Leo (f) x Taurus (m)

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Leo waited in line to audition. She wanted to get the main part in the play that the drama troupe was doing. Leo stayed up all night rehearsing, and she wanted to play that character so bad.

Suddenly, the gym doors opened and Sagittarius walked out.

"How did it go?" asked Leo.

"Good, I think. The drama teacher just sits in the middle of the gym and mostly listens to you."

"Okay." She waited nervously.

Eventually, it was Leo's turn. She walked into the gym and stood up on the stage. Leo was really nervous, but she still tried her best.


The next day, Leo was talking to Sagittarius at school.

Leo sighed. "They said they'd put up the list of people who got a part in the play at lunch."

"I'm sure they'll put it up."

Leo was really excited to see if she got the part in the play or not. As they were walking, they saw a crowd of students.

"Maybe they put the list on that wall," shrugged Sagittarius. Leo and Sagittarius ran over to the crowd.

"Excuse me, why is there so many people here?" asked Leo.

"Because the list for the drama play is there," replied Virgo, confidently.

Leo pushed her way through the crowd to see the list. As soon as she saw her name for the main character in the play, she didn't pay attention to any other names."I got the part!"

Sagittarius grinned. "Really? Congrats! I'd be nice if I could see the list to know if I got a part or not."

"I'm pretty sure I saw your name when I looked for mine."

"I still need to see the list to make sure."

"Okay. I guess we can see if you got a part or not when everyone else goes away."


After school Leo, walked into the gym with Sagittarius and a few others.

"Okay guys. Let's not waste any time. I want to see how well all of you can perform. Start at scene one," announced the drama teacher. Everyone went backstage except for the people in scene one.

"Um... Leo?" asked Sagittarius.


Sagittarius smirked as she read the script. "Do you know who's playing the male lead? Because you and him have a kissing scene."


"QUIET BACKSTAGE!" roared the drama teacher.

Sagittarius shrugged. "I guess we'll just have to find out later."


The next day at school, Leo and Sagittarius were in class.

Sagittarius tapped Leo on the shoulder. "I figured out who the male lead is."

"Who is it?"

"It's Taurus. That guy over there!"

"I know who Taurus is." He's pretty hot. Hopefully he doesn't have bad breath... and I hope he's a good kisser.

"I can see it now. Taurus and Leo sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-"

"SHHHHHH!" Leo covered Sagittarius' mouth.

"You'll make such a cute couple."

"It's not like that!"

"If you say so."


Taurus was sitting in class. So Leo is playing the female lead in the play. That means I'll have to kiss her. I mean she's cute, but I hope it doesn't get awkward. Stupid kissing scene. Taurus didn't have a girlfriend because all the girls thought that he was way too hot for them, but Taurus thought that no girls talked to him because he was ugly. He was worried that Leo wouldn't want to do the kissing scene with him.


After school, the drama troupe went in the gym for another drama practice.

"Okay everyone. Let's start at the scene that we left off at last time!" ordered the drama teacher. Everyone went backstage except for Leo and a few others that were performing. Oh no. The kissing scene is coming up! Why am I so nervous? I've never kissed a guy before so maybe that's why. Leo glanced at the script. Uh oh. Kissing scene time.


Taurus looked at the script. Shoot! It's time to kiss Leo. Hopefully she won't mind. He leaned in and kissed her. After they pulled apart, Taurus smiled. Then both of them continued acting.


After the practice was over, Taurus was still backstage getting all his stuff. Leo walked up to him.

"Hey Taurus."


"I wanted to tell you that I liked that kiss today."

"Oh. Me too." Taurus blushed.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

"Sure. Sounds fun!"

"Awesome! I can't wait!" Leo skipped away.

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