I'm So Sorry [] Blue Beetle Part 2

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A month later...

"Now (Y/N), you haven't developed feeling for the boy, have you?" Vandal asked as he towered over me.

"No." I bluntly replied.

He hesitated for a moment. "Good, then it should be no problem to hand him over to e so I can eliminate him myself."

"Not at all."


"Team report to the mission room for mission briefing." Aqualads voice rang out through the WatchTower. I sighed, getting up from my position on my bed and gearing up. Once I had all my weapons, I walked out of my room, meeting the rest of the Team in the mission room.

"Team, Vandal Savage has been reported in Nicosia, Cyprus. I'm sending teams to go in and try to compromise him. Team Alpha, (H/N), Blue Beetle, Impulse, and Beast Boy, you're going first. Team Beta, Superboy, Miss Martian, Robin, Batgirl, and Lagoon Boy, I will send you in if Team Alpha are not able to compromise Savage. And Team Beta, Bumblebee, Wondergirl, Guardian, Static, and Tigress, I will send you if Team Beta does not compromise Savage then." Kaldur said.

Jaime, Bart, Garfeild and I all headed to the Zeta Beams. What seemed like hours later, we arrived in Nicosia. I sighed, knowing what was going to happen. As we walked, Jaime took my hand, whispering in my ear. "You alright princessa?"

I almost sobbed. "Y-ya. Just a bit nervous, that's all."

"Well maybe when we get back-"

"I hate to ruin your conversation," Garfeild interrupted. "But we got trouble." I looked at where he was looking to see Vandal, behind him an army. I scooted back, trying to get away, but Jaime stopped me. "Hey, don't worry, I'm right here. I'll be by your side the whole time."

"If only you knew..." I whispered, looking up at him.

"Knew what?"

"(H/N), I see you have followed orders. Turn him in and no harm shall be done to him or the rest of your team." Vandal said.

"(Y-(Y/N)?" Jaime stuttered. I looked up at the older boy once again.

Tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm so sorry..." Throwing him towards Vandal, Bart ran at me. I used his momentum to trip him, sending the speedster flying into the night. Garfield then charged at me in a gorilla form, to which I dodged him, my foot sparking with electricity as I kicked him in the back. He let out a roar then shrunk back to his normal self. Tears flowed down my face as I turned back to Vandal.

"I-I did what you said, now let me go." I demanded.

"As you wish." He did something with his hand as I felt something let go of me. Taking a deep breath, for a blissful moment, everything was peaceful. Then I collapsed, trying to breath.

"I-I'm sorry Jaime." I whispered as they took him off.

Darkness started to consume me as I whispered my last words. "I'm so sorry..."

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