Aries (f) x Gemini (f) x Libra (f)

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*** This chapter and the ones after it are under editing, read at own risk***

Gemini and Libra were in class.
"Ugh we're starting our project for that novel we just read in class, today," said Gemini.
"I still don't know what to do," said Libra.
"We could do a movie poster," suggested Gemini.
"Everyone does movie posters. We need to do a project that no one else is going to do," said Libra.
"You're right," said Gemini.
"Okay everyone. Get into groups of two," ordered the teacher. Gemini and Libra pushed their desks together.
"Miss... I don't have a partner," said someone.
"Oh right. You're the new kid. Does anyone want Aries to join their group?" asked the teacher.
"Should we invite her over here?" asked Gemini.
"Maybe she can give us an idea," said Libra.
"Exactly what I was thinking!" said Gemini.
"She can join us!" shouted Libra. Aries smiled and pushed a desk beside theirs.
"Hi. I'm Gemini and this is Libra," said Gemini.
"Hi. Nice to meet you," replied Aries shyly.
"Aww you're shy? Don't worry we're nice," said Libra.
"So, do you have any ideas?" asked Gemini.
"I didn't read the novel yet," replied Aries.
"Uh oh. You'll have a lot of reading to do tonight," said Libra.
"Yeah. I'll read the book tonight and maybe we can discuss ideas tomorrow," said Aries.
"That's fine. It's not like we would of came up with any good ideas right now anyway. We want a project that will stand out," said Gemini.
"And we've already done all the ones that we can think of," added Libra.
"Okay," said Aries. Then she picked up the book and started reading while Gemini and Libra talked to each other.

When the bell rang everyone packed up their stuff. Aries walked over to her locker. She was getting her lunch bag out of her locker when Gemini and Libra walked up to her.
"Hey, we were wondering if you have anyone to hang out with yet," said Libra.
"I don't," said Aries.
"How about you hangout with us?" asked Gemini. Aries smiled.
"Sure." Then they walked into the cafeteria and sat down.
"You have a hamburger too?" asked Libra. Aries looked up and saw that Libra had a hamburger for lunch, just like her.
"We have the same thing for lunch! That's so cool!" said Aries.
"I have a frozen dinner," said Gemini.
"What classes do you guys have next?" asked Aries.
"Art," replied Libra.
"Math," replied Gemini.
"I'm going to art too!" said Aries.
"Really? You should come sit by me!" said Libra.
"Okay!" said Aries.

The bell rang while Aries and Libra walked to class. Gemini sighed as she walked over to her locker. She was feeling a little jealous of Aries. What if she takes my best friend? What if Libra decides to like her more? Thought Gemini.

The next day in language class Libra, Gemini and Aries sat in their group of three.
"I was thinking we could make a quilt," suggested Aries.
"A quilt?" asked Gemini and Libra at the same time.
"Yeah. We could design scenes from the book on little square pieces of fabric and sew it all together," suggested Aries.
"I don't know how to sew," said Libra.
"Me either," asks Gemini.
"I'll teach you guys," said Aries.
"Well, I bet no one else will think of that," said Gemini.
"Yeah. Good idea Aries!" said Libra. Aries blushed lightly.

A few weeks later it was time to present the projects. Aries, Libra and Gemini held their finished quilt up in front of the class.
"Here is our novel project," announced Gemini.
"We cut out little pieces of fabric, put designs on them, and sewed it all together," explained Libra. Then Aries explained what was going on in each scene.
"Who did the designing and the sewing?" asked the teacher.
"All three of us designed the scenes on the fabric," said Gemini.
"Gemini arranged the pieces of fabric in order while Aries and I sewed it together," explained Libra.
"Okay, good job girls," said the teacher. Then they sat down.
"Gemini you look like there's something bothering you," said Aries.
"It's nothing," muttered Gemini.
"Are you sure?" asked Libra. Then the lunch bell rang.
"I'll go save your seats in the cafeteria while you talk to Gemini," whispered Aries to Libra. Then Aries ran out of the classroom.
"You're replacing me with her," said Gemini.
"No I'm not!" said Libra.
"Over the past few weeks the two of you kept hanging out and talking to each other a lot and I'm scared that you're going to make her your new best friend," said Gemini. Then she got up and ran over to the cafeteria leaving Libra too shocked to move.

Ending 1: Gemini x Libra

"Gemini! Wait!" shouted Libra. She caught up to Gemini in the hallway.
"What?" asked Gemini.
"I'm sorry you felt that way. I'm not trying to replace you. Aries is new so I didn't want her to feel left out," explained Libra.
"Oh," replied Gemini.
"Gemini I'm serious! Can I make it up to you?" asked Libra.
"You're seriously not trying to replace me?" asked Gemini.
"Of course not! We've been friends since we were five!" said Libra. Then Gemini ran over to Libra and gave her a hug.
"I believe you," said Gemini.
"Thank goodness. I don't know what I'd do without you," said Libra. Gemini froze for a second. "Gemini?"
"Libra, can I tell you something?" asked Gemini.
"Yes?" asked Libra.
"I'm into girls," said Gemini.
"I love you too Gemini," joked Libra. Gemini blushed.
"I meant that as a joke. Do you actually like me?" asked Libra.
"I... uh... n-no-"
"Gemini I can tell you're lying!" said Libra.
"I really like you. I'm sorry," said Gemini.
"Don't say sorry, I like you too," said Libra.
"WHAT?!?" asked Gemini. Then Libra smiled and held Gemini's hand.
"I thought you would of found Narnia being in that closet for so long," said Libra. Gemini chuckled and they walked over to Aries.

Ending 2: Aries x Libra

After lunch Libra and Aries were sitting together in art.
"Gemini thinks that I'm replacing her with you," said Libra.
"Oh," replied Aries.
"I wish she could understand that that's not true!" said Libra.
"She's just not used to sharing her best friend. She will get over it. Maybe you could plan a night to hang out with her so she'll know you haven't forgotten about her," suggested Aries.
"That's a good idea!" said Libra.
"Wait, stay still. I'm going to draw you," said Aries.
"Huh?" asked Libra.
"Try not to move too much, alright?" asked Aries.
"Okay," replied Libra.

At the end of class Aries tapped Libra on the shoulder.
"Finished!" then she handed Libra the photo that she drew.
"Wow Aries. This is really good!" said Libra.
"That's because you're so pretty that it's impossible to draw a bad photo of you," said Aries. Libra blushed. Uh oh, do straight girls not talk like that? Thought Aries.
"Did you... flirt with me?" asked Libra. Now Aries' face was just as red as Libra's.
"I-I guess I did," admitted Aries. "Libra, I'm sorry-" Aries was cut off by a kiss.
"I was wondering why we kept spending so much time talking to each other but then I realized I liked you," admitted Libra.
"Really?" asked Aries.
"Yeah," replied Libra. Then Aries leaned on Libra's shoulder for the rest of that class.

Ending 3: Aries x Gemini

The next day Aries and Gemini were in math class together.
"Libra told me that you're scared that she's replacing you with me," said Aries.
"I don't want to talk about it," said Gemini.
"Well I-"
"Aries, less talking more working!" shouted the math teacher.

Later on they were all sitting in the cafeteria for recess.
"Hey Libra, can I talk to Gemini?" asked Aries.
"Sure," replied Libra before sitting somewhere else.
"What was that for?" asked Gemini.
"Gemini I'm not trying to steal your best friend," said Aries.
"I didn't say that you were trying to steal her," said Gemini.
"She's not going to replace you with me," said Aries. "You guys have been friends for a long time, she's not going to just forget you. Gemini understood that but she still felt odd about Libra and Aries spending so much time together.
"What about you being friends with me? You always talk to Libra and you don't talk to me as often," said Gemini.
"We can hang out sometime. How about we go to the theatre tonight?" asked Aries.
"Sure." Replied Gemini. Why am I so excited to hang out with her? Wasn't I jealous of her just a few minutes ago? Thought Gemini. Then realization hit her like a brick. I'm not jealous of Aries spending time with Libra. I'm jealous that Libra is spending time with Aries. But why?
"Hello? Gemini? You've been silent for a while," said Aries.
"I'm just thinking," replied Gemini.

Later on after the movie Gemini and Aries got in Aries' car.
"Aries I need to tell you something," said Gemini.
"Yes?" asked Aries.
"I know why I was jealous earlier. I wasn't jealous of Libra replacing me, I was jealous of Libra getting so close to you," said Gemini.
"But why?" asked Aries.
"Because... I think I like you," said Gemini.
"Oh," replied Aries.
"I'm sorry. You're probably mad at me," said Gemini.
"No I'm not," said Aries.
"Gemini I'm attracted to girls as well. I'd be happy to date you," said Aries. Gemini smiled.

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