absolutely no chance he can wake up from this coma. I talked to his family and they've agreed that it would be best to take him off life support. I'm sorry for your loss." Taurus felt her heart sink. She could of swore that is was made of stone. She opened the door and ran into the room. Aquarius was pale and he already looked like a corpse.
"Aquarius! You need to wake up now! They're going to take you off life support so you have to wake up!" Taurus started violently shaking Aquarius while sobbing. "WAKE UP AQUARIUS! WAKE UP BEFORE THEY KILL YOU! DON'T DO THIS TO ME! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!" The doctor stared pulling Taurus away. She screamed and kicked until he let her go. "AQUARIUS WAKE UP! I KNOW YOU'RE STILL ALIVE IN THERE! WAKE UP!" A few more nurses came and they all grabbed onto Taurus. Taurus started screaming at the top of her lungs and kicking. "No! NO! STOP! HE'S ALIVE I KNOW HE IS! DON'T KILL HIM! STOP! WAKE UP AQUARIUS! DON'T YOU DARE KILL HIM! AQUARIUS! I LOVE YOU! WAKE UP!" The doctor closed the door and locked it. Taurus broke free from the nurses and started pounding on the door. "DON'T KILL HIM! YOU'RE A MURDERER! YOU CAN'T KILL HIM! AQUARIUS PLEASE WAKE UP!" The next thing Taurus felt a sharp pain in her arm and the world went black.

Taurus woke up in a hospital bed. There was a nurse checking up on her.
"Where am I?" asked Taurus.
"You're in the hospital," replied the nurse. Taurus remembered what happened. She smiled.
"Oh! I got hit by the car didn't I?" asked Taurus.
"Pardon?" asked the nurse.
"The car didn't hit Aquarius, it hit me! That's why I'm in the hospital. I had a dream that it hit him instead. Is he alright? Where is he?" asked Taurus with hopeful eyes.
"Uh... you're in here because when they took your friend off life support you were throwing a tantrum. I injected a syringe in your arm to make you pass out," explained the nurse apologetically.
"So... Aquarius is..." Taurus' lip trembled. "Dead?" The nurse nodded. Taurus didn't know how it was possible for it to physically hurt so much to lose him.

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