Taurus (f) x Virgo (m)

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Taurus was walking around in the park next to her house. It was a warm sunny day with a nice cool breeze. Today Taurus was bored, so she decided to leave the house for a few hours. She sat down on a bench and ate a sandwich she packed while watching little kids chasing each other. Taurus was relaxing and wishing she was a little kid again when she heard a scream. She grabbed her bag and ran over to see what was going on.

In the forest behind the park, there was a boy on the ground with three other people surrounding him. Two of them were girls and the other was a guy.

"Hey where did you get your shoes? At the loser shop?" asked a girl.

"Umm... No I actually got them at Payless but while I was at the loser shop I saw a shirt just like yours. Coincidence right?" He was trying not be be nervous.

"Why you little-"

"Let's just take his bag and get out of here," sighed the second girl.

"No! Please don't do that!" The boy hugged his bag close to his chest.

"Why? Got something to hide in there?" asked the first girl.

"N-No it's just homework but stealing is wrong."

The guy that was with the girls reached for the bag when Taurus jumped in the way. "What the heck? Where did that little girl come from?"

Taurus looked him in the eyes. "Stealing is wrong and I won't let you take that bag."

The second girl crossed her arms. "Aww how cute. She thinks she can stop us all by herself."

"Listen, if you don't move right now, I'm going to hurt you," warned the guy.

"Run," whispered Taurus.

The boy on the ground shook his head. "No. They'll beat you up and I won't let them."

The guy punched Taurus in the face so hard her nose started to bleed and pushed the other boy back on the ground. Then he looked through the bag and dumped a bunch of papers on the ground. After that, all three of them laughed and walked away.

"Are you alright? I can't believe they did that. I'm sorry you had to get punched." The boy gave Taurus a tissue that he had in his bag, for her nosebleed.

"It's alright. I haven't seen you before what's your name?"

"I'm Virgo. And I'm new to this area. What's yours?"

"I'm Taurus. Since you're new, do you have any friends yet?"

"No actually I don't. Do you want to be my friend?"


"You really didn't have to protect me. They could of really hurt you."

"I'd rather get hurt then stand by while someone else gets bullied."

Virgo smiled. "Then you're very brave. Thank you for that."

"How did you end up cornered by those guys? Do you know them?"

"I don't know how because I don't know them. They probably saw my bag and all my stuff and assumed that I had money or something in my bag." Then he remembered something and quickly opened a small pocket inside his bag. "Oh no. OH NO. Its gone! I can't find it. I really need to find it. It's a small keychain. Can you please help me find it?"

"Sure." Taurus noticed her nose bleed stopped, so she put her tissue in her bag and searched for Virgo's keychain while helping him out all his papers back in his bag. "Oh! Is this it?" She held a small old little keychain with a heart.

"Yes that's it! Thank you so much again. I was worried that I lost it."

"If you don't mind could you tell me why that keychain is so special?"

"It was my mom's. She gave it to me before... before she... before..." Then Virgo started tearing up.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Taurus gave him a hug and tried to comfort him.

"I'm sorry I just started tearing up like that. It's just that I was so close to her."

"It's alright. I understand. Well I don't really understand but I can imagine what you're going through."

"Thanks. You're a good friend."

"You seem like a nice friend."

"Want to go get some hot chocolate or something? You helped me twice so I'll pay. It will be my treat."

"Sure but you don't have to pay."

"No. You helped me, so I'll do something nice for you."

"Wow thanks. It's been a while since someone did something nice for me." Then they got up. "Do you like hot chocolate? Wait that seems like a dumb thing to say since you just offered to go get some."

Virgo chuckled. "Yes I do. Now come on! We only need to walk for five minutes do you mind?"

"Not at all."


When they got there, they sat at two seats next to the window. They ordered their hot chocolate, and got to know each other better. Virgo was glad he made a new friend. He didn't have to worry about trying to make new friends anymore.

After they were done, they walked back to the park because that's where their cars were.

Taurus smiled. "I had fun today. I hope I can see you again."

"Oh. Yeah me too." Then they exchanged phone numbers. "Well, I guess I'll see you later."

Taurus gave him a hug. "Bye Virgo."

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