I'm Fine [] Robin

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Requested by DamiansBeloved

Hey guys! I'm not dead! Yay!


Cheering erupted from the crowd as Haley's voice echoed through my ears. "Madams, e monsieurs, ladies, and gentlemen. Welcome! To the Haly International Traveling Circus! Where the world of deceiver is your oyster." He turned to Megan and Robin. "And these are our latest pearls, The Daring Dangers! Dan Danger! Dawn Danger! Diane Danger! Dane Danger! Dean Danger! And Daisy Danger!" 

As we showed off our talents, I watched as Robin soared through the air, a smile on his face. Conner tossed two barrels up, Megan and Robin swinging through them as Artemis and Roy shot arrows into the air. The silk rope holding me quickly unraveled, sending me towards the ground. "You'll never see another trapeze act like this folks! And all performed without a net! 

I watched as Robin landed on the platform once again, waving to the crowd. Megan did the same thing, then they started to swing towards one another.

Robin barely missed Megan's hand as he started to fall. "Robin!" Megan cried through the telepathic mind link.

"Don't blow our cover!" Robin exclaimed as he plummeted to the ground, the crowd screaming. 

"But saving your life's okay?" Conner tossed a barrel up to him, to which he then shot back into the air, his grip on Megan's hand returning.

"What did I just say?" Robin asked as Megan used her telekinesis. 

"The ground couldn't see me use telekinesis from below. Besides, I've been using it all night. I'm not exactly the acrobat you are." They both returned to one platform, smiling and waving at the crowd as the spectators cheered.

"Ya, neither am I right now. I think I caught that 24-hour bug that's been going around the circus. But, the show must go on." He replied grimly. 


"Advanced weapons tech has been stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe. And each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Halley Circus. Batman's sending us undercover to catch the thieves." Robin told us as Red Arrow walked in.

"This clown car have room for one more?" He asked.

Robin turned to face Red Arrow. "Uh, we got it covered." He replied.

Red Arrow leaned in to whisper something into Robin's ear. Robin turned to face Megan, Artemis, Conner, and I. I looked at him quizzically as he gave me a shrug and a small smile.


"Put your hands together for, The Daring Dangers!" We all stood side by side, waving at the crowd as Haley gestured to us. 

"Didn't think you'd make it through,"  Megan said to Robin through the mind link.

"Neither did I," Robin replied, glancing at her then glancing away. "Help me backstage."

We all walked backstage, Megan and I helping him. As we walked backstage, we saw the fire breathing guy and Ray talking. "Ray, have you seen my other torch?" He asked.

"Here," Ray replied, tossing him the torch. "You dropped it outside the train."

"Thanks, you're a life saver." The fire breathing guy replied.

"Break a leg," Ray added, giving him a pat on the back. I narrowed my eyes at Ray as we walked on. Haley introduced the fire breathing guy, the continued to walk backstage. 

"Haley, what's the deal? Giving the top slot to those Danger kids?" Another acrobatic act told Haley.

"That's our slot!" The second person said.

"Was your slot," Haley replied. "Until you missed that performance in Paris."

"Carlo was sick!" The first of the pair told Haley. "He's better now!" 

"Plus those Dangers are a sham. They say they are brothers and sisters, they don't even look alike!" Carlo added.

"Nah, you just don't like the competition." Haley waved them off, shoving past them.

He walked on, coming face to face with another person. "Ugh, for crying out loud. Not you again! We're in the middle of a show!"

"Then we'll talk after," The man replied. "But we will talk. Another city last week, another tech firm robbed, another stop on your tour. If I prove you're responsible, I will shut you down."

Haley glared at the man who was towering over him. "I've got three minutes to gather props and get back to the center ring." Haley walked passed the man, pushing the curtains aside and disappearing into the props area.

The man walked passed towards us, taking out a badge. "Fardel, Interpol. New act?"

"Yep, just joined the tour," Robin replied.

"Probably clears you," He put his badge away. "But don't get too comfortable, Haley's going down for this."

He started to walk away as Ray came up to us, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Everything alright?"

I shrugged his hand off, backing away from him. "Ya, everything is just fine."


"Superboy wa-" he threw me to the side, my body crumpling against the wall.

"Lanter!" Robin cried as I picked myself up.

"I'm good," I replied, getting up and flying towards Parasite.

"What do we have here? A Green Lantern? Oh, I couldn't," Parasite taunted.

I groaned as a green rope formed around my waist, anchoring me to the wall.

"Playing dirty are we?" The pull from Parasite became much stronger. I let out a yelp as the rope disappeared, sending me flying towards the villain. I dodged his outstretched hand, kicking him in the back.

Parasite fell to his knees, then whipped around to grab my feet. "Oh, such a rich dessert."

He dropped me onto the ground, my body curling up. "Lantern!" Robin picked me up, pulling me out of the way and placing me to the side.

Something hit me as I heard Parasite continuing to taunt.

My eyes started to droop as blackness started to come over me.

"(Y/N)!" Robin exclaimed.

I gave him a small smile, "Don't worry, I'll be f-fine,"


I awoke in a bed, bare white walls surrounding me. "W-where am I?"

Robin got up, coming to my side. "You're in the med bay,"

"Why?" I asked, sitting up. 

He only pushed me down, "In Geneva, we were fighting Parasite."

I nodded, "Ya, I know." I caught a glimpse of red rimming his eyes, then looked at his tousled hair. "You, okay?"

"Y-ya," He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm fine. But, when we were fighting Parasite, a beam collapsed on top of you, nearly killing you."

"Wow," I exclaimed. "Have I been asleep long?" 

"Two months," He replied grimly.

"Oh," I gasped. He hung his head as his body started to shake.

"Robi-" He cut me off by wrapping his arms around me, his glasses concealing his eyes falling off. 

"Please (Y/N), never scare me like that again." He cried into my shoulder. 

I hugged him back, placing my chin on the top of his raven black hair. "Never again,"

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