Libra (f) x Virgo (m)

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Libra drummed her fingers on the table as she waited for her date. Today in school, a guy asked her out and they agreed to meet at that restaurant later on that night.

He was twenty minutes late.

The waitress approached her. "Hello miss, are you ready to order yet?"

"No thanks, he still might show up. I'll give him ten more minutes." Libra could see pity written all across the waitresses face as she walked away. Libra started tapping her foot.

All around her, strangers were giving her apologetic looks as they understood what Libra refused to believe. She was stood up by a jerk. No he'll be here any minute now. Traffic was probably really bad, or maybe his car broke down, Or maybe he fell and got hurt so now he's in the hospital. This was the tenth time she fed herself this lie. Or... Or maybe he's not coming after all.

Libra was about to leave, when a boy around her age sat down across from her. At first she thought it was him, but she realized she didn't know the boy across from her.

The boy blushed lightly as he spoke. "Sorry I'm late honey. I fell down and really hurt my ankle, but I came anyways just for you. I'm really sorry that I'm late."

Libra narrowed her eyes at the boy across from her. "Who are you and what are you doing?"

"I'm Virgo but I'm pretending to be your date."


"No problem."

The waitress happily approached with a big smile on her face. "Are you two ready to order now?"

Libra smiled and nodded. "Yes, we are."

Virgo glanced at his menu. "I'll have a fancy salad please."

"How can salads be fancy?" asked Libra.

"I don't know but I'm trying to sound sophisticated to impress you."

Libra laughed. "And I'll have a cheeseburger and fries please."

The waitress wrote their orders on a small notepad. "And for your drinks?"

"Root beer, please," replied Virgo.

"I'll have cream soda please."

The waitress nodded and walked away.

"Why are you helping me?" asked Libra.

"Because I felt bad for you, and I was also sitting alone so I decided to pretend to be your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend, just this jerk that asked me out."

"Forget about him. He's a loser."

"You're right. So, tell me about yourself."

"I don't really know what to say. I, uh... I like to draw."

"Me too."



After their meal, Libra smiled at Virgo. "Thanks for pretending to be my date. I really had fun tonight."

"No problem. I had fun too."

"Want to maybe go on another date sometime?"

"That's a really good idea." Then they both split the bill and left.


  The next day at school, Libra was walking in the hallway when she saw the guy that stood her up. Don't react. Don't let him get a reaction out of you. He doesn't deserve it.

She looked away and kept walking.

"Hey Libra~" purred the guy. Libra walked faster. The guy chased after her. "Libra!"

Libra was about to run when someone grabbed her shoulder violently and spun her around. "What?"

"I wasn't at that restaurant last night because I was sick." He's not even sorry and he's lying through his teeth while making a pathetic excuse.

"Well, you had your chance. Later." She tried to walk away but his grip tightened on her shoulder. Libra yelped in pain. Then she felt the hand release her shoulder. Libra took a few steps away and turned around to see Virgo there.

Virgo stood between her and the guy. "You had your chance and now she's done with you. Let it go."

"And why should I listen to you. I'm will-" before he finished his threat, Virgo took Libra's hand and both of them ran away not caring about the "no running in school" rule.

After getting away, they sat on the field outside their school.

"Thanks for helping me." Libra ran her hands through her hair. "Why do some people have to be such assholes?"

Virgo sighed. "I don't know, but I'll deal with him if he continues trying to talk to you."

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Its just my personality. I always try to help people."

Libra nodded. "I'm glad that jerk stood me up. I wouldn't have met you otherwise."

Virgo pulled Libra into a hug. "I'm also glad I got to meet you."

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